




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:dā chē








  1. 古代的一种战车,车上装有熊手。

  2. 乘车。亦谓乘坐顺道经过目的地的车。

    何又化 《沉默》:“大概今天是顺便搭车回家去看看的吧?”



  1. I was spending the summer working in a village in mid-Wales and, without my own car, hitching was the only option.


  2. A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan.


  3. After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching.


  4. On the outskirts of every town, would-be passengers wait for an hour or more for a ride.


  5. The city's website advised people who needed a ride out of town to "try to go with a neighbor, friend or relative. "


  6. the scary - looking hitchhiker we don ' t endorse the concept of hitchhiking , but if we did , we ' d at least recommend brushing your hair.


  7. I wanted to offer a lift to a rather large friend but apparently Steve Jobs wouldn't let him in because he'd affect the performance.


  8. I should never have got here in time if you had not given me a lift in your car.


  9. It just keep you out of trouble, or at least improve your chances of thumbing a lift in Sardinia.


  1. 需要搭车吗?

    Need a lift?

  2. 让某人搭车

    to give somebody a ride

  3. 搭车去车站

    hitch a ride to the station.

  4. 他搭车经过。

    He rolled by in his car.

  5. 是否需要搭车

    Need Transportation to the course.

  6. 想要搭车吗

    Would you like a ride?

  7. 你想搭车吗?

    Do you want a lift?

  8. 他搭车进城。

    He got a lift into town.

  9. 他们让我搭车

    They offered me a ride.

  10. 你需要搭车吗?

    You need a ride?

  11. 免费搭车去集合

    Hitched a ride to the rally.

  12. 要搭车回家吗?

    Do you need a ride home?

  13. 可以让我搭车吗?

    Can you give me a lift?

  14. 我想搭车去开会。

    I want to to the meeting.

  15. 要搭车吗,聪明佬?

    You need a ride,Mr.Smartass?

  16. 要搭车吗?,聪明佬?

    You need a ride, Mr. Smartass?

  17. 非常感谢让我搭车。

    Thanks a lot for the lift.

  18. 您什么时候要搭车?

    When do you want the taxi?

  19. 你什么时候要搭车?

    What time do you need the taxi?

  20. 我姐喜欢搭车旅行。

    My sister likes to travel by land.

  21. 您能让我搭车吗?

    Could you give me a lift?

  22. 沿途搭车会滋生事端。

    You're opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.

  23. 请让我搭车到车站。

    Please give me a lift to the station.

  24. 我自己搭车,去露营地

    Hitching my way.to the campsite!

  25. 他们多半搭车去那儿。

    They will very likely go there by bus.

  26. 我自己搭车,去露营地!

    Hitching my way. to the campsite!

  27. 能让我搭车到火车站?

    Any chance of a lift to the railway station?

  28. 你想搭车吗?快上来吧。

    Do you want a ride? Jump in.

  29. 嗨, 你去哪儿?想搭车吗?

    Hi, where to? Do you want a lift?

  30. 你能自己搭车去法院吗

    Can you get a ride to the court?


  1. 问:搭车拼音怎么拼?搭车的读音是什么?搭车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搭车的读音是dāchē,搭车翻译成英文是 get a lift; take a bus; Metaphorically: to take...

  2. 问:搭车人拼音怎么拼?搭车人的读音是什么?搭车人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搭车人的读音是dā chē rén,搭车人翻译成英文是 guest in motor vehicle

  3. 问:搭车效应拼音怎么拼?搭车效应的读音是什么?搭车效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搭车效应的读音是dā chē xiào yìng,搭车效应翻译成英文是 hitch-hiking effect