


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:fā zhàng








  1. 产生胀满的感觉。

    茅盾 《子夜》十七:“躺在床上的 吴荪甫 久久不能入睡,只有这样恐怖的感想反复揉砑他那发胀发热的脑袋。”如:饭吃太饱了肚子发胀。

  2. 比喻失去理智。如:反动派头脑发胀,妄想阻挡 中国 人民前进的步伐,这是绝对办不到的。



  1. Next morning when an aide woke him in frigid darkness, a blurry recollection made him shake his aching head.


  2. Instead, her cheeks were pinched, she was small for her age, and although she had skinny arms and legs, her belly was big and swollen.


  3. Particleboard veneer furniture, some of the places to be Edge, Edge board will not absorb moisture, swell and damage.


  4. His neck swelled with rage, bloody foam covered his jaws, and the breath of his nostrils poisoned the air around.


  5. Acupuncture may cause a little pain and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.


  6. Acupunture may cause a little pian and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.


  7. In pigments before driers, causes the ink is stored in, the stressful or cakingmechanism gel and sink to the bottom.


  8. Discomfort? Yes . I have tenderness of my breast and poor appetite . I feel nauseous in the morning , but I don't feel like vomiting.


  9. Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue . At times it feels numb .


  1. 摩擦衬片发胀

    friction facing expension.

  2. 我头脑发胀了。

    I have a swollen head.

  3. 蛇眼丁, 蛇眼疔, 蛇头疔, 发胀

    paranail furuncle

  4. 变得发胀, 肿胀或膨胀。

    Become bloated or swollen or puff up.

  5. 沟渠里一具发胀的浮尸

    a bloated body floating in the canal

  6. 脑袋发胀!鼻子里面很热为什么?

    Head feel distended! Inside nose very hot why?

  7. 排除油墨胶化及发胀新工艺

    New Technique to Get Rid of Ink Emulsification and Swell

  8. 媚兰看了目的地, 觉得眼睛发胀。

    Melanie looked and her eyes dilated.

  9. 扎针时您有麻木和发胀的感觉吗?

    Do you have the sensation of distension and numbness at needling?

  10. 我刚看完一堆书,头都发胀了。

    I just got sprung from the stacks, my brain was mushing out.

  11. 一块吃了令人肚子发胀的圣诞蛋糕。

    A leaden piece of Christmas cake.

  12. 能够膨胀或者被扩大。变得发胀,肿胀或膨胀。

    Able to expand or be expanded. become bloated or swollen or puff up.

  13. 她向医生诉说她吃东西后有发胀的感觉。

    She complained to the doctor that she had a feeling of fullness after eating

  14. 欧洲人觉得精力充沛可是其他人却感觉肚子发胀。

    The European felt energetic while the others felt bloated!

  15. 利用流水冲洗已发胀的燕窝30秒以清楚细微杂质。

    Put expanded EBN sieve and wash under running water to remove fine impurities for 30 second.

  16. 针灸可能有点疼,还会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。

    Acupunture may cause a little pian and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

  17. 针灸可能有点痛,还会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。

    Acupuncture may cause a little pain and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

  18. 针灸可能有点痛,但也会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。

    Acupuncture may cause a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

  19. 注意千万不要吃发胀的或者暴露在空气中的罐头食品!

    Never eat food from cans that are swollen or leaking.

  20. 针灸可能有点痛,而且也会使你感到有点麻木和发胀。

    Acupuncture may cause a little pain, and it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

  21. 是的,受伤后伤处僵硬发紫发胀。有时还觉得麻木。

    Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue. At times it feels numb.

  22. 是得,受伤后伤处僵硬发紫发胀。有时还觉得麻木。

    Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue. At times it feels numb.

  23. 因长时间浸泡,木头发胀了。

    The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion.

  24. 水喝太多使他的胃发胀

    Drinking too much water bloated his stomach.

  25. 肠炎, 胃炎, 腹部发胀及腹痛, 盲肠炎。

    Indication Enteritis, Gastritis, Abdomain pain, Dysentery, Appendicitis.

  26. 发根农杆菌转化胀果甘草的研究

    Transformation of glycyrrhiza inflat bat by agrobacterium rhizogenes r

  27. 这个人因喝醉了威士忌发着狂怒, 脸胀得通红。

    The man's face flamed in a rage begot of whisky.

  28. 艾灸与药物穴位治疗机械通气并发腹胀的临床研究

    Clinical study on moxibustion and drug therapy by acupoint of abdominal distention with mechanical ventilation


  1. 问:发胀的拼音怎么拼?发胀的的读音是什么?发胀的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发胀的的读音是,发胀的翻译成英文是 bloated



fā zhàng ㄈㄚ ㄓㄤˋ 发胀(发胀)  (1).产生胀满的感觉。

茅盾 《子夜》十七:“躺在床上的 吴荪甫 久久不能入睡,只有这样恐怖的感想反复揉砑他那发胀发热的脑袋。”如:饭吃太饱了肚子发胀。

(2).比喻失去理智。如:反动派头脑发胀,妄想阻挡 中国 人民前进的步伐,这是绝对办不到的。