


1. 节 [jié]2. 节 [jiē]节 [jié]竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。……


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:jié shí








  1. 节制饮食。

    《三国志·魏志·高句丽传》:“其俗节食,好治宫室,於所居之左右立大屋。”《南史·夷貊传下·高句丽》:“地多大山深谷,无原泽,百姓依之以居,食涧水。虽土著,无良田,故其俗节食,好修宫室。” 清 褚人穫 《坚瓠秘集·饱生众疾》:“ 循州 苏侍郎 每见某,即劝令节食,言食少则臟气流通而少疾。”《解放日报》1984.5.12:“为了接近角色,他要我节食减肥,注意防止发胖。”

  2. 节日食品。

    元 孟汉卿 《魔合罗》第四折:“莫不是买油麵为节食,莫不是裁段疋作秋衣。” 明 袁宏道 《岁时纪异》:“上元以糖圆春糕为节食。”



  1. For many women struggling to keep slim, dieting can seem to last a lifetime. Or to be more precise, 31 years.


  2. Dieting may get the scale to start moving, but exercise revs your metabolism. Learn why and find out how much exercise is needed.


  3. It good for you to go on a diet. Going on a diet does good to you.


  4. In these days of dieting and weight watching, most people would love to be able to tighten their belt after losing a few kilograms .


  5. We know it's easy to say, but you'll soon start to see and feel the benefits of dieting, providing you keep at it.


  6. As a reward for staying on your diet, I'm going to allow you to have some sugar with your coffee today.


  7. Whether or not this is the reason that dieting is often ineffective, the results still have important implications, the researchers believe.


  8. Weight loss before the real pain, with a paragraph. Slimming capsule month pay cut of 19 pounds, without dieting activities, do not know.


  9. I promised myself I'd stick with The Office Dietfor at least a year.


  1. 他在节食。

    He is dieting.

  2. 我要节食。

    I am going on a diet.

  3. 节食辅助剂

    dietary supplement.

  4. 傻瓜才节食。

    Dieting is a mug's game.

  5. 她正在节食。

    She is on a strict diet.

  6. 你应该节食。

    You should go on a diet.

  7. 开始减肥节食

    to go on a diet

  8. 实行减肥节食

    to be on a diet

  9. 实行减肥节食

    to be on a diet.

  10. 反而继续节食

    Continue going on diets instead.

  11. 我下决心节食。

    Ve made up my mind to go on a diet.

  12. 节食减重者

    weight watcher.

  13. 亨利在节食

    Henry Is on a Diet.

  14. 我正在节食中。

    I am on a diet.

  15. 够与节食忠告。

    Enough with the dieting advice.

  16. 节食, 吃限定食物

    To go on a diet

  17. 你想节食减肥?

    You want to go on a diet to lose weight?

  18. 我要节食减肥。

    I need to go on a diet to lose some weight.

  19. 医生建议她节食。

    The doctor advises her to go on a diet.

  20. 他仍在节食吗?

    Is he still dieting

  21. 他仍在节食吗。

    Is he still dieting.

  22. 莉莎这几天在节食。

    Lisa is on a diet these days.

  23. 她在节食以减肥。

    She is dieting to lose weight.

  24. 她说她在节食减肥。

    She said she was banting.

  25. 我看你应该节食。

    I think you should go on a diet.

  26. 我看尔应该节食。

    I think you should go on a diet.

  27. 是的,您应当节食。

    Yes.You should go on a diet.

  28. 在实行定量的节食

    To go on a light diet

  29. 她太胖, 需要节食。

    She got so fat that she had to diet.

  30. 医生说我得节食。

    The doctor says Ive got to go on a diet.


  1. 问:节食拼音怎么拼?节食的读音是什么?节食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:节食的读音是jiéshí,节食翻译成英文是 be on a diet


由On diet省略而来。意指只吃限定的食物,或按医生给出的食谱进食。节食本来只是为了健康,但它确实能防止肥胖甚至减肥。渐渐地它又变成减肥的同义词。世界上任何地区和国家想来都有过以胖为美的时代,如在中国唐朝那样的时代。在远古在原始社会能吃得饱吃得胖的人一定是被人羡慕的吧,想想当时食物的匿乏、刀耕火种的辛苦。所以,节食和减肥是社会进步、物质丰富的时代特征。