如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
中央有孔的圆形佩玉:~佩。圈形的东西:~形。连~。铁~。花~。耳~。围绕:~视。~顾。~拜。~海。~球。~行(xíng )。日~食。相互联系的许多事物中的一个:重要的一~。险象~生。量词,用于记录射击环靶的成绩:今天打了十~。姓。……
汉语拼音:guāng huán
"A bright ring around the sun at mid-eclipse is still pretty cool, " Geoff Chester of the U. S. Naval Observatory said in an email.
“日环食中太阳周围的光环依然是很美的。”美国海军天文台的杰夫·切斯特在一封邮件中说。"I've had the time of my life out there, " she kept saying, refusing to let pre-Olympic hype define her experience.
“这同样是我生命的一部分,”她不断地强调,拒绝别人用奥运之前的光环来定义她的经历。But the big question remains: Mr. Jobs often appeared to be Apple's magician, bringing a flair to the company and its products.
但那个重大问题依然存在:乔布斯常常扮演着苹果“魔术师”的角色,为苹果公司及其产品带来一种光环。What seems to happen along the way is that you get a sort of whole-body orgasm and a glow that lasts for days.
在这个过程中,你得到一种全身心的快意,快乐的光环可持续几天不散。Seeing "the symmetry of a ring of sunlight around the dark silhouette of the moon, " Pasachoff said in an email.
看到巴萨乔夫在一封电子邮件里说“对称的一圈光环环绕在月球黑暗轮廓周围”When love aura appears blank black holes and visual fatigue, think more of a woman to give you and love.
当爱的光环出现空白黑洞和视觉疲劳时,多想想女人对你的付出与真爱。Every investor has an "if only" trade, the missed opportunity that sits in the memory bathed in the glow of what might have been.
每个投资者都有“悔不当初”的交易——记忆深处那些笼罩在“原本可以”的光环下而被错失的机遇。The German custom covered with a sacred aura by means of the rituals, as a result increasing its force ad effect.
基督教的宗教仪式为日耳曼人习惯法罩上了神圣的光环,增强了其法律效力。The fame of the latter makes it a significant attraction for visitors.