




1. 各 [gè]2. 各 [gě]各 [gè]每个,彼此不同:~别。~得其所。~尽所能。~有千秋。~自为政。各 [gě]〔自~儿(gěr)〕自己,亦作“自个儿”。方言,特别:这个人真~。……







汉语拼音:tiān gè yì fāng








  • 【解释】:指各在天底下的一个地方。形容相隔极远,见面困难。
  • 【出自】:汉·苏武《古诗四首》:“良友远离别,各在天一方。”
  • 【示例】:先生此去,~,未知相会却在何日。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;形容两地相距遥远


  1. Countless families are broken. However, will we escape the war forever? Listen, two misters are singing on the bank.

  2. Though we were half a world away from each other, my wife sounded as if she were next door. Incredible!

  3. My heart and my feelings at the moment of the split has been Tiangeyifang to me how to clean up the mess in the mirror?

  4. Engineering and business issues aside, she wants social TV to help friends and family stay connected, even as they move apart.

  5. You said that , " We never can separate " , originally is only the wonder which lives far apart !

  6. former friends because of their own lives to the cause of hard, the age of innocence to us only deep-felt yearning.

  7. From then on Separation from his mother, in the young Obama had been to Indonesia to visit his mother once, dunham mother died in 1995.

  8. They were violently to be torn asunder at a coming signal .

  9. puxi and pudong , connected by bridges , subways and pedestrians ' tunnel , are no longer separated.


  1. 妻离子散, 天各一方

    a family torn asunder, each member in a different corner of the world

  2. 我们四个天各一方。

    So we are four of us in four corners of the world.

  3. 我们知道我们可以天各一方。

    We know we could live apart from one another.

  4. 天各一方的奔忙总是漫长。

    Always hustle and bustle in every corner of the earth.

  5. 夫妻俩现在是天各一方。

    The couple are currently far away from each other.

  6. 夫妻俩现在是天各一方。

    The couple are currently far away from each other.

  7. 这对夫妻山南海北,天各一方。

    The couple live far apart from each other.

  8. 爱人可以风雨同舟,之后却天各一方。

    Lovers can undergo difficulties, but part after that.

  9. 雪花渐融, 妾与君仍天各一方。

    Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together.

  10. 但是现在,我们天各一方。我很想念他们。

    But we live far apart now. I miss them very much.

  11. 如今我们天各一方, 只能默默为彼此祝福。

    Now that we are apart, we can only bless each other in our hearts.

  12. 如今我们天各一方,只能默默为彼此祝福。

    Now that we are apart, we can only bless each other in our hearts.

  13. 虽然我们天各一方,我们却能够共享月光的美丽。

    Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.

  14. 天各一方隔不开我们的心, 时光流转冲不淡我们的情。

    The parting cant seclude our hearts, the fleeting time wont make our friendship cold.

  15. 天各一方隔不开我们的心, 时光流转冲不淡我们的心情。

    the parting can not seclude our hearts, the fleeting time wont make our friendship cold.

  16. 不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。

    It's when i stand front of you but i can't say i love you.

  17. 一个既将出现的信号会把他们强行分离得天各一方。

    They were violently to be torn asunder at a coming signal.

  18. 天各一方也好,心如刀割也好,思念你的心,挥动着跃跃的翅膀。

    Lives far apart also well, feels as if a knife were piercing heart also well, misses your heart, is wielding the leap leap wing.

  19. 许多本来是天各一方得人, 莫明其妙地碰在一块儿了。

    Many people from opposite sides of great gulfs have been very curiously brought together!

  20. 许多本来是天各一方的人,莫明其妙地碰在一块儿了。

    Many people from opposite sides of great gulfs have been very curiously brought together!

  21. 天各一方心相连

    Heart to heart thought far apart.

  22. 老同学如今天各一方。

    My old school friends are scattered far and wide now.

  23. 可是,我俩这次会谈时,他俩人天各一方。

    They are apart when we meet, though.

  24. 站在天使得一方, 而不是野兽。

    Be on the side of the Angles, not the Beasts.

  25. 随着画面渐渐隐没, 男女主角分手各向一方。

    As the scene fades out, the hero and the heroine walk away from each other.

  26. 各在天一方, 世事两茫茫。

    One half of the world does not know how the other half lives.

  27. 在新年这天, 各回各家, 各找各妈, 哈哈。

    On New Year's day, to their tents, find the mother. Ha And oh!

  28. 如今,这个小韵文帮助我记得不同月份各有几天。

    Now, the purpose of that little rhyme was to help me to remember the number of days in the different months.

  29. 你知道了一星期中的各天的称呼。

    You know the days of the week.

  30. 获取或设置周中各天的名称格式。

    Gets or sets the name format for days of the week.


  1. 问:天各一方拼音怎么拼?天各一方的读音是什么?天各一方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天各一方的读音是tiāngèyìfāng,天各一方翻译成英文是 be far apart



“天各一方”是个多义词,它可以指天各一方(杨钰莹演唱歌曲), 天各一方(刘德华演唱歌曲), 天各一方(成语)。