


1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……





汉语拼音:yī qún






  1. 下裳。泛指衣和裙。

    《宋书·五行志一》:“ 陈郡 谢灵运 有逸才,每出入,自扶接者常数人。民间謡曰‘四人挈衣裙,三人捉坐席’是也。”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“那 张金凤 整好衣裙,仍同 十三妹 回到西间坐下。” 茅盾 《子夜》一:“我去年到乡下去过,也没看见像你这一身老式的衣裙。”



  1. And Mrs. William Darragh McMahan wore a look of discontent upon her plump but pretty face, and the very rustle of her silks seemed a sigh.


  2. In her floral dress, with her straight blond hair and classic features, she stood out among the local kids.


  3. While girl students could do nothing but standing on the bridge, looking away from them casually, in their monotone but neat dress.


  4. As with these, so with the child; her garb was all of one idea with her nature.


  5. Another woman came along the small lane with half of her hair grey, dressed in a shabby clothing.


  6. She likes to be having the light colour clothes skirt on , her person is the same , gentle US is moving and.


  7. He looked back from the road, and could still see her in her white dress, standing modestly apart from the dancers.


  8. She grows the long hair firm the horsetail drags along to the brain empress, the body wears the gorgeous dress skirt.


  9. Her dress paled before that of her hostess.


  1. 飘拂的衣裙

    flowing garments

  2. 形形色色的时髦衣裙

    fashionable dresses and skirts of every colour and design

  3. 这件衣裙得体雅致。

    This dress is in good taste.

  4. 短得不成体统的衣裙。

    An indecently short dress.

  5. 她的衣裙开领很低。

    Her dress had an extremely low neckline.

  6. 衣裙的底部四下张开。

    The skirt flares at the bottom.

  7. 衣裙的表现呈现古典风格。

    Dress the performance of a classical style.

  8. 她穿上了她最好的衣裙。

    She had put on her best dress.

  9. 蓝白格子布连衣裙

    a blue and white gingham dress

  10. 这件衣裙是精心设计的。

    The dress is carefully styled.

  11. 这件衣裙是精心设计得。

    The dress is carefully styled.

  12. 女士们衣裙沙沙地走进走出。

    The ladies swished in and out.

  13. 她行走时衣裙拖在地上。

    Her dress swept the ground as she walked.

  14. 你读读夏日衣裙的广告。

    And thou shalt read of summer frocks.

  15. 她穿上了新连衣裙。

    She got herself up in a new dress.

  16. 我妹妹穿着一件蓝色的衣裙。

    My sister wore a blue dress.

  17. 你穿这件衣裙看起来很笨拙。

    The dress looks clumsy on you.

  18. 狠心撕裂着生命的衣裙。生怕,

    And rend the garment of my life, in brief

  19. 王后穿着一袭华丽的银色衣裙。

    The queen was wearing a magnificent silver dress.

  20. 她裁剪了一件新连衣裙。

    She cut out a new dress.

  21. 玛丽穿着一件新连衣裙。

    Mary had on her new dress.

  22. 她穿一件朴素的黑衣裙。

    She wore a severe black dress.

  23. 她的新连衣裙漂亮极了。

    Her new dress is an absolute dream.

  24. 本季又重新时兴较短的衣裙。

    Shorter hemlines are back in this season.

  25. 你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的?

    What colour's your new dress?

  26. 她穿着朴素的衣裙显得十分楚楚动人。

    She looked very pretty in a simple dress.

  27. 她的衣裙与女主人的相比显得黯然失色。

    Her dress paled before that of her hostess.

  28. 他衣裙的颜色与你鞋子的不匹配。

    The colour of your blouse clashes with that of your shoes

  29. 她的手掸掉衣裙上的一点棉花絮。

    Her hand brushed a speck of lint from her skirt.

  30. 苏要炫耀一下她的新连衣裙。

    Sue wanted to show off her new dress.


  1. 问:衣裙拼音怎么拼?衣裙的读音是什么?衣裙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衣裙的读音是yīqún,衣裙翻译成英文是 Skirt; Broadly referring to clothing and skirts...