




1. 背 [bèi]2. 背 [bēi]背 [bèi]人体后面从肩到腰的部分:~脊。~包。~影。物体的后面或反面:~面。刀~。~后。~景。用背部对着,与“向”相对:~光。人心向~。向相反的方向:~地性(植物向上生长的性质)。~道而驰。避开,……



汉语拼音:jǐ bèi







  1. 背脊,背部。

    《水浒传》第四二回:“那 赵能 正走到庙前,被松树根只一绊,一跤攧在地下。 李逵 赶上,就势一脚,踏住脊背,手起大斧却待要砍。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第六章:“他的眼圈青肿,脸孔乌紫,脊背显得更加驼了。” 鲁彦周 《找红军》二:“等我们走下 莲花山 时,头上、身上都堆满了雪,水顺着脖子直向脊背上流,爸爸和我嘴唇都冻乌了。”



  1. Our mane also extended down the back, resembling what is often depicted as scales in dragon form. today.


  2. I looked into his eyes, and an unexpected quiver of anticipation ran its way along my spine.


  3. All his life he had been afraid to ask about his back, and his terrible fear had made him ill.


  4. When I sat behind him, hesitated for a long time whether or not to cling to his waist, I miss the warmth of his generous spine.


  5. He invites you to climb onto his back and take a journey with him .


  6. I was limp as a dish rag. My back felt as though it had been beaten with wires.


  7. He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei, which means Carp's Backbone.


  8. Washed the little face , then the back , and put the toilet powder equably on her body at last.


  9. May be a second front, which can be cordial and kind, and a second later, they let people back hair looked cool.


  1. 原始脊背猎犬

    Primitive types hunting dogs with a ridge on the back

  2. 脊背横断厚块肉

    loin chop

  3. 我的脊背开始颤抖,

    Sends shivers down my spine

  4. 我得脊背开始颤抖,

    Sends shivers down my spine.

  5. 熏脊背肉薄片, 腌脊背肉薄片

    back rashers

  6. 雨滴打在我脊背

    Drops of rain pelt my back

  7. 我猛然感到脊背发凉。

    A shiver ran down my spine.

  8. 小伙子们拍着他的脊背。

    The Boys clapped him on the Back.

  9. 渔民们弯着光裸的脊背

    Fishermen bend their naked backs

  10. 陆地成脊背状延伸向南方。

    The land ridges towards the South.

  11. 我的脊背掠过一股寒意。

    A chill ran up my spine.

  12. 我得脊背掠过一股寒意。

    A chill ran up my spine.

  13. 她为他宽阔的脊背而着迷。

    She was struck by the broadness of his back.

  14. 雅夏的脊背上打了个冷颤。

    A shudder ran down Yasha's back.

  15. 沉重的背包压弯了他们的脊背。

    Their backs were bowed under the weight of their packs.

  16. 我想我的脊背终于适应了沙发了。

    I think that couch of mine has finally fused my vertebrae.

  17. 他受伤的脊背正在接受紫外线治疗。

    He's having sunray treatment for his bad back.

  18. 有什么东西在他脊背上爬下去。

    Something was crawling down his spine.

  19. 国家不能建立在奴隶的脊背上。

    No kingdom should be made on the backs of slaves.

  20. 而在它的嶙峋的脊背上转身向右,

    And turning right, along the jagged ridge

  21. 甲洛颤抖着用手轻抚拉巴的脊背。

    Jialuo became shivered and gently stroked Laba's back.

  22. 像游泳这样的运动有助于锻炼你的脊背。

    Exercise like swimming is good for your back.

  23. 拍狗的脊背可以,但可别拍它的鼻子。

    It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.

  24. 拍狗得脊背可以,但可别拍它得鼻子。

    It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.

  25. 拍拍狗的脊背没有,而拍鼻子则不行。

    It's safe to pat the dog on his back, but not on his nose.

  26. 最后添加得一根草压断骆驼得脊背。

    It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

  27. 最后添加的一根草压断骆驼的脊背。

    It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

  28. 那奇怪得响声叫我脊背一阵阵发冷。

    That strange noise sends shivers up and down my spine.

  29. 那奇怪的响声叫我脊背一阵阵发冷。

    That strange noise sends shivers up and down my spine.

  30. 那个男孩子感到有人拍了他的脊背。

    He boy felt his back patted by someone.


  1. 问:脊背拼音怎么拼?脊背的读音是什么?脊背翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脊背的读音是jǐbèi,脊背翻译成英文是 back

  2. 问:脊背静脉拼音怎么拼?脊背静脉的读音是什么?脊背静脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脊背静脉的读音是jǐ bèi jìng mài,脊背静脉翻译成英文是 dorsispinal vein's

  3. 问:脊背叉草蛉拼音怎么拼?脊背叉草蛉的读音是什么?脊背叉草蛉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脊背叉草蛉的读音是jǐbèichācǎolíng,脊背叉草蛉翻译成英文是 Dichochrysa carinata


