


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……



汉语拼音:shī chuán








  1. 前代的学术、艺术或技术没有流传下来。

    清 厉鹗 《东城杂记·<如此江山亭诗卷>》:“ 张左司 《如此江山亭诗卷》, 明 时藏城东 景隆观 道士 史志中 处……名贤妙墨,失传已久。” 朱德 《关于发展手工业问题的三次讲话》:“希望他们不要保守,否则‘人亡艺绝’,绝技就要失传了。” 老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“咱们死,咱们活着,还在其次,顶伤心的是咱们这点玩艺儿,再过几年,都得失传!”



  1. That seems to be the case. It was supposedly lost along with the Crimson Stone.

  2. There was no other name for the original clan member, whose details had been lost over the years.

  3. The secret of making First Aid Tents seemed to be lost forever when the Dark Elves were cut off from the Druids and healing arts of Irollan.

  4. Isabel Beatrice once told me of it, but it has been lost these four hundred years!

  5. Fragments of a lost ancient Roman law text have been rediscovered in the scrap paper used to bind other books.

  6. It might be a book documented the glory, unfortunately no one understands or has lost.

  7. But other books are lost in the true sense of the word.

  8. Just as pirates dream of finding gold and Bob Dylan fans dream of hearing lost songs, film-makers have visions of the perfect face.

  9. Eg: It is pity that this folk art has not been passed down.


  1. 我的母语失传了

    Of hearing my mother tongue spoken, of.

  2. 造剑的手艺失传了。

    The art of sword-making has been lost.

  3. 一种失传的古代语言。

    An ancient language lost to the ages.

  4. 一种失传的古代语言。

    An ancient language lost to the ages.

  5. 这种艺术己经失传。

    The art is lost to the world.

  6. 这种技艺已在世上失传。

    The art was lost to the world.

  7. 发现这已快失传的介质的美。

    to the beauty of this lost medium.

  8. 所有这些古老的技艺都失传了。

    All the old skills are gone.

  9. 茶叙是一种正在失传得艺术。

    Tea and conversation is becoming a lost art.

  10. 茶叙是一种正在失传的艺术。

    Tea and conversation is becoming a lost art.

  11. 这座古建筑得由来已经失传了。

    The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.

  12. 这座古建筑的由来已经失传了。

    The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.

  13. 后来因为社会动乱,阮曾一度失传。

    Later, because of social unrest, Nguyen had once lost.

  14. 我们的一些老传统已经失传,无法追溯。

    Some of our old traditions are irretrievably lost.

  15. 我国有些古代科学著作已经失传。

    Some scientific books of ancient China have been lost.

  16. 它的已经失传的原件是写在羊皮纸上的。

    Its nonextant original was written on vellum.

  17. 它的已经失传的原件是写在羊皮纸上的。

    Its nonextant original was written on vellum.

  18. 这本词话现在已经失传了,真是可惜。

    It is a pity that this novel has been lost to the world.

  19. 这本词话现在已经失传了,真是可惜。

    It is a pity that this novel has been lost to the world.

  20. 书中收载了许多濒于失传的民谣。

    The book has recorded a number of folk ballads that were in danger of being lost.

  21. 看来是, 深红之石已经失传很久了。

    That seems to be the case. It was supposedly lost along with the Crimson Stone.

  22. 科威特年轻人恢复失传的潜水采珠技艺

    Young Kuwaitis revive lost craft of pearl diving

  23. 他的画作有很多已经失传了,真可惜。

    It is sad that so many of his paintings have been lost.

  24. 在大都会里, 葬礼是一则已失传的的艺术。

    Funeral a lose art in the big city.

  25. 失传元杂剧秋夜蕊珠宫本事新考

    A New Investigation into the Lost Yuan Zaju Rui Zhu Gong in the Autumn Night

  26. 探险于古迹中,寻迹失传已久的古老文明。

    Explore ancient ruins and search for evidence of a lost civilization.

  27. 拉丁语作为一种口头语言现在也已失传了。

    Latin disappeared as a spoken language.

  28. 我,这个作者,并不承担过失传译的责任。

    Me, the author don? t take responsibility for the correctness of this translation.

  29. 由于种种原因,华派凤画已濒临失传的危险。

    For one reason or other, Phoenix Painting Art of the Chinese school has bordered on the extinction.

  30. 这部小说的写本据说已经失传,恐怕很难找到。

    The handwritten copy of this novel is long lost and I fear it will be hard to find.


  1. 问:失传拼音怎么拼?失传的读音是什么?失传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失传的读音是shīchuán,失传翻译成英文是 be lost




拼音:shīchuán 基本解释 [lost;be not handed down from past generation] 没有被人继承而得不到延续的 唐宋的踢球,久已失传。—— 鲁迅《家庭为中国之基本》