




禽兽或其他动物的巢穴,喻坏人聚居的地方:~巢。鸟~。贼~。临时搭成的简陋的小屋:~棚。~铺。喻人体或物体所占的位置:~子。挪个~儿。洼陷的地方:酒~儿。心~儿。弄弯,使曲折:把铁丝~过来。藏匿犯法的人或东西:~主。~匪。~藏(cáng )。……



汉语拼音:xīn wō








  1. 心中;心。

    元 关汉卿 《金线池》第四折:“三载为官卧治过,别无一事繫心窝。”《儿女英雄传》第三八回:“老爷此时只急得手尖儿冰凉,心窝里乱跳。”

  2. 胸腹之中央。

    《水浒传》第二五回:“被 西门庆 早飞起右脚, 武大 矮短,正踢中心窝里,扑地望后便倒了。”《红楼梦》第九八回:“ 寳玉 听了这话,又被这石子打着心窝,吓的即欲回家。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》五八:“﹝ 严萍 ﹞用手们住心窝,说:‘望你珍重!’”



  1. While lying in the heart of the truck, I recalled a sunny and warm noon. It was a beautiful noon with beautiful sunshine.


  2. As she was growing up into a young woman, many times I held that pillow close to my heart.


  3. He heard the firing and as he walked he felt it in the pit of his stomach as though it echoed on his own diaphragm.


  4. 'Like the ivy, ' Mrs Chick assented. 'Never! She'll never glide and nestle into the bosom of her Papa's affections like - the - '


  5. Lying on his back, my lips did not say anything, but hearts are like snow, like snow Susu, a further one landed in my Xin Wo, the cold cold.


  6. Despair -- cold , sharp despair-- buried deep in her heart like a wicked knife .


  7. When the arch pain to the heart, feeling has let the years waves rushed by, without leaving the slightest trace.


  8. He gained loyal clients, and was confident enough to engage in profane shouting matches with them on the phone.


  9. I got a machine-gun bullet in the pit of the stomach while digging that communication trench into No Man's Land.


  1. 我心窝痛。

    I have a pain in the pit of my stomach.

  2. 妈妈还在,你的心窝。

    There in your heart and mind.

  3. 她感到心窝一阵紧揪。

    She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach.

  4. 使他心窝紧揪的恐惧。

    The fear that knotted the pit of his stomach.

  5. 好像乳汁滋润着我的心窝!

    Nourishing my heart like milk!

  6. 伤痛再次叫嚣,盘踞整个心窝。

    The grief clamors once more, occupies entire pit of the stomach.

  7. 他一直把你放在心窝里。

    You are always in his heart.

  8. 你沉思的优雅俏俏爬上我心窝,

    Your pensive graces stealing on my heart

  9. 他把剑刺进图努斯的心窝。

    He thrust him through with his sword.

  10. 生命的河,乐的河,缓流进我的心窝。

    River of life, River of joy, Gently flowing into my heart.

  11. 一句友善的话,让人长年暖心窝。

    A single kind word will keep one warm for years.

  12. 你像一团温暖的火焰,暖人心窝。

    You work in my heart like warming fire.

  13. 他用剑刺穿了图努斯的心窝。

    He thrust Satnrnus through with his sword.

  14. 一直往下流,流入我的心田,滋润我心窝。

    Has been down stream, flows in my heart, nourish my heart.

  15. 我的手鼓纵情唱, 毛主席的光辉暖心窝。

    My hand drum to one's heart's contensings, Chairman Mao's glory warm pit of the stomach.

  16. 我得手鼓纵情唱,毛主席得光辉暖心窝。

    My hand drum to one's heart's contensings, Chairman Mao's glory warm pit of the stomach.

  17. 不曾多话,但一句问候温暖你我的心窝足矣!

    Wordless but common greetings from both are warm enough!

  18. 我等着轮到自已上台,心窝里揪得好紧张。

    My stomach was turning over and over as I waited for my turn on the stage.

  19. 爱情是当有人凝视你的双眼时你的心窝倍觉温暖。

    Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart.

  20. 咬一口, 汁水慢慢淌入我的嘴里, 渐渐地流进我的心窝!

    Bite, the juice drip into my mouth slowly, gradually flow into my solar plexus!

  21. 而南湾湖的水则是碧绿清澈,喝一口能甜透心窝的水。

    The water in Nanwanhu Lake is limpid, drink and make you feel sweet to heart.

  22. 我无法让时光留步,但愿问候与祝福,永远留在你的心窝。

    Though I cannot let the time stop, I hope my greetings and blessings will be in your heart forever.

  23. 胃痛又称胃脘痛, 是以胃脘近心窝处常发生疼痛为主的疾患。

    The stomach ache calls the epigastric pain, is often has the ache primarily illness by the stomach cavity near pit of the stomach place.

  24. 带著刺入心窝的刀, 美多斯小姐用厌恶的目光盯著理科老师。

    Miss Meadows, hugging the knife, stared in hatred at the Science Mistress.

  25. 他一拳打在我心窝儿里,痛得我半天直不起腰来。

    I doubled up with pain when he struck me in the stomach.

  26. 烧心、胸骨后或心窝部疼痛及吞咽困难等为其主要症状。

    Heartburn, breastbone hind or ache of heart nest ministry and deglutition difficulty for its main symptom.

  27. 就在他这么做时,提伯特一剑刺进了马库修的心窝。

    As he did this, Tybalt thrust his sword into Mercutio's heart.


  1. 问:心窝拼音怎么拼?心窝的读音是什么?心窝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心窝的读音是xīnwō,心窝翻译成英文是 The part of heart.; Heart, innermost being, bos...

  2. 问:心窝的拼音怎么拼?心窝的的读音是什么?心窝的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心窝的的读音是,心窝的翻译成英文是 precordial




【拼音】xīn wō

【注音】ㄒㄧㄣ ㄨㄛ

【释义】 1. 心中;心。

2. 胸腹之中央。