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1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……
汉语拼音:zhuī jī
《史记·绛侯周勃世家》:“太尉出精兵追击,大破之。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·巨马水》:“ 袁本初 遣别将 崔巨业 攻 固安 不下,退还, 公孙瓚 追击之於 巨马水 。” 王闿运 《桂阳陈侍郎行状》:“缘山追击,躪践坠死,遗弃枪礮旗械亙数十里。”
Along with the 1st Maryland Regiment they were able to repel the British, allowing Washington and his troops to make a safe retreat.
此役他们协同马里兰州第一步兵团击退了追击的英军,使得华盛顿所部得以全身而退。Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet like a howling dog in pursuit of its tail.
低压气团环绕这个星球的底部径自一路向东,它们互相追赶,狂躁如狗类在追击自己尾巴。He said clashes were under way Tuesday and that Col. Gadhafi's forces were also firing mortar rounds toward the center.
他说,周二冲突仍在继续,卡扎菲部队也向市中心发射了追击炮弹。The small force will excel in deep maneuvers into vulnerable enemy territory , with the hope that the enemy will give chase and surround it.
小型化军队在深入易受攻击的敌方境内机动方面有优势,敌人总是希望能够追击并包围它。We call this shift the continuation of our defensive and the enemy's pursuit the continuation of his offensive.
这种事实,我们把它叫做防御的继续,而把敌人的追击叫做进攻的继续。He was about to ask for another translation when the bridge screens were filled with the horror of the Pursuer plunging down at them.
他还想再问一遍这词的翻译的时候,舰桥的屏幕上突然出现了追击者扑向他们的恐怖画面。He slices through the sky, chasing the enemy and even endangering any DECEPTICON that gets in his way.
他划过长空,追击敌人,甚至危及到挡在他路上的自己人。If the enemy is in the depths, plunge in after him. Seek the enemy as if searching for a lost child, seek him without any doubt and fast.
搜找敌人要象搜找丢失的孩子一样迫切,毫不迟疑地追击,所以能打败敌人,致敌于死命。and that her speed should enable her to make an 'end run' and thrust at the transports.