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1. 奸 [jiān]奸 [jiān]阴险,虚伪,狡诈:~人。~狡。~刁。~佞。~雄。~智(为非作歹的心计)。藏(cáng )~。不忠于国家或自己一方的人:~细。内~。男女发生不正当的性行为:~淫。强~(亦指统治者把自己的意志强加于人民,如……
汉语拼音:yòu jiān
见“ 诱姦 ”。
亦作“ 诱奸 ”。引诱做逆乱之事。
唐 陆贽 《李晟司徒兼中书令制》:“属皇家不造,戎帅诱姦,重兹播迁,郊甸震荡。”参阅《旧唐书·李晟传》。
沙汀 《还乡记》七:“始而诱奸,继而怂恿对方日夜同公婆吵,终至于逼得那个不幸的女人走上绝路。”
To believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married; and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.
信仰诱奸正要结婚的女人的全能的神,对这放荡行为的信仰被称为宗教信仰。Even to have awakened Katharine, if he could have achieved it, would have been like a seduction , although she was his wife.
若他还能够唤起凯瑟琳的欲望,便构成了一次诱奸——哪怕她还是他老婆。He nursed a viper in his bosom. His best friend Tony foamed him in. Tony first seduced his wife and then trapped him.
他是姑息养奸,他的好友托尼陷害了他,托尼先是诱奸了他的妻子然后又陷害于他。The Americans do not know this iniquitous division of duties and rights; among them the seducer is as much dishonored as his victim.
美国男人决不会理解权利和义务的这种不公平分配,在他们看来,诱奸者和受害者是同样不光采的。After nearly five years of obstinately rejecting King Henry VIII's advances, Anne Boleyn finally allowed him to seduce her.
经过将近5年对亨利八世的进一步动作顽强抗拒,安博林最终还是让亨利诱奸了自己。This was a case of sly, evil seduction as well as murder.
这是一件狡猾、恶毒的诱奸案和谋杀案。And it was in this period that he seduced Maslova and abandoned her, which resulted in her subsequent misery.
正是在这一时期他诱奸了马丝洛娃,并将她抛弃,而是她沦落到后来的悲惨地步。those who ruin the wives of siblings, and many destroy their own wives; and always the native sees the death of women.
征象诱奸、侮辱、摧毁自己和兄弟妻子的人,以及征象盘主将见证女人的死亡。The victims, a 12-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy, said a man lured them into the woods at the Rocky River Reservation in Cuyahoga County.