







汉语拼音:nài shòu








  1. "So far, no drugs have been shown to amplify the effects of rehabilitation on exercise endurance, " he said.


  2. Unfortunately the treatment is not always successful and may be difficult to tolerate due to adverse effects of the antibiotics.


  3. It may be simply that the female body is better able to tolerate chronic illnesses and disabilities as it ages.


  4. Irbesartan therapy was well tolerated and was not associated with an excess of any side effects.


  5. Regulatory T cells can be found in tolerated grafts and contribute to the acquisition of a state of privilege in those tissues.


  6. All reinfusion sessions were well tolerated, and there was no signal of an adverse biochemical or hemodynamic reaction to therapy.


  7. The group was also asked about how much they swore in daily life and this was analysed together with their level of pain tolerance.


  8. The researchers caution that it remains unclear whether the children would maintain their tolerance once they stop consuming milk regularly.


  9. "It may very well be that this tolerance is lost once the immune system is no longer exposed to the allergen daily, " Wood says.


  1. 站立耐受时间

    standing tolerance

  2. 阿司匹林耐受时间

    aspirin tolerance time

  3. 暂定耐受摄入量

    provisional tolerable intake

  4. 无耐受和依赖性。

    No tolerance and dependence.

  5. 工频于耐受电压

    Power frequency dry withstand voltage kv

  6. 食物不耐受还是食物过敏

    Food Intolerance Or Food Allergy.

  7. 耐烧性能阻火器耐受表面火

    flashback performance

  8. 食物不耐受是天生代谢缺陷吗

    Is food intolerance due to an inborn error of metabolism.

  9. 两栖类结冰耐受机制及其研究策略

    Freeze Tolerant Mechanism of Amphibian and Its Research Strategies.

  10. 杰瑞是的,我有乳糖不耐受症。

    Jerry Yes, Im lactose intolerant.

  11. 这就要看你对风险的耐受水平了。

    That depends on your level of risk tolerance.

  12. 对疼痛的耐受程度因人而异,差别很大。

    The levels of tolerable pain vary greatly from individual to individual

  13. 非凡的化学耐受性, 几乎可以耐受所有的化学溶剂。

    Extraordinary chemical resistance, tolerance to almost all the chemical solvents.

  14. 非凡得化学耐受性,几乎可以耐受所有得化学溶剂。

    Extraordinary chemical resistance, tolerance to almost all the chemical solvents.

  15. 异种造血嵌合体模型的免疫耐受机制

    Mechanism of immunotolerance in the heterogeneous hemopoietic chimera model

  16. 大鼠同种肝移植免疫耐受机制的研究

    Experimental study on the immunological tolerance in rat liver transplantation

  17. 盘形悬式绝缘子陡波冲击耐受试验

    The impulse endurance test of cap and pin type insulators

  18. 这5株细菌能够不同程度的耐受持续高温。

    This 5 of bacteria can be different degree of tolerance continuously heat.

  19. 同时,矿物绝缘电缆还可耐受相当的过载。

    At the same time, mineral insulated cables can also be tolerance is overloaded.

  20. 口服耐受在治疗妇女自身免疫病中的应用

    Application of oral tolerance in treatment of women's autoimmune diseases

  21. 一个耐受镉毒害的拟南芥突变体的筛选

    Screening for an Arabidopsis mutant with enhanced tolerance to cadmium toxicity

  22. 人体的这种对葡萄糖的耐受能力称之为糖耐量。

    Human bodys this kind endures ability to the glucose to call it the sugar tolerance.

  23. 口服耐受后过继转输动物模型的建立方法

    Animal model of adoptive transfer after oral tolerance

  24. 目前, 酵母的酒精耐受机理还未完全清楚。

    The ethanol tolerance mechanism in yeasts in not very well understood.

  25. 目前,酵母得酒精耐受机理还未完全清楚。

    The ethanol tolerance mechanism in yeasts in not very well understood.

  26. 在镇静剂的帮助下,患者可以很好的耐受检查。

    The patients could endure the examination with the help of sedatives.

  27. 诱导持久稳定的嵌合体维持异种耐受的研究

    Study on the maintain of xenotransplantation tolerance by induction of durable and stable chimera

  28. 弱电设备电气连线等的雷电流耐受能力

    Lightning Current Withstand Capacity Test of Electronic Equipment Wires and Fuse Links

  29. 低氧肿瘤细胞对放疗化疗有一定的耐受。

    Hypoxic tumor cells have a certain extent of tolerance to radiation and chemotherapy.

  30. 人工材料的生物相容性即机体对人工材料的耐受程度。

    The degree to which an artificial material is tolerated by the body is known as biocompatibility.


  1. 问:耐受原拼音怎么拼?耐受原的读音是什么?耐受原翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受原的读音是nài shòu yuán,耐受原翻译成英文是 tolerogen; toleragen

  2. 问:耐受性拼音怎么拼?耐受性的读音是什么?耐受性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受性的读音是nài shòu xìng,耐受性翻译成英文是 toleration

  3. 问:耐受的拼音怎么拼?耐受的的读音是什么?耐受的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受的的读音是nài shòu de,耐受的翻译成英文是 resistant

  4. 问:耐受极限拼音怎么拼?耐受极限的读音是什么?耐受极限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受极限的读音是nài shòu jí xiàn,耐受极限翻译成英文是 limits of tolerance

  5. 问:耐受限度拼音怎么拼?耐受限度的读音是什么?耐受限度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受限度的读音是nài shòu xiàn dù,耐受限度翻译成英文是 tolerance limit

  6. 问:耐受性水平拼音怎么拼?耐受性水平的读音是什么?耐受性水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受性水平的读音是nài shòu xìng shuǐ píng,耐受性水平翻译成英文是 tolerance level

  7. 问:耐受响应曲线拼音怎么拼?耐受响应曲线的读音是什么?耐受响应曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受响应曲线的读音是nài shòu xiǎng yìng qū xiàn,耐受响应曲线翻译成英文是 tolerance response curve

  8. 问:耐受性测定法拼音怎么拼?耐受性测定法的读音是什么?耐受性测定法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受性测定法的读音是nài shòu xìng cè dìng fǎ,耐受性测定法翻译成英文是 method of determining tolerance

  9. 问:耐受性变化时间拼音怎么拼?耐受性变化时间的读音是什么?耐受性变化时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐受性变化时间的读音是nài shòu xìng biàn huà shí jiān,耐受性变化时间翻译成英文是 hours of changing resistance



耐受—tolerance 指持续使用物质(酒或药物)后,对其剂量反应下降,因此需要增加酒或药物剂量以达到原来剂量所产生的效应,生理和心理社会因素对耐受的发生均有影响。