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1. 氏 [shì]2. 氏 [zhī]氏 [shì]古代“姓”和“氏”分用。姓是总的,氏是分支,后来姓和氏不分,可以混用。古代称呼帝王贵族等,后称呼名人、专家:神农~。太史~。摄~表。氏 [zhī]〔阏(yān)~〕见“阏”。〔月~〕见“……
汉语拼音:wèi shì
So good, in fact, that Westergren claims to have lured more than 2% of the total radio audience of his broadcast competitors.
事实上是相当不错,魏氏声称其所有竞争对手的超过2%的广播电台听众已经被吸引过来。It is found that there was widmanstatten structure in the joint and inclusion aggregated . And part area of the joint lacked of fusion.
发现焊接接头处存在魏氏组织、夹杂物严重聚集及局部区域出现熔合不良。The metallographical structure of the pipes become widmanstatten, and its mechanical properties are dropped notably.
管材的金相组织转变为魏氏组织,使其机械性能显著降低。Meanwhile, its impact on the I Ching learning of YU Fan, a famous expert in I Ching of the Eastern Han Dynasty will be further exposed.
同时,本文进一步揭示了魏氏月体纳甲说对汉魏时期著名易学家虞翻的易学思想所产生的重要影响。It is resulted Widmanstatten structure, inclusion and banded structure are mainly reasons causing impact property lowness.
结果表明,钢中魏氏体组织、非金属夹杂物及带状组织是导致冲击性能偏低的主要原因。In this paper, literature and supported by archaeological data and information of Inscriptions on the explore of Wei's family.
本文运用文献资料并辅以考古资料与金文资料来对魏氏进行探究。Chapter One starts with exploring Wei Xian's family, Wei Xian himself and his writing and compiling.
第一章对魏氏家族、魏宪本人及其著述进行考订。"In the last few years, what we've really done is work on the efficiency in how we monetize the service, " says founder Tim Westergren.
Pandora创始人蒂姆魏氏说:“前几年,我们的真正的工作就是如何有效的使我们的服务盈利。”RDW was determined with automatic blood analyzer and ESR was determined by Westergren method.