







汉语拼音:fǎn gōng





防御中对进攻之 敌采取的攻势行动。通常用于战略范围。



  1. 防御的一方对进攻的一方实行进攻;反击。

    《吕氏春秋·察微》:“ 吴 人焉敢攻吾邑,举兵反攻之,老弱尽杀之矣。”《后汉书·西域传序》:“ 永兴 元年, 车师 后王復反攻屯营。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第五章:“一九四五年大反攻,号召参军,我干了没有几个月,说是和平了,让我复员了。”

  2. 反抗。

    康有为 《大同书》辛部第十三章:“有名分则上之欺凌压制,下之干犯反攻起矣。”

  3. 反驳。

    宋 无名氏 《儒林公议》卷上:“谓吾学圣人之道,有攻之者,不可不反攻之。” 清 恽敬 《<说文解字谐声谱>序》:“后 段氏 玉裁 復析为十七部,其言时时反攻 顾氏 ,以自见其学。” 艾芜 《还乡记》:“ 春花 姑娘撅一下嘴,反攻起来:‘难道我没有耳朵?’”



  1. He said he would continue working on a second volume of memoirs, to be called The Final Strategic Counteroffensive.


  2. When I told foreign officials that an offensive had begun, they looked at me as if I were crazy.


  3. As that task had been accomplished on all fronts, we were able to start the strategic counteroffensive one or two years ahead of schedule.


  4. Whether in a counter-offensive or in an offensive, the principles with regard to these problems do not differ in their basic character.


  5. Decapitated enemy did, spike special brigade began big counter-offensive, thoroughly will armed to the teeth modernization the enemy attack.


  6. President Chiang Kai-shek offered to join the war, hoping that might be an opportunity to fight back Mainland China.


  7. Now they've begun to inch back, regaining territory from Libyan troops pulling back in the face of Western air attacks.


  8. the enemy forces and recovering all the lost territories, when the regular forces launch the strategic counter-offensive.


  9. It has been a day of surprises - and the first surprise is that today should have been "invasion day" at all.


  1. 反攻动员令

    Order of the Day.

  2. 发动猛烈的反攻

    launch a fierce counterattack

  3. 敌人疯狂地反攻。

    The enemy fought back ferociously

  4. 司令官命令反攻。

    The commander ordered a counterattack.

  5. 我们准备发起反攻。

    We were going to launch a counterattack.

  6. 远台防守中反攻

    far defence with attack

  7. 反攻的决定性决策

    a fateful decision to counterattack.

  8. 削球稳且反攻凶狠。

    Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

  9. 现在, 我们应乘机反攻。

    We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.

  10. 他们今天开始全线反攻。

    They started to countercharge on all fronts today.

  11. 空军在晚上进行了反攻。

    The air force counterattacked at night.

  12. 我们向敌人发起了反攻。

    To launch an attack against a target, using a firebomb.

  13. 施坦因纳并没有反攻。

    There was no Steiner attack.

  14. 汽车要对农用车反攻倒算?

    Will automobile counterattack farming vehicles?

  15. 他们向敌人阵地发起反攻。

    They responsed with assaults against the enemy's bases.

  16. 我们开始制订我们的反攻方案。

    We began to map out plans for our counter offensive.

  17. 这是你反攻的大好时机。

    This is your chance to counterattack.

  18. 将军正在集结部队准备反攻。

    The General was massing his troops for a counterattack.

  19. 过黄河实际上就是开始反攻。

    Crossing the Yellow River was actually the beginning of the counteroffensive.

  20. 司令部命令所属部队立即反攻。

    The headquarters ordered the units under its command to counterattack at once.

  21. 我军吹响了反攻的进军号。

    The signal for our army to advance sounded.

  22. 反攻对另一个进攻进行的进攻

    A charge in opposition to another charge.

  23. 西北野战军八月下旬转入反攻。

    The Northwest Field Army went over to the offensive late in August.

  24. 我军在夜幕掩护下进行反攻。

    Our troops counterattacked under the cover of darkness.

  25. 老头子遇到了反攻, 精神猛然一振。

    At this, the old man came wide awake.

  26. 黑手党最初是抵抗迫害的反攻团体。

    A The Mafia began as a counterattack against persecution.

  27. 他对学究式的评论发起坚决的反攻。

    He launched a determined attack on academic criticism.

  28. 我们没预料到他们这麽快就反攻了。

    We hadn't expected them to counterattack so soon.

  29. 盟国发射成功反攻在马恩和亚眠。

    Allies launch successful counteroffensives at the Marne and Amiens.

  30. 他想反攻,可是明知不是祥子的对手。

    He wanted to fight back, but knew he was no match for Xiangzi.


  1. 问:反攻拼音怎么拼?反攻的读音是什么?反攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反攻的读音是fǎngōng,反攻翻译成英文是 counterattack

  2. 问:反攻倒算拼音怎么拼?反攻倒算的读音是什么?反攻倒算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反攻倒算的读音是fǎngōngdàosuàn,反攻倒算翻译成英文是 launch a vindictive counterattack

  3. 问:反攻踢拼音怎么拼?反攻踢的读音是什么?反攻踢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反攻踢的读音是fǎn gōng tī,反攻踢翻译成英文是 drop-out

  4. 问:反攻准备拼音怎么拼?反攻准备的读音是什么?反攻准备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反攻准备的读音是fǎn gōng zhǔn bèi,反攻准备翻译成英文是 Counteroffensive Preparation

  5. 问:反攻性抓握拼音怎么拼?反攻性抓握的读音是什么?反攻性抓握翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反攻性抓握的读音是fǎn gōng xìng zhuā wò,反攻性抓握翻译成英文是 counter grip



