




求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:xiān qǐng






  1. 事先请示。

    《后汉书·党锢传·李膺》:“ 膺 知其状,率将吏卒破柱取 朔 ,付 洛阳 狱。受辞毕,即杀之。 让 诉冤於帝,詔 膺 入殿,御亲临轩,詰以不先请便加诛辟之意。” 王先谦 集解引 惠栋 曰:“ 建武 三年,詔曰:‘吏不满百石,下至墨綬长相,有罪先请。’ 朔 为县令,法应先请,然后加刑也。”



  1. Before we move on to the next point, let me just ask (name) to tell us about . . .


  2. Jack stepped back and made a motion with his hand indicating that Mary should go first . Please.


  3. If you ask for a helping hand, ask your associates to run possible leads and introductions by you before pursuing them.


  4. When rich people come to the World Cup they must come to Blikkiesdorp first to see for themselves how people are living.


  5. In fact, since the Han emperor existed since the first call upon the officials guilty of the system [4].


  6. After seating at table, invite guests some vegetables first, the guest of rest also wants to let one by one.


  7. Jane: Since he has to get the figures checked by someone in accounting, it's taking a while for him to finish them.


  8. A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first.


  9. I may, however, ask you to notice two things: first, the distinction which M.


  1. 先生, 您先请。

    After you, sir.

  2. 先生,您先请。

    After you,sir.

  3. 你先请,朋友

    After you, my friend.

  4. 阁下,您先请。

    After you, your excellency.

  5. 你先请,范晨。

    After you, Fetcher.

  6. 您先请是礼貌。

    After you is good manners.

  7. 你先请,格蕾医生

    After you, Dr. Grey.

  8. 我先请我们的来宾发言。

    I will first give the floor to our guest speakers.

  9. 先请学生回答, 再展示答案。

    First ask students to read the passage then ask some questions.

  10. 下午时她先请听众们提问。

    She led off the afternoon with questions from the audience.

  11. 好象风不错呀,要不您先请!

    Looks good, you go first!

  12. 我想先请您了解一下我们公司。

    I think you know our company.

  13. 你要不要在咖啡里加糖?你先请。

    Would you care for sugar in your coffee? After you.

  14. 事实上,你还要先请她喝一杯。

    In fact, you're going to buy her a drink first.

  15. 先请大家观看一段有关孟加拉的视频。

    I'll just take you to Bangladesh for a minute.

  16. 如果你想获得我的投资,先请人介绍。

    If you want to pitch me, get an introduction.

  17. 你行!事实上, 你还要先请她喝一杯。

    You can! In fact, youre going to buy her a drink first.

  18. 我是先请你喝一杯,还是你已经醉了?

    Can I buy you a drink or are you already lit?

  19. 在我们继续下一点前, 我先请告诉我们有关。

    Before we move on to the next point, let me just ask to tell us about

  20. 在找到之前我可以先请您用个晚餐吗?

    Before we find the hotel, may I first invite you for dinner?

  21. 先请坐,鲍勃。请问你申请的是什么工作呢

    Sit down. Firstly, Bob, can I ask which job you are applying for.

  22. 先请约翰呢方檀和尼诺两个同咱们一道吃饭。

    Ask Johnny Fontane and Nino up to eat with us.

  23. 我先请希望在表决之前发言的卡塔尔代表发言。

    I shall first call on the representative of Qatar, who wishes to make a statement before the voting.

  24. 你是想要先请我顿晚餐,或是我们应该去你的。

    You want to buy me dinner first, or should we go to your.

  25. 先请长辈入座,帮父母盛饭,有好吃的菜先让给父母。

    Let the elders be seated first, help the parents with the food.

  26. 先请汪总对大头无线做一个简单的介绍吧!

    Ask Wang Zong first wireless to big head make a simple introduction!

  27. 今天, 先请两位同学来示范扭胯和摆臀的动作。

    Today We need two to demonstrate the hip twist and the bum swing.

  28. 如果老师想和你谈话,他也会礼貌的先请你坐下。

    And if teachers want to have a word with you, they politely ask you to sit down first.

  29. 无论是谁替谁口交,进行之前最好先请清洗一下生殖器。

    Regardless of who is who for oral sex, before the first call upon the best cleaning the genitals.

  30. 我给你提个建议。我想先请您了解一下我们公司。名片。

    Well, I have a proposition for you. I think you know our company. This is my card.