




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:zuò chē









  1. 乘车。

    汉 贾谊 《新书·容经》:“小礼动,中礼式,大礼下:坐车之容也。”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“诸事停当, 安老爷 便坐车进城。”

  2. 古代供人乘坐的一种小车。

    宋 李上交 《近事会元·兜笼》:“ 唐 志, 巴 蜀 妇人多有。 肃宗 乾元 已来,以兜笼易于担负,京城奚车、兜笼代于车轝矣。奚车,似今之坐车耳。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“夫人好毒害,道,‘孩儿每,回取箇坐车儿来。’”

  3. 客车。对“货车”而言。

    清 马建忠 《适可斋记言·铁道论》:“轮车之式不一:有力小而速,专挽坐车者;有力大而迟,专挽货车者;有兼挽坐车、货车,而速率有差者。”



  1. I carry a pair of health balls with me on long trips to help adjust my physical condition.


  2. By the way, remember the ride home a few days ago to see it, the countryside is in the green into the sea.


  3. There are lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram.


  4. a soldier riding a bus did not offer his seat to a woman with a baby even when it began to cry.


  5. Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel.


  6. "Um, " she thought to herself, "she goes riding with another man when her husband is out of the city. He had better keep an eye on her. "


  7. Finally, Susan decided to try the trip on her own and it turned out that she was doing it well.


  8. The female driver smiled and told me that two dollars would be fine, I could reimburse the remaining half dollar on my next ride.


  9. Where can buy laundry coin and how much? 28 KM, about 30 minutes. By taxi about RMB130.


  1. 坐车10分钟左右。

    It takes about 10 minutes by car.

  2. 带你去坐车

    take you for a ride.

  3. 和我一起坐车

    Ride with me.

  4. 有时我坐车去。

    Sometimes I go by car.

  5. 她坐车到学校。

    She goes to school by bus.

  6. 我坐车坐到头晕。

    I have been in the car so long that I am dizzy.

  7. 有时我坐车过去。

    At times I go by car.

  8. 我可以坐车去吗?

    Can I go by bus?

  9. 你骑车还是坐车去?

    Are you to go there by bike or by bus?

  10. 噢,我,我不用坐车了。

    Oh, I, I don't need a ride.

  11. 我自己可以坐车去。

    I'll handle my own transportation.

  12. 我们坐车抵达前门廊。

    We rolled up to the front porch.

  13. 坐车。要花三个小时。

    By car. It will take three hours.

  14. 拿着!够你坐车回去了!

    Take it! It's enough for the ride back!

  15. 她问,你能否一起坐车去?

    She asks, can you ride along

  16. 什么时候坐车的人最多?

    When do most people get on the bus?

  17. 我怎样坐车才能赶到火车站?

    How can I get to the railway station by bus?

  18. 我要到哪个站台去坐车。

    Which platform do I go to for the train.

  19. 坐车要四十分钟到这里。

    It takes me forty minutes to get there by car.

  20. 我想和我的姐妹一起坐车。

    I would like to ride in the car with my sister.

  21. 下雨的时候, 我坐车去学校。

    When it rains, I go to school by bus.

  22. 靓次伯演出坐车舞台剧照

    Stage Performance of Riding the Cart by Lang Chi Pak

  23. 我坐车有恐惧症,如何克服?

    I take a car to have disease, how to overcome ?

  24. 我不确定,说不定我会坐车去。

    I don't know, maybe I'll go there by car.

  25. 昨天,我和妈妈坐车去公园。

    Yesterday I, with my mother, went to the park on a bus.

  26. 你自己坐车去不就行了。

    You take a bus or a taxi will do.

  27. 坐车时,记住要系上安全带。

    Remember to fasten your seat belts when you get in the car.

  28. 第05课去中关村怎么坐车

    Lesson 05 How can I take a bus to Zhongguancun

  29. 我们不用坐车,走过去很方便。

    Let's not take the car, we can easily walk over.

  30. 你可以在下个拐角处坐车。

    You can catch the bus from next corner.


  1. 问:坐车拼音怎么拼?坐车的读音是什么?坐车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐车的读音是zuòchē,坐车翻译成英文是 to get in a car.