




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:shān jiǎo








  1. 山接近平地的部分。

    唐 崔橹 《重阳日次荆南路经武宁驿》诗:“茱萸冷吹溪口香,菊花倒遶山脚黄。” 宋 陆游 《野步书触目》诗:“最怜山脚水,撩乱入陂塘。”《老残游记》第一回:“好在我们山脚下有的是渔船,何不驾一隻去。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第五章:“将要下到山脚, 郭祥 让部队停止下来,在山坡上观察了一会儿。”



  1. Even with its creative features, it's starting from the bottom of a steep hill, at the top of which sit the more established recipe sites.

  2. But what irked him wasn't a green graveyard at the bottom of the hill. It was that other ghost out of his childhood.

  3. Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, 'Be careful that you do not go up the mountain or touch the foot of it.

  4. The house, nearly but not quite on the top of the hill, always seemed as if it might slide off into the corn fields below.

  5. Resisting the desire to turn back, Maggie drove along the familiar lanes that lead to the parking bay at the foot of the hill.

  6. Already, the skeleton of an enormous conveyor belt snakes out of the refinery and up to the foot of the mountain.

  7. The abrupt decrease in transporting power causes a stream to drop most of its load of sediments near the base of a mountain.

  8. So one day Huan Zang got up very early and went to the mountainside alone, bringing a lunchbox with him.

  9. "It used to be much wetter here when I was a boy, " Hamad Reesi said, as our S. U. V. lurched up a gravel switchback in the foothills.


  1. 向山脚行军

    approach march.

  2. 小山的山脚

    the foot of a hill.

  3. 山脚的人造瀑布

    An artifical fall at the foot of Mt.Emei

  4. 部队驻扎在山脚。

    The troop stationed in the foot of the hill.

  5. 山脚向着河畔倾斜。

    The hill declines to the river.

  6. 我将跪于山脚

    Am Fuss der Berge will ich knien.

  7. 在山脚下附近

    near the foot of a mountain

  8. 村子在山脚下。

    The village is at the foot of the mountain.

  9. 我们在山脚上野餐。

    We picnicked at the base of the mountain.

  10. 他们按时到达了山脚。

    They got to the base of mountain on time.

  11. 隧道完全贯穿整个山脚。

    The tunnel runs clear through the base of the mountain.

  12. 隧道完全贯穿整个山脚。

    The tunnel runs clear through the base of the mountain.

  13. 在山脚下的军营

    a base camp on the skirt of the mountain.

  14. 那村庄位於山脚下。

    The village nestled at the foot of the hill.

  15. 这个堡寨坐落在山脚。

    The fenced-in village lies at the foot of a hill.

  16. 我们在山脚下宿营。

    We camped at the foot of the hill.

  17. 我们在山脚下扎营。

    We camped at the base of the mountain.

  18. 他们在山脚下扎营。

    They pitched at the foot of the mountain.

  19. 那村庄位于山脚下。

    The village nestled at the foot of the hill.

  20. 工厂坐落在山脚下。

    The factory is located at the foot of a hill.

  21. 向导把我们带领到山脚。

    The guide led us to the foot of the mountain.

  22. 士兵们在山脚下安营。

    The soldiers encamped at the foot of the hill.

  23. 山脚下,新绿亮丽耀眼。

    Dazzling shiny green under the foothills.

  24. 有志登山顶,无志站山脚。

    A strong will makes you success.

  25. 他一直跑到山脚下。

    He ran down to the foot of the hill.

  26. 山脚下有一座寺庙。

    A temple stands at the foot of the mountain.

  27. 山脚下有一群绵羊。

    There is a flock of sheep at the foot of the hill.

  28. 山脚下有几排帐篷。

    There are rows of tents at the foot of the mountain.

  29. 他一到山脚就昏倒了。

    Scarcely had he reached the foot of the mountain when he passed out.

  30. 这个旅馆安置在山脚下。

    The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley.


  1. 问:山脚拼音怎么拼?山脚的读音是什么?山脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脚的读音是shānjiǎo,山脚翻译成英文是 foothills

  2. 问:山脚沟拼音怎么拼?山脚沟的读音是什么?山脚沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脚沟的读音是shān jiǎo gōu,山脚沟翻译成英文是 hillside ditch


