








1. 尺 [chǐ]2. 尺 [chě]尺 [chǐ]中国市制长度单位(亦称“市尺”。一尺等于十寸。西汉时一尺等于0.231米,今三尺等于一米):~素(a.一尺长的白绢,借指小画幅;b.书信)。~短寸长。~牍。量长度的器具:竹~。像尺的东西……



汉语拼音:jìn zài zhǐ chǐ





形容距离很近。苏轼《杭州谢上表》:“凛然威光,近在咫尺。” 咫(zhǐ):古代长度名。周制八寸,合现在市尺六寸二分二厘。



  • 【解释】:咫尺:很近的距离。形容距离很近。
  • 【出自】:宋·苏轼《杭州谢上表》:“凛然威光,近在咫尺。”
  • 【示例】:那马明明~,却误为丧失不见,就如“心不在焉,视而不见”之意。
  • 【语法】:补充式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指两者间的距离很近


  1. some of the hottest material , residing so close to the sun that it almost vaporized , sped out to the chilliest reaches of deep space.


  2. There was no distinction between the near and the far, and an auditor felt close to everything within the horizon.


  3. It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head.


  4. One Chinese web portal devoted a special page to reports on the poverty belt, with a headline "so close and yet so far" .


  5. But that all changed against Bolton as Fabregas - after so many near-misses - scored his first Premiership goal in a little under a year.


  6. The new economy may or may not materialise, but there is no doubt that the next society will be with us shortly.


  7. The beautiful and high - quality one has seemed close at hand , extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale!


  8. McDonald's, Jia Wan super shopping plaza in close proximity, is all business, travelers staying in the best places.


  9. The cat sat in front of the bird cage in an agony of frustration at being so near and yet so far.


  1. 君欲储蓄, 近在咫尺。

    The way to save is only around the corner.

  2. 君欲储蓄,近在咫尺。

    The way to save is only around the corner.

  3. 我们的营地近在咫尺。

    Our camp is only a short haul from here.

  4. 我们得营地近在咫尺。

    Our camp is only a short haul from here.

  5. 近在咫尺, 远若山河

    Near each other as we are, we are as far apart as if separated by hills and rivers

  6. 近在咫尺,一位朋友永远失去。

    Around the corner, a vanished friend.

  7. 近在咫尺, 就得不断去努力了。

    Is near at hand, unceasingly went diligently.

  8. 当你需要时, 爱就近在咫尺。

    Love is there if you want it to be.

  9. 天上人间的梦想与近在咫尺的生活

    A Dream of the Worldly Heaven and its Life near at Your Hand

  10. 他近在咫尺,我们不会看不见他的。

    He's too near for us not to see him.

  11. 它近在咫尺,但我们却不去用它。

    But we're not using it. It's just sitting there.

  12. 那闻起来像是夏天近在咫尺了。

    It smells like summer is right around the corner.

  13. 远在天涯得善胜过近在咫尺得恶。

    Good at a distance is better than evil at hand.

  14. 远在天涯的善胜过近在咫尺的恶。

    Good at a distance is better than evil at hand.

  15. 我们两人近在咫尺, 却不能相见。

    We are close at hand, but we can not see each other.

  16. 它们隔海相望。它与上海近在咫尺。

    They face each other across the sea. it's close to shanghai.

  17. 你们面对的困难终结的时间近在咫尺了!

    The end to your difficulties is close at hand!

  18. 那睡美人是近在咫尺还是远在天边?

    Is the sleep in'beauty Distant or near ?

  19. 你凝视着我的双眼, 天堂近在咫尺。

    I found my paradise, When you looked me in the eyes.

  20. 我们可以说, 这场危机的解决近在咫尺。

    We can say that the resolution of that crisis is within reach.

  21. 它可能近在咫尺, 看上去地远在天边。

    It may be near when it seems afar.

  22. 我相信这场近在咫尺革命必须很强大。

    I believe the Revolution must be mighty close at hand.

  23. 在那里星星都连成线,在那里大海近在咫尺。

    It's where the stars line up It's where the oceans touch.

  24. 没有比近在咫尺的苏联总统更危险的了。

    To say nothing of the dangers of a Soviet presence so ciose to home.

  25. 在那一瞬间露丝似乎跟他近在咫尺了。

    Ruth seemed very near to him in that moment.

  26. 只要找得到其中一者,另外两者也近在咫尺。

    Where one is found,the other two are close at hand.

  27. 而所有这一切都与你住得旅馆近在咫尺。

    All of these are only minutes from your hotel.

  28. 而所有这一切都与你住的旅馆近在咫尺。

    All of these are only minutes from your hotel.

  29. 童话般美丽优质的似乎已近在咫尺,唾手可得!

    The beautiful and high quality one has seemed close at hand, extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale!

  30. 有了新火车服务, 北安普敦如今近在咫尺。

    With the new train service, northampton's now within striking distance.


  1. 问:近在咫尺拼音怎么拼?近在咫尺的读音是什么?近在咫尺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近在咫尺的读音是jìnzàizhǐchǐ,近在咫尺翻译成英文是 close at hand; within reach


