


笔直,突出:笔~。~进。~拔。~立。~秀。~括(guā)(衣服、衣料等平整)。~劲(jìng )。伸直,凸出:~直。~起腰。支撑:~节(坚持节操)。很:~好。~香。量词,用于挺直物:一~机关枪。……





汉语拼音:tǐng qǐ










  1. He made an attempt to square his shoulders which did not succeed.


  2. These may include resting an arm on the back of her chair, puffing out his chest or widening his shoulders.


  3. The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride.


  4. Natasha took the first note, her throat swelled , her bosom heaved, a serious expression came into her face.


  5. The inspector puffed out his chest a little.


  6. He swaggered away happily with the proud smile of a champion, his shriveled head high and his emaciated chest out.


  7. Gordon: Throw your chest out and hold your head high. Look like you know where you're going.


  8. it will be his privilege, and must be his acknowledged right, to stand unabashed even in the presence of princes.


  9. Raise the chest up and the shoulders in the opposite direction, inhaling as you do this.


  1. 他用力挺起胸脯。

    He threw his chest out.

  2. 他神气地挺起胸膛。

    He swelled his chest outimportantly.

  3. 他挺起胸决定应战。

    He threw his shoulders back and decided to accept the challenge.

  4. 面对豺狼,我们挺起胸膛

    Here we unveil our chests to the wolves

  5. 他骄傲地挺起了胸。

    He puffed out his chest with pride.

  6. 我叫他们挺起身子来。

    I told them to straighten up.

  7. 她向他们挺起她的胸脯。

    She plimmed her chest towards them.

  8. 他抄着手挺起胸膛来。

    Placing his hands in his sleeves, he raised his chest.

  9. 他傲气十足地挺起胸膛。

    He puffed out his chest with pride.

  10. 检查员稍微挺起了胸脯。

    The inspector puffed out his chest a little.

  11. 让我们挺起身子来干吧。

    Let us, then, be up and doing.

  12. 在游行时要挺起胸来。

    You'll have to throw your chests out when marching in parade.

  13. 男孩信心十足地挺起胸膛。

    The boy confidently puffed out his chest.

  14. 布鲁诺挺起胸膛面对记者。

    Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists.

  15. 我们必须挺起胸膛不要退却。

    We must stand tall and not retreat.

  16. 挺起胸坐直,别歪歪斜斜的。

    Sit up straight. Don't slouch.

  17. 美哉, 她挺起那圆润丰满的胸脯,

    Fair when her breast like a rich laden bark

  18. 男子汉们, 挺起胸膛来!要像个战士!

    Thrust out your chests, men! Look like soldiers!

  19. 他想挺起胸来,可就是挺不起来。

    He made an attempt to square his shoulders which did not succeed.

  20. 她两肩向后一靠,挺起胸来。

    She squared her shoulders.

  21. 他傲气十足地挺起胸膛。他抄着手挺起胸膛来。

    He puffed out his chest with pride.

  22. 希哈利坚决地, 无礼地挺起了身子。

    Schryhart straightened up determinedly and offensively.

  23. 他们在列队行进时都挺起了胸膛。

    They threw their chests out when marching in parade.

  24. 然后他挺起胸来, 大踏步走下台阶。

    Then he marched, upright the square, down the steps.

  25. 当您感到自己含胸时, 挺起您的胸膛。

    When you feel yourself slouching, poke your chest out.

  26. 你们在废墟中站立起来,挺起不屈的脊梁。

    You have stood up in the ruins with your backs straight.

  27. 他挺起巨大的身躯, 从椅子上站了起来。

    He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair.

  28. 我挺起腰杆与之斗争, 他说什么我就反驳什么。

    I just stood there, fighting each word he said.

  29. 这位矮胖的委托人挺起胸膛, 显得有点骄傲的样子。

    The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride.

  30. 这位矮胖得委托人挺起胸膛, 显得有点骄傲得样子。

    The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride.