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And with stronger possible justification: Miss Bhutto's killer is alleged to have approached to within 20 yards of her car, carrying a gun.
一条说得通的理由就是:据称,身着警察制服的刺杀者手持枪械,并且接近布托所乘汽车20码的范围。No gunshots were heard by witnesses weapon was used. This strengthens the theory that this was a professional hit.
没有任何证人听到枪械使用的声音,这大大加强了这是一次非常专业的行动的说法的可信度。We had a report that someone might be smuggling drugs and firearms into Denmark from Germany in a vehicle similar to yours.
我们收到一份报告说有人开着类似你们的车从德国可能要走私毒品和枪械到丹麦来。It popped each seed into a chamber for distribution just as his gun placed bullets into the breach for firing.
这种机器能将每粒种子打进机器内室以进行撒播,正如他的枪械将子弹上进枪膛以进行发射。President Obama says he's cracking down on violent drug cartels at the Mexican border. He's getting tough . . . with a form.
美国枪械协会观点:购枪表格并不能扼止贩毒团伙奥巴马总统说他将镇压墨西哥边境上的暴力贩毒团伙。他变得强硬…不过使用表格而已。'The trajectory of the shots and all of the ammunition used in this horrific crime will be examined, ' he said.
他说,将对此次骇人听闻的犯罪事件中的子弹弹道轨迹和所有枪械弹药进行检查。Acquaintances described him as a gun-loving Norwegian obsessed with what he saw as the threats of multiculturalism and Muslim immigration.
在其熟人印象里,他是一名枪械爱好者并沉迷于其所谓的多元文化主义以及穆斯林移民威胁。He was born in the hardscrabble South. His father was a drunk who killed his own brother in a gunfight.
他生于贫瘠荒芜的美国南部,父亲是一名酒鬼,在一次枪械格斗中击毙了兄长。That the counter will be closed, and the applicant facing a loaded rifle and told to leave, is not considered.