


1. 升 [shēng]升 [shēng]容量单位。量粮食的器具。向上,高起,提高:~力(亦称“举力”)。~格。~华(a.固态物质直接变为气;b.喻事物的提高和精炼)。~迁。~值。~堂入室(喻人的学问造诣由浅入深,循序渐进,达到精深)。晋~……





汉语拼音:shēng téng







  1. 谓超脱尘世。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·释滞》:“欲少留,则且止而佐时;欲昇腾,则凌霄而轻举者:上士也。”

  2. 上升。向高处迁移。

    唐 李商隐 《井泥四十韵》:“昇腾不自意,畴昔忽已乖。”

  3. 汹涌奔腾。

    唐 李屿 《过洞庭》诗:“昇腾人莫测,安隐路何忧!”

  4. 犹昂藏。气宇轩昂。

    明 无名氏 《打董达》第一折:“虽然是一布衣,但昇腾七尺身。”

  5. 腾跃;向上升起。

    《后汉书·郑太传赞》:“ 公业 称豪,骏声升腾。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷一:“公将与余,生羽毛兮。升腾青云,蹈 梁甫 兮。” 宋 张载 《横渠易说·繫辞上》:“人自鼻相摩,以荡於腹中,物既消烁,气復升腾。” 王蒙 《火之歌》:“青春是火,它炽热、活泼、勇敢而自由,它要求燃烧,要求升腾,要求开辟自己的道路。”

  6. 升官,发迹。

    《后汉书·左雄传》:“踊跃升腾,超等踰匹。” 宋 梅尧臣 《依韵和宋中道见寄》诗:“旧朋升腾皆俊良,殁不发语生括囊。”《三国演义》第三八回:“身未升腾思退步,成功应忆去时言。”《再生缘》第九回:“况观 少华 公子貌,宛然仪表出人羣。必然有个升腾日,难满灾消逐此心。”

  7. 修道成仙。

    唐 元稹 《刘氏馆集隐客》诗:“诗客爱时景,道人话升腾。”



  1. art. is nothing but art. which rises from dirty, ugly reality and displays all its sanctity in contrast with reality.


  2. The gray mist of evening, rising slowly from the river, enveloped her as she disappeared up the bank.


  3. It had been a pleasantly warm day, without much wind, and with enough cloud to prevent the heat of the sun becoming too great.


  4. I took a picture of him as the cloud of dust and debris swelled.


  5. Rising of a huge flame of love, like the sun, like rain, a silent lubricant.


  6. Ascension requires looking at the stars overhead, and adhere to the heart of the moral law, which is no easy task!


  7. A photo being shared online showed grey smoke rising at least 100 meters over the site of one of the blasts.


  8. Flames leaped into the sky followed by an unbrella cloud of poisonous smoke.


  9. Her feet are lifted up a cloud, carrying her to the window to fly, fly gradually gradually far.


  1. 火焰升腾。

    The flames leapt up.

  2. 妒火在他胸中升腾。

    Jealousy leaped alight in his bossom.

  3. 像那升腾舞动着的烟雾

    Like the dancing smoke that rose

  4. 它们不过是巨人们升腾的阶梯。

    Are but gigantic flights of stairs.

  5. 气垫飞行器发动之后慢慢升腾起来。

    The hovercraft slowly hovered after starting.

  6. 恐惧之云升腾而起消散在远方。

    The fer cloud floated up and out.

  7. 但我们胸中的烈焰将永远升腾!

    The fire will burn forever in our passionate hearts!

  8. 我可以看到各处有烟柱在升腾。

    I could see columns of smoke coming up here and there.

  9. 德罗士在这里升腾,福玻斯在这里溅落!

    Where Delos rose, and Phbus sprung!

  10. 在命运静寂的转折中歌唱灵魂自由升腾

    Singing in the silent swerve a heart is free

  11. 花卉走向坟墓,火焰中升腾起洁白的鸽子。

    Flowers went to the tomb and white pigeons flied from the flame.

  12. 一团烫热的火焰从他的腹部升腾到胸腔。

    A hot flame licked up from his belly to hischest.

  13. 我们来到时, 火正向楼上呈蘑菇状升腾。

    When we arrived, the fire was mushrooming upstairs.

  14. 灵感带来突然之间的发现,突破,超越与升腾。

    Inspiration brings about the discovery, development, overstep and leaping up all of a sudden.

  15. 灵感带来突然之间得发现,突破,超越与升腾。

    Inspiration brings about the discovery, development, overstep and leaping up all of a sudden.

  16. 她左边一条体态扭曲的龙, 正向上升腾

    On her right side is a twisting dragon rising to the sky.

  17. 夏季,亚洲大陆上空的空气变热并向上升腾。

    The air over the great land mass of Asia heats up in summer and rises.

  18. 就像热气升腾一样,他们的时代确确实实结束了。

    As sure as heat rises, their time was over.

  19. 热血永奔涌,怒气亦升腾,死亡已苏醒,战争正呼召!

    Blood runs. Anger rises. Death wakes. War calls!

  20. 太阳越来越热,晒得湖面上的雾气向上升腾。

    As the sun got hotter, It'sucked up the mist from the lake.

  21. 挫败感在杜库心中渐渐升腾, 蒙蔽了他的心智。

    Frustration built in him, clouding his mind.

  22. 而火被扑灭,化为轻烟,烟与雾交融升腾,合而为一。

    Fire is drenched, becoming smoke and smoke and mist merge, ascending and become one.

  23. 尘埃和碎片云一样升腾时, 我给他拍了张照片。

    I took a picture of him as the cloud of dust and debris swelled.

  24. 在废墟和烟雾升腾中我们似乎看到了魔鬼的脸孔。

    We saw the face of evil form in plumes of smoke and ash.

  25. 火焰升腾到天空, 接着是有毒气体形成的伞形云雾。

    Flames leaped into the sky followed by an unbrella cloud of poisonous smoke.

  26. 源于自然的灵性之光, 在白榉木的光滑曲线里恣意升腾。

    The spirit light coming from nature is rising freely in the smooth curve of the white beech.

  27. 树底火的热量不断升腾,使果球干裂,然后树种得以传播。

    The rising heat of a fire beneath a giant sequoia dries the cone and causes the scales to open. And the seeds are able to release.

  28. 升腾的火焰构成一个硕大的爱心, 它象阳光, 象甘霖, 润物无声。

    Rising of a huge flame of love, like the sun, like rain, a silent lubricant.

  29. 紧贴土地, 升腾起崇高的心愿, 繁衍出对宇宙无私奉献的情怀。

    Its lofty aspiration goes up from the earth and its feelings of selfless contributions to the universe are multiplied.


  1. 问:升腾拼音怎么拼?升腾的读音是什么?升腾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升腾的读音是shēngténg,升腾翻译成英文是 to rise; to ascend; to leap up

  2. 问:升腾函子拼音怎么拼?升腾函子的读音是什么?升腾函子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升腾函子的读音是shēng téng hán zǐ,升腾函子翻译成英文是 lifted functor

  3. 问:升腾同伦拼音怎么拼?升腾同伦的读音是什么?升腾同伦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升腾同伦的读音是shēng téng tóng lún,升腾同伦翻译成英文是 lifting homotopy

  4. 问:升腾幂等拼音怎么拼?升腾幂等的读音是什么?升腾幂等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升腾幂等的读音是shēng téng mì děng,升腾幂等翻译成英文是 lifted idempotent

  5. 问:升腾同伦定理拼音怎么拼?升腾同伦定理的读音是什么?升腾同伦定理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升腾同伦定理的读音是shēng téng tóng lún dìng lǐ,升腾同伦定理翻译成英文是 lifting homotopy theorem


