







汉语拼音:shān jǐ








  1. 山的高处象兽类脊骨似的隆起部分。

    《尔雅·释山》“山脊,冈。” 郭璞 注:“谓山长脊。” 邢昺 疏:“ 孙炎 云:‘长山之脊也,言高山之长脊名冈。’” 唐 刘禹锡 《莫猺歌》:“星居占泉眼,火种开山脊。” 宋 沉与求 《右题灵祐观》诗:“山脊层坛古,松根曲径微。” 徐迟 《狂欢之夜》:“稻田爬山了,爬过了山脊,山的那一面又是千顷万顷的黄金的熟稻田。”



  1. As I leaned on the railing, trying to guess at the outline of the sierra, nostalgia's first blow caught me by surprise.


  2. The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrows and trash in the yard.


  3. One could see nothing but a grassy slope running up to a level ridge and beyond that the sky with perhaps a few birds in it.


  4. He did not look back again but bear-crawled through the ginseng patch and up the ridge, his breaths loud pants.


  5. The debris is beginning to accumulate on top of the insulation and duct work along the ridge cap stretch in the attic.


  6. None of its magnificent forest-crowned ridges rises much above the general level to publish its wealth.


  7. Senior military officials say that until a few days ago, the ridge served as a major training facility for Taliban terrorists.


  8. The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east.


  9. She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest.


  1. 沿着山脊行走

    walking along the ridge.

  2. 他沿着山脊走。

    He walked along the mountain ridge.

  3. 蓝蓝的山脊, 清澈的

    Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river

  4. 蓝蓝得山脊,清澈得

    Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river.

  5. 他顺着山脊走。

    He walked along the mountain ridge.

  6. 沿山脊走去

    Walk along the mountain ridge.

  7. 蜿蜒而上山脊

    wriggle up to a ridge

  8. 侵蚀削去了山脊。

    Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains.

  9. 侵蚀削去了山脊。

    Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains.

  10. 我们到达了山脊上。

    We reached the brow of the hill.

  11. 我们顺着山脊行走。

    We walked along the mountain ridge.

  12. 糖和醋在山脊里

    The sugar vinegar in ridge

  13. 你可以沿着山脊开车。

    You can drive up on the edge of the ridge.

  14. 小鹿跑上山脊。

    The fawn ran to the top of the ridge.

  15. 石灰石裸露在山脊各处。

    There is limestone cropping out on the ridge above.

  16. 石灰石裸露在山脊各处。

    There is limestone cropping out on the ridge above.

  17. 正好穿过西面的山脊。

    Just past that western ridge.

  18. 加入了山脊上的部队。

    Joins the ragheads up on the ridge.

  19. 两座雪峰之间的山脊。

    A ridge between two high snowy peaks.

  20. 日落前烟云焕发的山脊

    Sunset Clouds Glow over Comb Ridge

  21. 亭在山脊,远眺颇畅。

    The pavilion was situated on a knoll and commanded an open view of the distance.

  22. 蜿蜒的山脊锯齿般的曲线。

    A saw toothed mountainrange a sawtooth curve.

  23. 地势朝着山脊向上攀升。

    The terrain ascended towards the ridge of the mountain.

  24. 地势朝着山脊向上攀升。

    The terrain ascended towards the ridge of the mountain.

  25. 在高高的锯齿山脊中步行

    hiking in the high sierras

  26. 我不断的往山脊方向看。

    I constantly looked at the ridge.

  27. 那匹马沿着山脊飞跑着。

    The horse ran like the wind along the top of the ridge.

  28. 登山者们登上东南山脊

    The climbers got on the southeast ridge.

  29. 看!那山脊看起来就象一条龙。

    Look! The ridge of that mountain looks like a dragon.

  30. 一颗炸弹飞过山脊爆炸了。

    A shot cracked across the ridge.


  1. 问:山脊拼音怎么拼?山脊的读音是什么?山脊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脊的读音是shānjǐ,山脊翻译成英文是 mountain ridge; ridge

  2. 问:山脊线拼音怎么拼?山脊线的读音是什么?山脊线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脊线的读音是shān jǐ xiàn,山脊线翻译成英文是 crest line

  3. 问:山脊路拼音怎么拼?山脊路的读音是什么?山脊路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脊路的读音是shān jǐ lù,山脊路翻译成英文是 ridge route

  4. 问:山脊路拼音怎么拼?山脊路的读音是什么?山脊路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脊路的读音是shānjǐ lù,山脊路翻译成英文是 Ridge Way

  5. 问:山脊回归拼音怎么拼?山脊回归的读音是什么?山脊回归翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脊回归的读音是shān jǐ huí guī,山脊回归翻译成英文是 rdge regression

  6. 问:山脊赛车拼音怎么拼?山脊赛车的读音是什么?山脊赛车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山脊赛车的读音是Shānjǐsàichē,山脊赛车翻译成英文是 Ridge Racer


