




1. 岭 [lǐng]2. 岭 [líng]岭 [lǐng]山,山脉:山~。分水~。~脊(山脊)。特指中国大庾岭等五岭:~南(指五岭以南的广东、广西一带。亦称“岭外”、“岭表”)。岭 [líng]〔~嵤〕山深貌。亦作“岭巆”。……



汉语拼音:shān lǐng








  1. 连绵的高山。亦泛指山岳。

    晋 潘岳 《河阳县作》诗之二:“川气冒山岭,惊湍激巖阿。”《宋书·鲜卑吐谷浑传》:“ 甘谷岭 北有雀鼠同穴,或在山岭,或在平地。” 峻青 《秋色赋》:“打下来的麦子,则象一座座的山岭堆在铁路两旁的场地上。”



  1. Provided that you were a lake, I'm willing to be the bank around. Provided that you were a hill, I'm willing to be the green covered.


  2. It was the end of the workday , with the sunset burning across the mountain, and the sky shining like copper.


  3. For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.


  4. It all day and all night, fall quietly in the mountains and onto the grass, fell on the living on the roof, fell on deceased graves!


  5. Where the sun shines, the rainbow flies as cloud, at the end of silver green light, many mountains connect to the out space.


  6. They noticed what appeared to be the figure of dog sitting high on the ridge above the lagoon.


  7. The mountain to the north has a steel-blue light on it, and to the west the sky still holds something of the darkness of the night.


  8. Like a meandering emerald jade belt, Kanas River, entwines tortuously among the mountains, or stretches freely on the grassland.


  9. And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.


  1. 金山岭长城

    Jinshanling Great Wall

  2. 他们在翻越山岭。

    They are trekking through the mountains.

  3. 潘翻过了山岭。

    Pan across desert mountain range.

  4. 我们眼前是重重山岭。

    We saw peak beyond peak.

  5. 山岭重叠,海拔为2600米。

    Overlapping mountains, 2600 meters above sea level.

  6. 我的灵魂在山岭之间。

    Hoen gou youq gyang bo gyang baq.

  7. 艰难地跋涉于山岭之间

    toiling over the mountains.

  8. 猎手从山岭回到了故园。

    And the hunter home from the hill.

  9. 大洲升起, 山岭勃发。

    The continents shifted, mountains arose.

  10. 大洲升起,山岭勃发。

    The continents shifted ,mountains arose .

  11. 山岭在近海处急剧向下倾斜。

    The ridge falls away quickly where it approaches the sea.

  12. 山岭的雄伟使我们生敬畏之感。

    The majesty of the mountains awed us.

  13. 一座山岭, 两个季节, 实乃人间奇观。

    A mountain, two seasons, an exercise in human spectacle.

  14. 平顶海山一种在海底的平顶山岭

    A flat topped submarine mountain.

  15. 山岭必崩裂,陡岩必塌陷,墙垣都必坍倒。

    The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground.

  16. 让生命的风, 还山岭一峰青翠, 顶天立地。

    Let the wind of life, but also a peak of green mountains, indomitable spirit.

  17. 嘲讽使附近的敌人转而攻击这个山岭巨人。

    Taunt Causes nearby enemies to switch their attack to the Mountain Giant.

  18. 在美丽彩虹的尽头,众山岭与天相连。

    At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains the sky.

  19. 山岭隧道堵水限排衬砌外水压力研究

    Research on regulating water pressure acting on mountain tunnels by blocking ground water and limiting discharge

  20. 天际,山岭逶迤、环抱,好像一个面盆的边缘。

    On the horizon, a border of hills arranged in a circle like the rim of the basin.

  21. 你要把山岭打得粉碎,使冈陵如同糠秕。

    thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

  22. 你用深水遮盖地面,犹如衣裳。诸水高过山岭。

    You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains.

  23. 我要为山岭哭泣悲哀,为旷野的草场扬声哀号。

    I will weep and wail for the mountains and a lament concerning the desert pastures.

  24. 西海岸的连绵山岭,使来自太平洋的风陡然上升。

    Winds from the Pacific Ocean are forced abruptly upward by a succession of mountain ranges along the West Coast.

  25. 西海岸得连绵山岭,使来自太平洋得风陡然上升。

    Winds from the Pacific Ocean are forced abruptly upward by a succession of mountain ranges along the West Coast.

  26. 山岭隧道高水压下衬砌结构平面数值分析

    Plane numerical analysis of mechanical behaviors of lining structure under high hydraulic pressure in mountain tunnel

  27. 他们飘流无定,在旷野,山岭,石洞和地穴栖身。

    They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

  28. 西面的山岭是圣华金河谷,中央大峡谷的南半部分。

    To the west of the mountains is San Joaquin Valley, the southern half of the Central Valley.

  29. 金山岭侧面得墙壁上也有用来观望和射击得洞。

    The side walls also have peepholes and shooting holes unique to Jinshanling.

  30. 金山岭侧面的墙壁上也有用来观望和射击的洞。

    The side walls also have peepholes and shooting holes unique to Jinshanling.


  1. 问:山岭拼音怎么拼?山岭的读音是什么?山岭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山岭的读音是shānlǐng,山岭翻译成英文是 mountain ridge; mountain range

  2. 问:山岭景天拼音怎么拼?山岭景天的读音是什么?山岭景天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山岭景天的读音是shānlǐngjǐngtiān,山岭景天翻译成英文是 Sedum henrici-robertii

  3. 问:山岭麻黄拼音怎么拼?山岭麻黄的读音是什么?山岭麻黄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山岭麻黄的读音是shānlǐng máhuáng,山岭麻黄翻译成英文是 Ephedra gerardiana



连绵的高山。亦泛指山岳。 晋潘岳 《河阳县作》诗之二:“川气冒山岭,惊湍激巖阿。”《宋书·鲜卑吐谷浑传》:“ 甘谷岭 北有雀鼠同穴,或在山岭,或在平地。” 峻青 《秋色赋》:“打下来的麦子,则象一座座的山岭堆在铁路两旁的场地上。”