


1. 待 [dài]2. 待 [dāi]待 [dài]等,等候:~到。~旦。拭目以~。以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对~。招~。~遇。~人接物。将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正~出门,有人来了。待 [dāi]停留,逗留,迟延……





汉语拼音:dài yè




指中国计划经济 时期城镇中的人(多指青年)等待就业。



  1. 等待就业。

    邓小平 《贯彻调整方针,保证安定团结》二:“继续广开门路,主要通过集体经济和个体劳动的多种形式,尽可能多地安排待业人员。”《花城》1981年第6期:“妹妹却未能读完高中,目前在家里待业。”



  1. They are sentenced to reform through labor or to imprisonment during the term of receiving unemployment relief funds .


  2. The expenditures of the unemployment insurance institutions shall be paid out of the unemployment insurance management fees.


  3. He likes the sound of her free laptops and cable hookups, but the unemployed college graduate says a better gift would be a full-time job.


  4. Many transnational strength enterprises and banks had bankrupted, innumerable staff members had been employment.


  5. They include students, homemakers, research scientists and a few who are unemployed.


  6. They will take any sort of jobs anywhere rather than be unemployed.


  7. They found their brightest prospects among "underemployed females living in middle-class communities on the fringe of the old urban areas. "


  8. I'm also aware that we are dealing with the impact of a global economic crisis that has left millions of Americans looking for work.


  9. A decline in labor mobility may help explain some of the failure of workers to find jobs even after they have been unemployed for months.


  1. 职工待业保险制

    insurance system for workers and staff

  2. 待业职工的待业救济金。

    Unemployment relief funds for staff and workers waiting for employment.

  3. 企业缴纳的待业保险费。

    Unemployment insurance premiums paid by the Enterprises.

  4. 他待业6年, 但技术并未荒废。

    A sixyear layoff has not rusted his technique.

  5. 第三章待业保险基金的使用

    Chapter III Use of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

  6. 第三章待业保险基金得使用。

    Chapter III Use of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

  7. 计算和交纳养老金,医疗金,公积金和待业金

    Helping with calculation and payment of pension, medical expense, housing fund and unemployment fund

  8. 第二章待业保险基金的筹集和管理

    Chapter II Raising and Management of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

  9. 第二章待业保险基金得筹集和管理。

    Chapter II Raising a'nd Management of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

  10. 有一段时间,她待业在家,再次陷入贫困。

    In a short time, she was out of work and poor once again.

  11. 就业问题解决了,城镇基本上没有待业劳动者了。

    There was basically full employment in cities and towns.

  12. 高校毕业生待业原因的解释及相关政策研究

    Reasons of Unemployment of College Graduates and Its Solutions

  13. 待业保险机构的经费在待业保险管理费中列支。

    The expenditures of the unemployment insurance institutions shall be paid out of the unemployment insurance management fees.

  14. 他们之中有学生、主妇、科研学者、还有一些待业人士。

    They include students, homemakers, research scientists and a few who are unemployed.

  15. 他们可以在任何地方从事任何职业而不愿意在家待业。

    They will take any sort of jobs anywhere rather than be unemployed.

  16. 要解决待业这个需要动脑筋的问题, 他还不够聪明。

    He is not clever enough to deal with the intellectual problem of unemployment.

  17. 要解决待业这个需要动脑筋的问题,他还不够聪明。

    He is not clever enough to deal with the intellectual problem of unemployment.

  18. 但是那样做的时间要小心, 确保你么有留下任何待业的时间。

    But do so care not fully, making certain you don't leave any gaps on your resume.

  19. 会议还认识到,青年在世界待业者中占有很大比重。

    It also recognized that a large part of the world's unemployed were young people.

  20. 其中,仅向山东龙口矿业集团一家就输送待业青年302名。

    Among them, only to Shandong Longkou Mining Group, an unemployed youth on the conveyor 302.


  1. 问:待业拼音怎么拼?待业的读音是什么?待业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:待业的读音是dàiyè,待业翻译成英文是 be unemployed

  2. 问:待业青年拼音怎么拼?待业青年的读音是什么?待业青年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:待业青年的读音是dàiyè qīngnián,待业青年翻译成英文是 unemployed youth

  3. 问:待业保险金拼音怎么拼?待业保险金的读音是什么?待业保险金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:待业保险金的读音是dài yè bǎo xiǎn jīn,待业保险金翻译成英文是 unemployment premium

  4. 问:待业救济金拼音怎么拼?待业救济金的读音是什么?待业救济金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:待业救济金的读音是dài yè jiù jì jīn,待业救济金翻译成英文是 unemployment relief fund



dài yè [wait for a job;wait for employment]在家中等待就业 青年接受完教育后却没找到工作,等待工作机会的行为,叫待业。
