







汉语拼音:shòu quán







  1. 接受国家或上级委托的权力(做某事)。如:新华社受权发表声明。



  1. The fact that the seller is authorized to retain documents controlling the disposition of the goods does not affect the passage of the risk.

  2. The revised documents must be submitted to the original examiner (or its authorized representative) for another approval.

  3. An authorized diplomatic representative of a government, usually ranking next below an ambassador.

  4. This provision does not apply if the seller or a person authorized to take charge of the goods on his behalf is present at the destination.

  5. A good commeven as well as English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.

  6. Ms Kroes is acting under a generous interpretation of her mandate.

  7. In Build Forge, create a server auth with credentials that the Management Console can use to log on to the enterprise edition computer.

  8. A good comminvolving course English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.

  9. To the accredit of other semiconductor manufacturer we can spread out in the end of the year.


  1. 受权的审判员

    delegate of judge.

  2. 代理人受权出售该财产。

    The agent is empowered to sell the property.

  3. 新华社受权发表如下声明。

    Xinhua News Agency is authorized to issue the following statement.

  4. 我受权开的价钱是诚实无欺的。

    The offer I am empowered to make is bona fide.

  5. 除非是受权人,你不要打钢印。

    Never stamp mark a cylinder unless you are authorised to do so.

  6. 而且, 我受权提出的价钱多少要高些。

    Also, the offer I am authorized to make is somewhat better.

  7. 而且, 我受权提出得价钱多少要高些。

    Also, the offer I am authorized to make is somewhat better.

  8. 英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。

    Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.

  9. 委员会中的一位资深委员受权代理主席的职务。

    A senior member of the committee was authorized to act for the chairman.

  10. 委员会认为, 受权代表国家的所有自然人享有国家豁免。

    In the opinion of the Commission, all natural persons authorized to represent the State enjoy State immunity.

  11. 对于其它半导体厂商的受权咱们会在年末睁开。

    To the accredit of other semiconductor manufacturer we can spread out in the end of the year.

  12. 下列正式受权的全权代表签署本条约以资证明。

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, have signed the present Treaty.

  13. 任何受权用户都可经由过程收集获得相干视频信息。

    Any accredit users can get relevant video information through the network.

  14. 我受权宣布, 由于我们报道的行动, 战争的结束指日可待!

    I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.

  15. 但是, 秘书处无法核实受权代表的签名是否遭伪冒。

    However, the secretariat was not in a position to verify whether the signature of authorized representatives had been forged.

  16. 人口基金主持了2003年受权审查早期指导说明的小组工作。

    UNFPA chaired the group tasked in2003 to review the earlier Guidance Note.

  17. 目前有八个特派团受权执行提供实体保护的具体任务。

    There are currently eight missions mandated with the specific task of providing physical protection.

  18. 近年来, 受权保护人权的国际机构特别注意土著人民的权利。

    International bodies mandated with protection of human rights have paid particular attention to indigenous rights in recent years.

  19. 土耳其的口头报告说,内政部受权负责地名标准化的工作。

    The verbal report from Turkey commented that the Ministry of the Interior had been authorized to standardize geographical names.

  20. 人们支配权力并受权力支配, 其原因在于我们是互相联系的。

    You wield it and are subject to it. This is because we are all interconnected.

  21. 我们承认,单兵携带防空系统在受权者手中属正当武器系统。

    We recognize that MANPADS are a legitimate weapon system in authorized hands.

  22. 卢旺达问题国际法庭受权在任何一个时候最多用四名法官。

    The ICTR is authorized to use a maximum of four such judges at any one time.


  1. 问:受权拼音怎么拼?受权的读音是什么?受权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受权的读音是shòuquán,受权翻译成英文是 be authorized

  2. 问:受权人拼音怎么拼?受权人的读音是什么?受权人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受权人的读音是shòuquánrén,受权人翻译成英文是 the authorized

  3. 问:受权付款拼音怎么拼?受权付款的读音是什么?受权付款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受权付款的读音是shòu quán fù kuǎn,受权付款翻译成英文是 authority to pay

  4. 问:受权声明拼音怎么拼?受权声明的读音是什么?受权声明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受权声明的读音是shòuquánshēngmíng,受权声明翻译成英文是 make a statement upon authorization

  5. 问:受权机构拼音怎么拼?受权机构的读音是什么?受权机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受权机构的读音是shòuquánjīgòu,受权机构翻译成英文是 authorized institution

  6. 问:受权代理人拼音怎么拼?受权代理人的读音是什么?受权代理人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受权代理人的读音是shòu quán dài lǐ rén,受权代理人翻译成英文是 warranty of attorney




【注音】:shòu quán

【释义】: “受权”,主语是受事,是你被别人交付了权力,是别人给你权力。 “授权”,主语是施事,是你把权力交给别人,叫授权给某人。 二者区别很大,从语言学角度来讲,即施事和受事的区别。
