







汉语拼音:téng yuè








  1. 腾空;跳跃;奔腾。

    《庄子·逍遥游》:“我腾跃而上,不过数仞而下,翱翔蓬蒿之间,此亦飞之至也。”《南史·梁纪下·元帝》:“羣鱼腾跃,坠死於陆道。”《花月痕》第一回 栖云主人 评语:“倏而海水蒸红,天光凝赤,一轮朝曦腾跃而起。” 华罗庚 《病中斗(答众问)》诗:“我行虽彳亍,岂甘伏櫪哀,驰驱絶广漠,腾跃越崔嵬。” 徐迟 《三峡记·西陵峡》:“两岸的山开始合拢来,像一群猎人前来围猎。小艇似乎是一只小动物,已经进入围子,惊惶地躲闪。然而围猎的巨人们,连绵的山峰,腾跃在 鄂 西和 川 东,如波涛一样涌来。”

  2. 升腾;向上升起。

    《三国志·魏志·管辂传》“明年二月卒,年四十八” 裴松之 注引《管辂别传》:“ 孟荆州 长叹息曰:‘吾闻君论,精神腾跃,殆欲飞散。’” 明 袁宏道 《致何常熟》:“文英声腾跃,不肖钦慕久矣。” 章炳麟 《文学说例》:“要之,人间思想,必不能腾跃于表象主义之外。” 臧克家 《自己的写照》诗:“这罪恶的黑窟,神秘的地域,一朝踏乱了 华 人的脚迹,还腾跃着一阵阵胜利的喜!”

  3. 形容活跃地出现。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·总术》:“数逢其极,机入其巧,则义味腾跃而生,辞气丛杂而至。”

  4. 闪射。

    明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记七》:“崖石白色而东向,当初日东升,人穿彩服至其下,则满崖浮彩腾跃,焕然夺目。”

  5. 指升官;飞黄腾达。

    汉 王符 《潜夫论·相列》:“或王公孙子,仕宦终老,不至於穀;或庶隶廝贱,无故腾跃,穷极爵位。”《旧唐书·郑畋传》:“今之宰辅四人,三以此官腾跃,其为盛美,更异寻常。” 清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·轶闻·县令意外超迁之喜》:“向使稍假之年力,且駸駸大用,洊擢封疆,而其所以腾跃天衢者,则实因捕获 陈端 一事。”

  6. 指物价上涨。

    《汉书·食货志》:“诸官各自市相争,物以故腾跃。” 清 顾炎武 《钱法论》:“ 宋 钱亦三四变,每钱之变,货物腾跃,轻重无常,而民苦之。”



  1. All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall.


  2. I prance in the previous, but a few climbed down (47), flying between basil, also goes to fly matter to have (48) .


  3. His horse began to buck , but he managed to stay on .


  4. At times, a wildebeest bull will race across the plains, prancing sideways and running in circles.


  5. I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our building.


  6. Under the guidance of the new development concept, Yuhang is to realize and witness a totally-new economy that leaps forward.


  7. A light leap by a horse, in which both hind legs leave the ground just before the forelegs are set down.


  8. A prototype implementation of LEAP in a sensor network testbed is also reported.


  9. Now the school has four scenic spots that are Spring Bright Garden, Autumn Elegant Road, Prancing Garden and Palm Whispering Corner .


  1. 腾跃以腾跃姿势跳跃

    To leap in a curvet.

  2. 腾跃使以腾跃姿势跳跃。

    To cause to leap in a curvet.

  3. 我迷恋大白鲨的腾跃。

    I love when great whites fly.

  4. 珍妮弗阿姨的老虎们腾跃屏风。

    Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen.

  5. 珍妮弗阿姨得老虎们腾跃屏风。

    Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen.

  6. 这匹马腾跃向前。

    The horse is prancing along.

  7. 以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃

    Cavort to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner caper

  8. 有小蹄子腾跃踢踏的响声。

    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

  9. 有时,那匹马拱身腾跃。

    That horse bucks sometimes.

  10. 物价腾跃是经济危机的表现之一。

    The steep rise in prices is one manifestation of an economic crisis.

  11. 物价腾跃是经济危机的表现之一。

    The steep rise in prices is one manifestation of an economic crisis.

  12. 管风琴乐声腾跃在整个教堂中。

    The music of the organ surged through the church.

  13. 在叮当声铃中跳舞和腾跃一致

    Dancing and prancing in jingle bell square

  14. 那匹马在周围欢快地腾跃。

    The horse pranced around skittishly.

  15. 那匹马在周围欢快地腾跃。

    The horse pranced around skittishly.

  16. 腾跃抬后腿向前跳跃。用于指马

    To spring forward on the hind legs.Used of a horse.

  17. 策马跃进以腾跃的动作骑马向前

    To ride a horse moving in such a fashion.

  18. 他的马开始腾跃, 但他设法不摔下来。

    His horse began to buck, but he managed to stay on.

  19. 对跳箱分腿腾跃恐惧心理的探讨

    Making an inquiry into fear mentality of split jump through jump box

  20. 看群峰腾跃,平原奔驰,长河扬鞭的祖国。

    see peaks prance, plainBenz , river troops on the motherland.

  21. 马用力腾跃想把背上得人甩下来。

    The horse tried to jerk the rider off of its back.

  22. 马用力腾跃想把背上的人甩下来。

    The horse tried to jerk the rider off of its back.

  23. 马用力腾跃想把背上的人甩下来。

    The horse tried to jerk the rider off of its back.

  24. 他的马开始腾跃,但他设法不摔落下来。

    His horse began to buck, but he managed to stay on.

  25. 这匹骏马在广阔的草原上奔跑腾跃。

    The steed ran and pranced on the prairie.

  26. 这匹骏马在广阔得草原上奔跑腾跃。

    The steed ran and pranced on the prairie.

  27. 这匹骏马在广阔的草原上奔跑腾跃。

    The steed ran and pranced on the prairie.

  28. 天地却乎变大了,却不适合我翻飞腾跃。

    The world will never become larger, but not for me now prance.

  29. 那船腾跃,竖起,栽下,就和那野马一样。

    The craft pranced and reared, and plunged like an animal.

  30. 两三码以外,那头雄鹿正在上下腾跃。

    A couple of yards away the buck is prancing up and down.


  1. 问:腾跃拼音怎么拼?腾跃的读音是什么?腾跃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾跃的读音是téngyuè,腾跃翻译成英文是 To prance; Go up quickly.



téng yuè ㄊㄥˊ ㄩㄝˋ腾跃(腾跃)