







汉语拼音:xíng jì









  1. 见“ 形迹 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 形跡 ”。亦作“ 形蹟 ”。踪迹。

    晋 陶潜 《答庞参军》诗:“情通万里外,形跡滞江山。” 唐 李幼卿 《游烂柯山》诗之四:“作礼未及终,忘循旧形跡。”

  3. 指遗迹。


  4. 痕迹,迹象。

    《宋书·桂阳王休范传》:“朝廷知其有异志,密相防御,虽未表形迹,而衅难已成。” 宋 司马光 《论横山疏》:“然形迹已露, 谅祚 必叛无疑也。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二七:“既有了这些形迹,事不难查,且自宽心!” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》三:“从他身上看不出一点主任的形迹来,简直是一个勤快诚实的招呼员。”

  5. 嫌疑。

    《北齐书·王松年传》:“诸旧臣避形迹,无敢尽哀。”《清史稿·世宗纪》:“畿甸之内,旗民杂处,旗人暴横,颇苦小民。尔当整飭,不必避忌 旗 汉 形迹,畏惧王公勋戚,皆密奏以闻。”

  6. 指见外、见疑。

    宋 张齐贤 《洛阳搢绅旧闻记·白万州遇剑客》:“客语黄鬚曰:‘ 白公 ,志士也,处士幸勿形跡。’”

  7. 礼法;规矩。

    唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“亲则不谢,谢则不亲。幸愿 张郎 ,莫为形跡。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·局诈》:“我辈通家,原不以形迹相限。明日,请携琴去,当使隔帘为君奏之。” 胡适 《寄吴又陵先生书》:“年来所以不曾通一信寄一字者,正因为我们本是神交,不必拘泥形迹。”

  8. 拘礼;客套。

    南唐 刘崇远 《金华子杂编》卷上:“此风声妇人。员外如要,但言之,何用形迹。” 宋 司马光 《与范尧夫经略龙图第二书》:“荷 尧夫 知待,固非一日。望深赐教,督以所不及,闻其短拙,随时示諭,勿復形迹。”

  9. 形式。

    孽海花 《第十八回》:“我国现在事事要仿效西法,徒然用心那些机器事业的形迹,是不中用的。”

  10. 指身世。

    《老残游记》第八回:“不知 申子平 能否察透这女子形蹟,且听下回分解。”

  11. 10.犹显示。

    宋 俞文豹 《吹剑录》:“以己长而形跡人短,以己清而形跡人污,皆取憎取祸之道。”



  1. TERRY: While everyone was watching the monitor, I went out to see if I could find anybody strange wandering around the station.


  2. suspiciously They'll question them as to whether anyone was seen acting suspiciously in the area over the last few days.


  3. First, he took the two secret men .


  4. There's a suspicious-looking man outside the house; I've had my eye on him for some time.


  5. The structural trace is the main factor that controls formation, development and superposition reconstruction of the deposit.


  6. The suspicious-looking man drove up to the border, where he was greeted by a sentry.


  7. If you notice someone who seems out of place or behaves suspiciously , report the person to security or the police .


  8. The tilt of planet Earth's axis and the variation in speed as it moves around its orbit combine to produce the graceful analemma curve.


  9. No sign of admiration should now escape him, nothing that could elevate her with the hope of influencing his felicity.


  1. 波浪形迹线

    wavy trace.

  2. 彩色的含有贝壳形迹的石灰石

    Petworth marble

  3. 让我们来, 形迹临时站看看。

    Let's have a look at the acting temporary station.

  4. 理会是非 遣,性达形迹忘。

    Let us reasonably Banish care And just be friends, enjoying nature.

  5. 珠江口埋藏古河谷形迹初探

    Probe into the Traces of Buried Ancient Valley in the Pearl River Estuary

  6. 也许这人应该隐藏他的形迹的。

    Maybe this guy should have hidden his tracks.

  7. 那个人形迹可疑,肯定要做坏事。

    There's something odd about the way that fellow is behaving. I am sure he's up to no good.

  8. 有人看见附近有两名男子形迹可疑。

    Two men were seen nearby acting suspiciously.

  9. 希腊人的形迹一点也看不见了。

    No sign of Greek can be seen.

  10. 一条形迹可疑的船向我们驶来。

    A suspicious boat made up to us.

  11. 地质形迹表明,大多数断层有反复运动。

    Geologic evidence shows that most faults have had repeated movement on them.

  12. 他首先招呼那两个形迹诡秘的人。

    First, he took the two secret men.

  13. 热谱图显示疮蔓延的两块形迹。

    The thermogram shows evidence of two areas of grub infestation.

  14. 如发现有人形迹可疑, 你就告诉我。

    Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously.

  15. 不同力学性质构造形迹的控矿特征

    Characteristics of Control Mineral Deposit of the Structure Mark of Different Mechanical Nature

  16. 如果发现形迹可疑的人,应该马上报警。

    People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.

  17. 日复一日,岁月消逝,你放纵形迹,为所欲为。

    The sun.rises and sets, the day passes, and you follow the bent of your inclination

  18. 变斑晶包体形迹研究的几个问题

    Some problems in the studies of porphyroblast inclusion trails

  19. 裂变径迹年龄在断裂构造形迹中的应用

    Application of fission track dating in the fracture tectonic trace

  20. 最初引起我们警惕的是这个间谍可疑的形迹。

    It was the spy's suspicious manner that first put us on to him.

  21. 警官发现一辆车中的两名男子形迹可疑。

    The officers noticed two men acting suspiciously in a car.

  22. 该矿床严格受构造形迹和地层的双重控制。

    This deposit is strictly controlled by structural trace and stratum.

  23. 构造形迹是生产矿山地质找矿的重要线索

    Structure Evidence Is An Important Cue for Geological Prospecting in Productive Mines

  24. 暗中怎样干都行,只是不要露出一点形迹。

    Do what you like under the rose, but don't give a sign of what you're about.

  25. 他发现一个形迹可疑的人在向屋内窥视。

    He spotted a suspicious character peeping into the house.

  26. 昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在村里走动。

    Two suspiciouslooking fellows were seen hanging about the village last night.

  27. 她总是对不该发火的人发火, 还老跟踪形迹可疑的人。

    She often mouths off to the wrong person, or follows someone who looks shady.

  28. 昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。

    Two suspiciouslooking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.

  29. 刺穿构造是指老构造岩片刺穿于新地层中的构造形迹。

    Diapir structure is a special structural feature with the old tectonic massif pierced in the new formation.

  30. 有几个形迹可疑的人总是在这儿附近转来转去。

    There are some questionable characters from our point of view hanging about the neighbourhood.


  1. 问:形迹拼音怎么拼?形迹的读音是什么?形迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形迹的读音是xíngjì,形迹翻译成英文是 traces

  2. 问:形迹滑距拼音怎么拼?形迹滑距的读音是什么?形迹滑距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形迹滑距的读音是,形迹滑距翻译成英文是 trace slip

  3. 问:形迹可疑者拼音怎么拼?形迹可疑者的读音是什么?形迹可疑者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形迹可疑者的读音是xíng jì kěyí zhě,形迹可疑者翻译成英文是 suspicious looking person




【注音】:xíng jì

【五笔】:GAE YOP
