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汉语拼音:lún bā
In Scotland the seeds of truth scattered by Columba and his co laborers had never been wholly destroyed.
在苏格兰,科伦巴和他的同工所撒的真理种子始终没有完全被消灭。Lombard was a good deal taken aback, but in his surprise he did not forget that this was the young lady who had refused him that afternoon.
伦巴第先生被吓了一跳,但他吃惊得发现自己还记着今天下午她拒绝了他。It was almost excluded in Lombardy too, this time because some of its signatures seemed dubious.
而同时,由于许多签名受到质疑,它几乎被剔除在了伦巴第的选举。Various Latin dances combine with fitness exercises to create a whole new dancing exercise, like the rumba, the samba, and the cha cha cha.
各种各样的拉丁舞伴着健身操创造出一种全新的舞蹈运动,像伦巴舞、桑巴舞和恰恰舞。Federico Lombardi, told the Italian news agency ANSA it was "sad and painful" to hear the sayings had gone ahead.
梵蒂冈发言人菲德里克·伦巴地告诉意大利安莎通讯社说听到死刑已经被执行“很悲伤,很痛苦”。But in most parts of Italy the emperors, after the coming of the Lombards, had very little authority or even none at all.
然而在伦巴底人入侵后,皇帝们在意大利大部分领土上便很少,或甚而根本没有什么权威了。Mr. Zaremba, a Manhattan real-estate developer, makes 70% more than his wife, a publicist.
扎伦巴先生是曼哈顿(Manhattan)的一位房地产开发商,他赚的钱比当公关人员的妻子多70%。I really feel sorry for that rhumba boy if he ever identifies himself.
若那个伦巴男孩现身,我还真会替他感到难过。Alessandro Nesta has told Milan to speed up talks over a new deal, as he is desperate to remain in Lombardy.