







汉语拼音:jiàn kè







  1. 精于剑术的人。

    《汉书·李陵传》:“臣所将屯边者,皆 荆 楚 勇士奇材剑客也。” 南朝 梁 江淹 《别赋》:“剑客慙恩,少年报士。” 宋 陆游 《剑客行》:“浪迹潜山海,岁晚得剑客。” 高士其 《谈眼镜》:“当时有一位近视眼的 罗马 皇帝曾用过它,闭上一只眼睛,来观看剑客们的决斗。”

  2. 现亦指击剑运动员。


  3. 特指刺客。

    《后汉书·孔融传》:“ 河南 官属耻之,私遣剑客欲追杀 融 。”《后汉书·宦者传·吕强》:“今羣臣皆以 邕 为戒,上畏不测之难,下惧剑客之害,臣知朝廷不復得闻忠言矣!” 李贤 注:“谓 蔡邕 徙 朔方 时, 阳球 使剑客追刺 邕 也。”



  1. The glory and life of a swordsman lie in the very sword clenched in his hands.


  2. The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.


  3. "She was a swordsman, " he said finally.


  4. Although down-and-out, he leads a very regular life. Everyday he'd come here to drink and eat his meals. . . . and he'd leave at sunset.


  5. We fought long and hard. Detchard was an excellent swords-man, and I was growing tired.


  6. Since then, he ignored the swordsman and no longer financing their cost of living.


  7. He brought the famous Dutch trio of Van Basten , Gullit and Rijkaard a year later.


  8. With the year 2007 coming to an end, we sincerely hope that the diligent "trio" can lead the hotel to reap yet bigger success.


  9. He's one of the best swordsmen around. It won't be an easy job.


  1. 网页三剑客

    web three musketeers.

  2. 豪情三剑客

    Splitting Heirs The Three Musketeers.

  3. 剑术高超的剑客

    a fine swordsman

  4. 她是最优秀的剑客。

    He was the best wizard and she was the best swordsman.

  5. 那些剑客都披著护具。

    The swordsmen wore chest protectors.

  6. 你知道我最爱剑客了。

    As you know, I favor swordsman.

  7. 是名优秀的剑客和学者

    Is a fine swordsman and scholar

  8. 带香槟和三剑客糖果棒?

    Bring champagne and a Musketeers bar.

  9. 古代女剑客换装小游戏

    Ancient female Swordsmen Facelift Games

  10. 我是无所畏惧的剑客靴猫

    I am Puss In Boots. I fear nothing!

  11. 古代女剑客换装游戏攻略

    Ancient female Swordsmen Facelift Introduction

  12. 他是最优秀的巫师。她是最优秀的剑客。

    He was the best wizard and she was the best swordsman.

  13. 狂剑客的冲锋技能能够升级吗?

    Is the Zealot charge ability an upgrade as well?

  14. 人们说这是至今最伟大的剑客?

    The great swordsman people say was ever written?

  15. 武侠小说里经常出现怪样儿得高手剑客。

    There are lots of sword masters in swordsman fiction who have strange appearances.

  16. 武侠小说里经常出现怪样儿的高手剑客。

    There are lots of sword masters in swordsman fiction who have strange appearances.

  17. 武侠小说里经常出现怪样儿的高手剑客。

    There are lots of sword masters in swordsman fiction who have strange appearances.

  18. 曾经东邪西毒剑客,共赴华山论剑。

    Time has feline, a Huashan Media.

  19. 古代有多少剑客都自刭在自己的剑下。

    In ancient times, many swordsmen committed suicide by cutting their own throats.

  20. 古代有多少剑客都自刭在自己的剑下。

    In ancient times, many swordsmen committed suicide by cutting their own throats.

  21. 剑客缴了对手的械,并对其乱刺一气。

    The swordsman disarmed his opponent and ran him through.

  22. 他是当今数一数二的剑客,恐怕并不容易杀掉他。

    He's one of the most skilled swordsman around. It won't be a easy job.

  23. 他虽然是个落魄的剑客,但是生活却很有规律。

    Although down and out, he leads a very regular life.

  24. 在一场世界最佳剑客的角逐赛上,季军登上了舞台。

    At an exhibition of the worlds best swordsman, the thirdplace fencer took the stage.

  25. 全场安静下来,观众都期待世界上最厉害剑客的表演。

    A hush fell in anticipation of the worlds greatest swordsman.

  26. 最伟大得剑客完全没有击中目标, 而他还在继续笑。

    The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

  27. 最伟大的剑客完全没有击中目标,而他还在继续笑。

    The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

  28. 自此, 他不再理会那些剑客, 也不再支助他们的生活费用。

    Since then, he ignored the swordsman and no longer financing their cost of living.

  29. 荆轲先生是最有名的剑客,被送往秦国杀嬴政国王。

    Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, Yingzheng.

  30. 其实去扮演一个武功高强剑术高超的剑客挺具有挑战的。

    It was very intimidating to go out and portray a very skilled fighter and swordsman.


  1. 问:剑客拼音怎么拼?剑客的读音是什么?剑客翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剑客的读音是jiànkè,剑客翻译成英文是 chivalrous swordsman; fencer, a person who take...



“剑客”是个多义词,它可以指剑客(昆仑世界中的剑客), 剑客(唐代齐己诗词), 剑客(基础含义), 剑客(《刀剑2》主职业“剑客”), 剑客(唐代贾岛诗词), 剑客(水浒Q传中的剑客)。