


强迫,威胁:~迫。~促。~命。~使。~问。~租。~债。切近:~近。~真。~视。~肖(xiào )(很相似)。狭窄:~仄。~侧。~狭。……





汉语拼音:bī rén








  1. 给人以威胁。

    唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“ 十娘 敛色谓 桂心 曰:‘向来剧戏相弄,真成欲逼人。’” 管桦 《将军河》第一部第十九章:“﹝ 古佩雄 ﹞浓黑的双眉下,两只光亮的豹子眼,在长长的睫毛里傲慢地眯缝着,射出逼人的冷光。”

  2. 侵袭肌体。

    唐 唐彦谦 《咏葡萄》:“胜游记得当年景,清气逼人毛骨寒。” 五代 王仁裕 《开元天宝遗事·瑞炭》:“每条可烧十日,其热气逼人而不可近也。” 李克非 《京华感旧录·菊黄时节忆故人》:“秋天……更没有朔风刺骨、滴水成冰那种逼人的严寒。”



  1. Adobe did not comment for this article, but it has aggressively defended its Flash development efforts for tablets in the past.


  2. This time, his relative calm was unnerving. "It was one of the few times at Apple when I got a chill, " says someone who was in the meeting.


  3. The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat, and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects.


  4. That looks rather serious, he said, calmly, to his companions, a cold, commanding force coming into his eyes and voice.


  5. There's a lonely leaf in the garden, light melancholy, and too heavy to bear his covered greenness , no one can guess what he's thinking?


  6. South-east Europe, in particular, continued to feel the chill.


  7. within was a small chamber , chilly as an ice - house , and walled by nature with solid limestone that was dewy with a cold sweat.


  8. It's at this time of year when Brits start wearing their gloves and hats as the autumn nights set in and the temperature plummets.


  9. The good Xuan paper are the ones being stored for a long time. The newly produced Xuan paper is a bit too white and pure.


  1. 时间逼人。

    Time presses.

  2. 忧伤逼人老。

    Grief ages us.

  3. 阳光灼热逼人。

    The sun was blazing hot.

  4. 今日寒气逼人。

    The cold is very penetrating today.

  5. 逼人就范之物

    Procrustean bed

  6. 目光逼人的凝视

    a level gaze

  7. 深夜时刻,寒气逼人。

    During the night, it got terribly cold.

  8. 没有人可以逼人服从。

    No one can compel obedience.

  9. 你满面欢颜,光彩逼人。

    How happy and well you look.

  10. 炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。

    I grew chilly when the fire went out.

  11. 那天天色阴沉, 凉气逼人。

    It was a gray, chilly day.

  12. 炉火熄灭后, 寒气逼人了。

    It grew chilly when the fire went out.

  13. 夜晚寒气逼人,大雾弥漫。

    At night, there was a cold moon and fog.

  14. 八月里白天的暑热逼人。

    In August the diurnal heat is oppressive.

  15. 空气闷热逼人,似乎要变天。

    There was a brooding oppressiveness in the air that seemed to bode something.

  16. 而男生应该打扮得帅气逼人

    and boys have to dress like boys.

  17. 别让他们把你逼人窘地。

    Don't let them push you into a corner.

  18. 约翰才气逼人却百无一能。

    John's highly intelligent but totally impractical.

  19. 可以逼人服从,却无法逼人生爱。

    You can compel obedience, but not affection.

  20. 有时天神的眼瞳,照地炎热逼人。

    Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines.

  21. 他的脸安详、平静,但眼睛灼灼逼人

    The face was clam and still; but the eyes burned.

  22. 生的欲望强烈得逼人的一片树林。

    A grove of trees whose lust for life is so strong it leaps out at one.

  23. 尤其是你西装革履帅气逼人的时候

    Especially when you're all handsome in your suit.

  24. 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。

    The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.

  25. 如果你说我太逼人了,那我会停止。

    If you tell me I'm coming close, I will stop.

  26. 他那锐利逼人的凝视使她感到不安。

    His deep penetrating gaze troubled her.

  27. 秋天得寒气逼人, 她去拿了件大衣

    The chill of autumn was in the air and she went to fetch a coat

  28. 秋天的寒气逼人, 她去拿了件大衣

    The chill of autumn was in the air and she went to fetch a coat

  29. 他动不动就对别人横加指责, 气势逼人。

    He's always making unwarranted accusations against others. His manner is intolerably aggressive.

  30. 屏幕上的行情显示天然橡胶的走势气势逼人。

    The prices screen shows natural balata take momentum momentum threatening.


  1. 问:逼人拼音怎么拼?逼人的读音是什么?逼人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逼人的读音是bīrén,逼人翻译成英文是 pressing; threatening


