


1. 勃 [bó]2. 勃 [bèi]勃 [bó]突然,忽然:~然(a.突然,如“~~大怒”;b.兴起的样子,如“~~作色”)。变色的样子:~腾腾(怒气上冲的样子)。旺盛,兴起:~起。~发。~蓬。勃 [bèi]古同“悖”,违背事理,惑乱糊涂……





汉语拼音:bó qǐ







  1. 兴起,勃兴。

    《隋书·薛道衡传》:“帝系灵长,神基崇峻,类 邠 岐 之累德,异 丰 沛 之勃起。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·表历》:“ 晋氏 播迁,南据 扬 越 ; 魏 宗勃起,北雄 燕代 。” 冯自由 《辛亥革命贵州光复记实》:“辛亥夏秋间, 蜀 人抗争铁路之风潮勃起,全国震动。”



  1. On a couple of occasions in his previous relationship Mike had not been able to sustain an erection and his previous girlfriend would sulk.


  2. If your libido is over worked, the drugs can only cause a physical erection, but a pleasurable sensation cannot be achieved.


  3. Designers found that large numbers of men complained that they struggled to maintain erections when using conventional condoms in sex.


  4. Thus, a boy may wonder if his penis will ever be hard enough to penetrate the hymen, and a girl may anticipate some painful physical injury.


  5. When nature failed the male libido of her lover, I was asked by a guest to procure Viagra on the spot "with no mention of a prescription. "


  6. Straddle him with your feet on the floor, slowly lowering yourself onto his erection with your knees bent at a ninety-degree angle.


  7. I was not quite 14, and in a near constant state of arousal; the sight of a bra strap was, frequently, enough to produce an erection.


  8. As she squeezes down on you, her PC muscles grip your penis, which will strengthen your erection.


  9. Nowadays, if I'm drunk or tired, or I've had a little "too much fun with myself, " it's challenging.


  1. 按摩自己到勃起。

    Massage your self to an erection .

  2. 你是勃起了吗?

    Do you have an erection?

  3. 勃起不能性阳萎

    impotentia erigendi

  4. 勃起指阴茎的一次勃起

    An erection of the penis.

  5. 男性普遍存在的问题勃起存在问题。

    The most common problem reported by men was erectile dysfunction.

  6. 不要担心,实际上我勃起了。

    Please don't be worried at the fact I have an erection.

  7. 都用于研究头发和延长勃起了。

    Were focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections.

  8. 心率加快,血压增高,男性阴茎勃起。

    Our heart rate increase, our blood pressure rises, and male develop penile erections.

  9. 就算没勃起的时候也是没什么道德的。

    Even the limp ones aren't that ethical.

  10. 我就是不再能为我的妻子勃起了。

    I just can't get it up for my wife anymore.

  11. 虽然还有晨间勃起, 但硬度却很差。

    Although still daystart erects, but hardness is very poor however.

  12. 勃起不是万能的,但不能勃起却是万万都不能的!

    Erection is not a panacea, but not an erection is absolutely not!

  13. 而且对于大部分人来说, 甚至不需要勃起。

    And for much of that, you don't even need an erection.

  14. 他醒来时觉得恶心,浑身是汗,还勃起了。

    He wakes up sick, and sweating, and hard.

  15. 所以,男性性兴奋最明显得征象就是阴茎勃起。

    Therefore, the most obvious sign of sexual excitement in the male is the erection of penis.

  16. 用婴儿油润滑你的阴户 揉搓阴蒂直到勃起。

    Lubricate your vulva with baby oil and rub your clit with two fingers until it gets hard.

  17. 和充血的海绵组织 随着压力增强,好,它勃起了

    and the spongy tissues filled with blood and pressure rose and voila!it became erect.

  18. 可以理解的反应的任何男子勃起,和地雷被称为她。

    The understandable reaction for any man was an erection, and mine became known to her.

  19. 动物模型已经证实,多巴胺发出信号引起性欲和勃起。

    Animal models have established that both sexual desire and erections arise from dopamine signals.

  20. 在门口我又拥抱了她, 我穿着内衣, 勃起得很厉害。

    At the door I embraced her again. I was in my underclothes and I had a tremendous erection.

  21. 超声波图像显示, 早在受孕后17周男性胎儿就会勃起。

    Ultrasound pictures have revealed erections in male fetuses as early as the seventeenth week after conception.

  22. 实质上,所有达到阴茎勃起的男性也都能够达到性高潮。

    Virtually all men who achieve erection of the penis also achieve orgasm.

  23. 勃起性官能障碍

    erectile dysfunction

  24. 勃起或射精问题。

    Erection or ejaculation problems.

  25. 就不能成功勃起

    and erection simply wouldn't work.

  26. 男人是勃起的历史。

    Man is the history of erection.

  27. 男人是勃起得历史。

    Man is the history of erection.

  28. 有得勃起, 有得软软得垂下。

    Testicles tied up in twine.

  29. 关键是勃起时的长度。

    When the key is the length of an erection .

  30. 影响男性的勃起能力。

    This plaque will cause an obstruction that interferes with the man's ability to get an erection.


  1. 问:勃起拼音怎么拼?勃起的读音是什么?勃起翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起的读音是,勃起翻译成英文是 Erection

  2. 问:勃起的拼音怎么拼?勃起的的读音是什么?勃起的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起的的读音是,勃起的翻译成英文是 erectile

  3. 问:勃起者拼音怎么拼?勃起者的读音是什么?勃起者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起者的读音是,勃起者翻译成英文是 erector

  4. 问:勃起肌拼音怎么拼?勃起肌的读音是什么?勃起肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起肌的读音是bó qǐ jī,勃起肌翻译成英文是 erector

  5. 问:勃起不能拼音怎么拼?勃起不能的读音是什么?勃起不能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起不能的读音是bó qǐ bù néng,勃起不能翻译成英文是 impotentia erigendi

  6. 问:勃起中枢拼音怎么拼?勃起中枢的读音是什么?勃起中枢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起中枢的读音是bó qǐ zhōng shū,勃起中枢翻译成英文是 erection centre

  7. 问:勃起神经拼音怎么拼?勃起神经的读音是什么?勃起神经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起神经的读音是bó qǐ shén jīng,勃起神经翻译成英文是 nervi erigentes

  8. 问:勃起组织拼音怎么拼?勃起组织的读音是什么?勃起组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起组织的读音是bó qǐ zǔ zhī,勃起组织翻译成英文是 erectile tissue, cavernous tissue

  9. 问:勃起功能障碍拼音怎么拼?勃起功能障碍的读音是什么?勃起功能障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃起功能障碍的读音是bó qǐ gōng néng zhàng ài,勃起功能障碍翻译成英文是 erectile dysfunction


