


1. 吧 [bā]2. 吧 [ba]吧 [bā]象声词:~的一声,笔尖断了。吧 [ba]助词,用在句末,表示赞同,推测、命令、请求等语气;用在句中表示停顿。……


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……



汉语拼音:bā nǚ






吧女 [bā nǚ]
  1. 酒吧中陪酒的女侍。




  1. "There is nothing left in the bowl, is there? " said the criminal policewomen.

  2. I at once let it be known within my circles that a nightclub of questionable repute had hired her as a barmaid.

  3. I support they break up as soon as possible, the girl will be sure to find a better boyfriend.


  1. 唱吧,首席女歌手,再唱一次吧!

    Sing, prima donna, once more!

  2. 你知道你是女的吧,加布。

    You do know you're a girl, right? Gaby.

  3. 那么让我们做件女衬衫吧。

    Then let's make a blouse.

  4. 我爸爸说,好吧 试看看去和女校长谈谈吧

    And my father said, OK, listen, let's go and try and talk to the headmistress.

  5. 她的嗓音非常高。我想他是一个女高音歌手吧。

    She has a very high voice. I think she's a soprano.

  6. 死神,快把那勒索女收走吧 什么破飞机撞的啊!

    Dear god, please take that blackmailing bitch home now What fucking plane hit her!

  7. 我想,那里现在大概有一位胳膊粗壮的女管家了吧。

    I suppose there is some matron with beefy forearms.

  8. 要我说,就为了一双靴子不至于跟那女的大打出手吧。

    I'm just saying, you didn't have to fight that woman over a pair of boots.

  9. 双娥啊,都是胡吹瞎编,你不会开始向往侠女生活了吧?

    Double E, is always beard to blow a blind plait, you couldn't begin seeing ahead to Xia girl to live ?

  10. 澳大利亚女吧员你喜欢的运动是什么

    Australian Bar Waitress What is your sport

  11. 我是说你就知道她是女同了对吧

    I mean, cause you know that that that means that shes a lesbian, right

  12. 我还没做好准备被他们看做中年女同性恋,好吧?

    I'm not ready for them to start seeing me as the middleaged lesbian, okay?

  13. 大概我是女教师的缘故吧, 在学生心目中我更是一位慈母。

    I am probably female teacher's reason, in the student mind I is a loving mother.

  14. 玩家认为一个暗夜精灵猎人应该成为月之女祭司,对吧?

    People had been thinking that a Night Elf Hunter would become a Priestess of the Moon.

  15. 放心吧 我公寓里都是女同。

    Have no fear, my building is loaded with lesbians.

  16. 女好极了,我就要普通牌子吧!

    W Great. Ill take the generic brand.

  17. 接着一位女祭司说, 请谈一谈祈祷吧。

    Then a priestess said, Speak to us of Prayer.

  18. 你是个很好的女演员。专心你的职业吧。

    You are good actress. Stick to your profession.

  19. 帅气的女主角,在这星球上完成你的使命吧!

    The dashing heroine, in this planet to complete your mission!

  20. 看一看吧,你的简历外能否有这些句女呢?

    Take a look are any of these toxic claims poisoning your resume now

  21. 女影迷希望你们为我签个名作为永久的留念吧。

    Female Film Fan I hope you will give me an autograph to keep as a souvenir forever.

  22. 对吧?比方说你的目标跟一个男的和一个女的一起。

    Right ?Let's say there are a guy and a girl with your target.

  23. 使这么出色卓越的女,陆蒙羞了!请原谅我吧!

    Have made such a outstanding woman insulted! Please forgive me!

  24. 实际上,我正在找空之巫女。来,给些内幕消息吧!

    As a matter of fact, I'm looking for the maiden of the void myself. so, gimme the scoop!

  25. 唉, 苔丝, 让我用男女之间的善良和强烈的感情起誓, 相信我吧!

    Now Tess, by all that's tender and strong between man and woman, trust me!

  26. 那个女的确实是我喜欢的类型,但是那种女孩儿一定是已经名花有主了吧。

    She is clearly my type, but a girl like her is obviously taken.

  27. 那个女的到底是怎么了?我估计她是性生活得不到满足所以情绪多变而且爱折磨人,谁来帮帮我吧。

    What the hell is her problem man? I’m guessing she’s always moody and putting people down cuz she’s sexually frustrated. She really needs to get laid lol

  28. 进来吧,女孩们。

    Come on in.Hey,girls.

  29. 进来吧,女孩们。

    Come on in. Hey, girls.

  30. 你不是小女孩,是吧?

    Now,you're not a little girl,are you?


  1. 问:吧女拼音怎么拼?吧女的读音是什么?吧女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吧女的读音是bānǚ,吧女翻译成英文是 barmaid


