


1. 弹 [dàn]2. 弹 [tán]弹 [dàn]可以用力发射出去的小丸;装有爆炸物可以击毁人、物的武器:~丸。子~。~雨。枪~。氢~。导~。手榴~。原子~。古代指以竹为弦的弓:“左挟~,右摄丸”。弹 [tán]用手或工具拨动而发射出去……


1. 夹 [jiā]2. 夹 [jiá]3. 夹 [gā]4. 夹 [xiá]夹 [jiā]从两旁钳住:使劲儿~住。两旁有物限制住,在两者之间:两山~一水。~峙。搀杂:~生饭。~杂。夹东西的器具:竹~子。~剪。卷(juǎn )~。夹 [ji……



汉语拼音:dàn jiā








  1. Some might argue that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms would not be threatened by an absence of 33-round magazines.


  2. I was just letting the shots fly. You know, I don't leave any bullets in the chamber.


  3. stand up before the class and shoot himself through the temple. It was understood that the cartridge would be a Blank.


  4. Explosives, ammunitions, fireworks and flares, ammunition including blank cartridges handguns, fire works, pistol caps.


  5. Let me see it. It's the magazine. Give it to me.


  6. a spring clip fixes the non-woven fabrics in the space formed by the supporting net, the angle plate and the air deflector.


  7. Second, Congress should restore a ban on military-style assault weapons, and a 10-round limit for magazines.


  8. But it was the white officer who reloaded and fired 31 rounds.


  9. The Democratic gun control stalwarts would prohibit the civilian sale or possession of pistol magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.


  1. 你和你的鳄鱼弹夹

    You and your crocodile clip

  2. 这是个给枪支润滑的弹夹。

    It's a magazine to grease gun.

  3. 我要两只额外弹夹和一匣子弹。

    I want two extra clips and a box of cartridges.

  4. 我的枪上了子弹,还剩一个弹夹。

    I've got one in the breech and an extra mag.

  5. 他开了一枪,然后倒出了用过的弹夹。

    He fired a shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.

  6. 他开了一枪,然后倒出了用过的弹夹。

    He fired a shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.

  7. 所以瞄准镜不得不按在一边为这个弹夹留下空间。

    The scope had to be off to the side to allow space for this feature.

  8. 如果捡起的枪是你所没有的子弹, 只给你枪支现有的弹夹。

    Picking up a gun with a new ammo type only gives you the current clip.

  9. 但是科索沃特派团警察报告说在现场发现了两个弹夹。

    The UNMIK police reported, however, that two clips had been found at the place of the incident.

  10. 从你的弹药带中卸下一个弹夹。可以给其他队员使用。

    Drop Magazine Drops a Magazine from your ammunition belt. This is used to pass ammo to other Marines.

  11. 我关上油门, 半身探出舱口用冲锋枪打空了一个弹夹。

    I pressed on the gas, stuck out of the hatch showing half of my body and fired a whole ammo clip from my SMG.

  12. 弹夹装弹机

    clip loading machine.

  13. 有弹夹袋, 话机袋, 肩带可挂话机。

    With bullet pockets, mobile telephone pockets and shoulder belts.

  14. 动员兵的弹夹数变为6,增加重装时间。

    Conscript clip size 4, increased reload time.

  15. 把另一个弹夹推进去。

    And you shove the other one in.

  16. 武器上和弹夹上都没有指纹。

    No prints on the weapon or the ammo clip.

  17. 这个弹夹是执法部门配备的。

    And this round is standard law enforcement issue.

  18. 把子弹夹装在自动来福枪上

    seat an ammunition clip in an automatic rifle.

  19. 他的弹夹里还剩下唯一的一枚子弹。

    His cartridge clip was empty, except for one bullet.

  20. 他的弹夹里还剩下唯一的一枚子弹。

    His cartridge clip was empty, except for one bullet.

  21. 看见没?这就是为什么我们要自己装弹夹。

    You see, that's why we have to load our own ammo.

  22. 而且弹夹也不是空的, 这都很显然啊。

    And the chamber wasn't empty, it was obviously one.

  23. 而且弹夹也不是空得, 这都很显然啊。

    And the chamber wasn't empty, it was obviously one.

  24. 车辆周围有空弹夹、数百枚弹壳和鞋子。

    There were empty magazines, hundreds of shell casings and shoes lying around the car.

  25. 我们有兴趣在编程芯片和空弹夹得复印机。

    We are interested in programmed chips and empty cartridges for copiers.

  26. 我们有兴趣在编程芯片和空弹夹的复印机。

    We are interested in programmed chips and empty cartridges for copiers.

  27. 大家都清楚弹夹里是一颗没有弹头的子弹。

    It was understood that the cartridge would be a Blank.

  28. 就连在射击场那里我们都共用一个弹夹呢。

    And we split a clip at the shooting range.

  29. 斯巴达们退出弹夹,插入新得,有系统得持续射击。

    The Spartans dropped magazines, inserted fresh ones methodically continued shooting.

  30. 斯巴达们退出弹夹,插入新的,有系统的持续射击。

    The Spartans dropped magazines, inserted fresh ones methodically continued shooting.


  1. 问:弹夹机制拼音怎么拼?弹夹机制的读音是什么?弹夹机制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弹夹机制的读音是tán jiá jī zhì,弹夹机制翻译成英文是 cassette mechanism

  2. 问:弹夹装填拼音怎么拼?弹夹装填的读音是什么?弹夹装填翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弹夹装填的读音是dàn jiā zhuāng tián,弹夹装填翻译成英文是 Clip Fed

  3. 问:弹夹装弹机拼音怎么拼?弹夹装弹机的读音是什么?弹夹装弹机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弹夹装弹机的读音是dàn jiā zhuāng dàn jī,弹夹装弹机翻译成英文是 Clip Loading Machine



弹夹(charger;cartridge clip),夹子弹用的长条夹,用来将子弹成排夹住,以便压入弹匣、弹仓,多由金属制成,是一种装弹辅助工具。