







汉语拼音:huì cuì








  1. 聚集;会集。多用于人才或精美之物。

    清 薛福成 《出使四国日记·光绪十七年正月十九日》:“又考 法国 之 立墉 一镇……与 中国 之 苏 杭 相等,实为 欧洲 丝业薈萃之区。” 康有为 《<人境庐诗草>序》:“及久游 英 美 ,以其自有 中国 之学,採 欧 美 人之长,薈萃鎔铸而自得之,尤倜儻自负,横览举国,自以无比。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致章廷谦》:“于会场中,一览了荟萃于 上海 的革命作家,然而以我来看,皆茄花色。”



  1. Gathered here are images of Steve Jobs, along with a few remembrances from around the world.


  2. The company headquarter locates in the aged city of pleasing landscapes and teeming cultures , Yangzhou , China .


  3. Test the outcome trials in Prof. Staessen's meta-regression diagram to see if the Asian trials fit into the slope.


  4. Systematic meta-analyses of these studies currently highlight more than 20 loci that have modest but significant effects on AD risk.


  5. Shaanxi is one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization, with a galaxy of cultural relics and historic sites.


  6. Twenty Years of Meta-Analyses in Orthopaedic Surgery: Has Quality Kept Up with Quantity?


  7. Located in beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate, cultural blend of the Holy Land - Yangzhou.


  8. Additional controlled clinical trials seem justified which may strengthen the power of the meta-analyses.


  9. Jianggan District has a long history, rich, cultural galaxy beautiful is the city of Hangzhou, one of the oldest.


  1. 世界食品荟萃

    Food from around the World.

  2. 英语谚语荟萃

    The Cream of English Proverbs.

  3. 好莱坞影星荟萃

    A galaxy of Hollywood stars

  4. 好莱坞影星的荟萃

    a galaxy of Hollywood stars

  5. 诺顿西方音乐荟萃

    Norton Anthology of Western Music

  6. 人生状态英语用词荟萃

    The state is assembled with the word in life

  7. 名小吃荟萃食博会

    Famous snacks to converge at Food Expo

  8. 名家名曲荟萃欢乐立体声。

    Paul Mauriat, Manuel, Norman Newell.

  9. 这次演出真是新秀荟萃。

    The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent.

  10. 世界服装设计名流荟萃上海。

    World-renowned dress designers gathered together in Shanghai.

  11. 虎丘山, 山寺一体, 胜迹荟萃。

    In fact the hill and the temple here are completely at one, with in addition a conglomeration of other attractive sights

  12. 荟萃服装科研, 信息, 人才的中心。

    A center gathering clothing scientific research, information and qualified personnel.

  13. 该书荟萃了大量有趣的资料。

    The book brings together a large mass of interesting information.

  14. 足球联赛期, 戏剧会演期, 歌剧荟萃

    The football, theatre, opera, etc.season

  15. 中奖的观众听说我们的荟萃光盘里的

    I heard the content of the select series VCD

  16. 三是荟萃了一批园林园艺精品。

    Thirdly, a rich collection of distinguished gardening and rare plants.

  17. 荟萃亚洲艺术经典演绎名城文化魅力

    A fusion of classic Asian arts emits the cultural splendor of Foshan

  18. 中勘院测绘专业人才荟萃, 器精良。

    CSGDI's speciality of surveying and mapping has many talented minds and fine instruments.

  19. 一幅荟萃维也纳典雅之最的绘画

    a painting that captures the quintessence of Viennese elegance

  20. 这是她记忆中得巴黎得精华荟萃之处。

    Here was the essence of the Paris she remembered.

  21. 这是她记忆中的巴黎的精华荟萃之处。

    Here was the essence of the Paris she remembered.

  22. 婚姻质量与个人幸福感一项荟萃分析。

    Marital Quality and Personal WellBeing A MetaAnalysis Proulx, Christine M. Helms, Heather M. Buehler, Cheryl p.

  23. 汕头山川灵秀, 人文荟萃, 文化蕴底十分博厚。

    Shan first landscape spirit Xiu, humanity gathers together, culture Yun base is very rich, thick.

  24. 各项工作开展得有声有色, 人文荟萃, 极一时之盛。

    The Palace Museum was soon a hive of activity.

  25. 古今咸集 精品荟萃 中贸圣佳2006年秋拍点评

    On the 2006 Autumn Auction by Sungari International Auction Co.

  26. 这个馆荟萃了各个历史时期来自各个国家的钟表。

    This hall has an amazingly wide collection of clocks and watches of different historical periods from different nation.

  27. 本片从演员阵容上来说可谓明星荟萃、大腕云集!

    This piece the star gathers together from the actor lineup, the jorum to converge!

  28. 有症状性颈动脉疾病支架治疗的安全性荟萃分析。

    Safety of carotid artery stenting for symptomatic carotid artery disease a metaanalysis.

  29. 蕉山文物资源丰富,名胜景观荟萃,观光农业前景广阔。

    Banana Hill heritage rich in resources and attractions renowned landscape, agriculture and tourism prospects.

  30. 今天的晚会上, 各界的名人都来了, 真是群英荟萃!

    Celebrities from all circles are attending today's party, it's really a gathering of distinguished people.


  1. 问:荟萃拼音怎么拼?荟萃的读音是什么?荟萃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荟萃的读音是huìcuì,荟萃翻译成英文是 assemble

  2. 问:荟萃分析拼音怎么拼?荟萃分析的读音是什么?荟萃分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荟萃分析的读音是huì cuì fèn xī,荟萃分析翻译成英文是 meta analysis


