


船。行船或飞行:~海。~空。~天。~行(xíng )。~班。民~。……





汉语拼音:háng jì










  1. The results of simulation experiment show that this algorithm can effectively accomplish the track correlation.


  2. Route planning is an up-to-date technique for the very low altitude penetration.


  3. In a correction of this situation we always head to the left but track to the right to make the aircraft on intended heading.


  4. If an attacking aircraft was exactly in the centre between the two beams, the pilot 's course would be continuously illuminated.


  5. The German commander persisted on his course to the southwest , leaving behind a marked oil trace .


  6. Then the filtered data of a lot of radars was merged with the linear weighting to get the only track.


  7. You are still 30 KM right of the course , request more correction to the left , I will let you know when you're back on track .


  8. The independent sequential track algorithm considered all the tracks, track correlation mass and multivalency processing methods.


  9. However, the increasing number of measurements in practical process will lead to a combinatorial explosion of hypothetical tracks.


  1. 潜望镜航迹

    periscope wake.

  2. 航迹标绘台

    tracking table.

  3. 航迹标绘仪

    navigation plotter.

  4. 航迹推算描绘仪

    dead reckoning tracer

  5. 航迹轴速度坐标轴

    flight path axis

  6. 自动航迹标绘仪

    automatic plot tracer

  7. 你在航迹的右面。

    You are right of track.

  8. 左转航向090,调整航迹。

    Turn left heading 090 for track adjustment.

  9. 航迹自绘器标绘台

    odograph course tracing table

  10. 具有按航迹返航功能

    Has a function of return by course of navigation trace

  11. 飞行器航迹规划算法综述

    Introduction of Air Vehicle Path Planning Algorithms

  12. 航迹仪误差分析和控制

    Analysis and Control of Track Plotter Errors

  13. 修正的逻辑航迹起始算法。

    Track initiation algorithm based on th.

  14. 我们现在回到航迹了吗?

    Are we coming track now?

  15. 高超声速飞行器滑行航迹优化

    Optimization of glide trajectory for a hypersonic vehicle

  16. 基于进化计算的航迹规划方法。

    Route planning basedon evolutionary.

  17. 单物标三方位求航迹向

    Finding the course made good by three bearing of single object

  18. 你船的航迹和参照线平行。

    Your track is paralleled with reference line.

  19. 飞行计划管理中航迹关联算法

    Discussion on Track Association Algorithm to Flight Plan Management

  20. 班轮驶过留下的白沫翻腾的航迹。

    The foaming white wake of the liner

  21. 班轮驶过留下得白沫翻腾得航迹。

    The foaming white wake of the liner.

  22. 巡航导弹中制导阶段航迹规划算法

    Trajectory Programming Algorithm for Cruise Missile Guidance

  23. 一类航迹操舵仪的系统设计

    System design of a track keeping autopilot

  24. 基于地球椭球体模型的航迹计算

    Track Calculation Based on Ellipsoidal Model of the Earth

  25. 基于视觉量角计的航迹修正算法

    Visual Protractor Based Track Correction

  26. 轮船驶过, 留下了白沫翻腾的航迹。

    When the ship sailed, the foaming white wake of the liner was left.

  27. 巡航导弹航迹规划代价函数的改进研究

    Improvement of Cost Function for Route Planning of a Cruise Missile

  28. 关于航迹计算中分纬度求经差法

    Study to improve middle latitude sailing

  29. 请求向航迹 方绕行30公里以避开雷雨。

    Request circumnavigation 30 km right of track to avoid the thunderstorm.

  30. 相关噪声情况下航迹的关联及融合算法

    Tracks Association and Fusion in Case of Correlated Noises


  1. 问:航迹角拼音怎么拼?航迹角的读音是什么?航迹角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹角的读音是háng jì jiǎo,航迹角翻译成英文是 track bearing

  2. 问:航迹反馈拼音怎么拼?航迹反馈的读音是什么?航迹反馈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹反馈的读音是háng jì fǎn kuì,航迹反馈翻译成英文是 Back Tell

  3. 问:航迹跟踪拼音怎么拼?航迹跟踪的读音是什么?航迹跟踪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹跟踪的读音是háng jì gēn zōng,航迹跟踪翻译成英文是 Track in Track

  4. 问:航迹修正器拼音怎么拼?航迹修正器的读音是什么?航迹修正器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹修正器的读音是háng jì xiū zhèng qì,航迹修正器翻译成英文是 track corrector

  5. 问:航迹分析区拼音怎么拼?航迹分析区的读音是什么?航迹分析区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹分析区的读音是háng jì fēn xī qū,航迹分析区翻译成英文是 Flight Path Analysis Area

  6. 问:航迹自绘仪拼音怎么拼?航迹自绘仪的读音是什么?航迹自绘仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹自绘仪的读音是háng jì zì huì yí,航迹自绘仪翻译成英文是 navigation plotter

  7. 问:航迹地面投影拼音怎么拼?航迹地面投影的读音是什么?航迹地面投影翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹地面投影的读音是háng jì dì miàn tóu yǐng,航迹地面投影翻译成英文是 ground track

  8. 问:航迹地面投影线拼音怎么拼?航迹地面投影线的读音是什么?航迹地面投影线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航迹地面投影线的读音是háng jì dì miàn tóu yǐng xiàn,航迹地面投影线翻译成英文是 Ground Track Line



航迹 hángjì [track;wake]∶船舶、舰艇、鱼雷航行时在水面所留下的痕迹,战斗中可根据敌人舰艇航迹发现敌人或根据敌人鱼雷航迹避开鱼雷攻击 [flight path;flight track]∶飞机、火箭等飞行器在空中或空间中形成或遵循的飞行轨迹 [track made good]∶飞机在地球表面之上的实际轨迹,或其图上表示