







汉语拼音:gōng xué





原指 英国 为贵族子女开设的一种私立寄宿中学。著名的有伊顿公学、哈罗公学等。鸦片战争后我国一些由教会或公私团体办的学校亦称公学,如创设于 上海 的徐汇公学、南洋公学等。抗日战争时期解放区亦有公学,则是培养干部的一种学校,如1937年成立于 延安 的陕北公学。



  1. 原指 英国 为贵族子女开设的一种私立寄宿中学。著名的有伊顿公学、哈罗公学等。鸦片战争后我国一些由教会或公私团体办的学校亦称公学,如创设于 上海 的徐汇公学、南洋公学等。抗日战争时期解放区亦有公学,则是培养干部的一种学校,如1937年成立于 延安 的陕北公学。



  1. Class matters less: the fact that the Tories are gaining popularity led by an Old Etonian is, strangely, a sign of progress.


  2. The result, predicted from the outset, was that the selective private schools ( "public schools" ) have flourished.


  3. The British have had Eton and Oxford, the U. S. St. Paul's and Harvard.


  4. Apparently, she adored a game where Eton boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure.


  5. My son has a place at Eton, although of course it still hinges on the result of his entrance examination.


  6. The public school in Tibet has made a great contribution to the education of minority groups.


  7. As a child, Cox won a scholarship to the elite Eton College alongside his friend Boris Johnson, now London's mayor.


  8. After several lazy months at home, I was sent to Eton, one of the most famous English boys' schools.


  9. He was descended from Hudson Valley landed gentry and millionaire New York merchants, and went to Groton and Harvard.


  1. 公学入学会考。

    Common entrance examination.

  2. 他出身英国公学。

    He was educated at public school.

  3. 英国公学的寄宿制

    Boarding in British Public School

  4. 公学款产清理委员会

    public property liquidation committee

  5. 伊顿公学海外没有分校。

    There are no overseas'branches'of Eton College.

  6. 英国的公学是特权的堡垒。

    The British public scholls are bastion of privilege.

  7. 安徽公学的兴办及其影响

    Establishment and influences of Anhui public school

  8. 英国某些传统公学的操场

    a playing field at certain traditional English public schools.

  9. 英国寄宿公学的课外活动

    Extracurricular Activities in Public Boarding Schools of Britain

  10. 陶行知与南京安徽公学

    Tao Xingzhi and Nanjing Anhui Public School

  11. 各个公学都很注重体育运动。

    Much attention is paid to sport.

  12. 试论英国公学的文化特色

    A Study of English Public Schools'Cultural Characteristics

  13. 第一次穿上伊顿公学制服

    go into Etons

  14. 他被选入伊顿公学社团。

    He was elected to the Eton Society.

  15. 他获得了伊顿公学的奖学金。

    He won a scholarship to Eton.

  16. 大巴前往划伊顿公学划船湖

    Coaches to Eton College Rowing Lake

  17. 万博公学使你成功走向世界

    Tianjin Wanbo Boarding School enables you to go to the world successfully

  18. 到1922年,公学的注册学生数接近16,000。

    By1922 the public schools had an enrolment of nearly16,000 students.

  19. 他的女儿在英国的一所公学就读。

    His daughter is studying at a public school in Britain.

  20. 他的女儿在英国的一所公学就读。

    His daughter is studying at a public school in Britain.

  21. 今年夏天我第一次去了哈罗公学。

    I first went to Harrow in the summer term.

  22. 当然他上的是名牌学校伊顿公学。

    Of course he was at the right school, eton.

  23. 英国公学英才教育的主要特点探析

    An Exploration on the Main Features of Elite Education in British Public Schools

  24. 他们已为儿子预约报名入伊顿公学。

    They've put their son down for Eton.

  25. 我在哈罗公学时, 老是替他跑腿做事。

    I used to fag for him when I was at harrow.

  26. 哈罗公学在北京和曼谷也设有分校。

    Harrow also has branches in Beijing and Bangkok.

  27. 他是英格兰西部一所公学的校长。

    He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England.

  28. 很高兴受到伊顿公学的邀请来演讲。

    I am very pleased to be invited to speak here.

  29. 这位老干部抗战时期就读于陕北公学。

    This old cadre used to study at a public school for training cadres in Shanbei during the Anti-Japanese war.

  30. 伊顿公学是亨利六世于1440年创建的。

    Eton College was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI.


  1. 问:公学拼音怎么拼?公学的读音是什么?公学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公学的读音是gōngxué,公学翻译成英文是 A kind of private boarding high school opened to...