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1. 晋 [jìn]晋 [jìn]进:~级。~升。~谒(进见)。中国周代诸侯国名。中国山西省的别称:~剧。中国朝代名:西~。东~。……
汉语拼音:jìn jí
魏巍 《东方》第六部第十二章:“不是为了升官晋级,更不是为了别的虚荣。”《人民日报》1983.2.20:“少数党员干部利用职权,谋取私利,诸如在建房、分房,按排亲属上学、就业和调资、晋级……等问题上,徇私舞弊。”
If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see.
如果你提交的链接被顶了足够的次数,它会晋级到首页,这样就会有成千上万的人看到它。"It's always nice to break records but the main thing is to get into the next round - and the most pleasing thing is to do that, " he said.
他说:“能够打破纪录的感觉好极了,但最重要的是我们晋级了下一轮——这才是让我们最最开心的事情。”The Bianconeri are all but certain of at least one of the two automatic qualifying spots, having recently beaten both Genoa and Napoli.
斑马军团几乎已经确定是晋级的二个名额中的一席,最近他们接连击败热那亚和那不勒斯。"We knew that if we won this game we'd get at least two more matches in the semis so it's always good to progress, " he said.
“我们知道如果我们赢下这场球我们就至少还有2场比赛的表现机会,所以晋级太好了,”他说。It is in her 20 years of semi-final 2-0 Zheng Jie advanced out of the finals, the world's top ten shows the power of exhaustive .
兹娃在20日的半决赛里2:0淘汰郑洁晋级决赛,其世界排名前十的威力尽显无遗。Spectators booed Chen's victory and a furious Stevenson told reporters that she had been "robbed" .
观众席传来了嘘声,史蒂文森则非常愤怒的告诉记者她被“抢走了”晋级资格。So far it seems to be working. Spain won their two subsequent games to finish top of their group.
目前看来这一招还算灵。西班牙赢得了随后的两场比赛,以小组第一的身份晋级。It was an amazing night, but obviously we are very disappointed because we were so close to getting to the next round.
这绝对是个令人难忘的夜晚,但对我们来说,很明显,脸上写满了失意,因为我们曾经离晋级的大门那么近。If you did not get the email, check here to see if your email address is valid for Beta promotions.