




哺乳动物,肉可食,鬃可制刷,皮可制革,粪是很好的肥料:~倌。~场。~圈(juàn )。~肉。生~。野~。种(zhóng )~。古同“潴”,水积存之处。……



汉语拼音:cǎo zhū






  1. 方言。母猪。

    章炳麟 《新方言·释动物》:“今北方通谓牝马曰草马,牝驴曰草驴。 湖北 移以言猪,谓牝猪为草猪。”




  1. 没想到,娘只用了半小时就割了两筐猪草。

    Unexpectedly, mother had mowed two baskets of pigweed for less than half a hour.

  2. 猪耳草毒素

    cotyledon toxin.

  3. 猪笼草的组织培养

    Rapid Propagation of Nepenthes mirabilis by Tissue Culture

  4. 福建莆田有没有猪笼草?

    Do Fujian Pu Tian City have common nepenthes

  5. 猪笼草组培快繁技术

    Tissue Culture and Fast Propagation in Nepenthes Alata

  6. 可以吞噬啮齿类动物的猪笼草。

    The Nepenthes which can swallow the rodents.

  7. 猪笼草组织培养育苗技术的研究

    Study on the Tissue Culture and Breeding Technology of Nepenthes mirabills

  8. 猪笼草组培快繁技术研究

    Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Nepenthes mirabilis

  9. 喜食猪毛菜和艾蒿之类的草类。

    Preference Salsola and mugwort sort of grass.

  10. 菲律宾猪笼草猎物剪影, 有点像皮影戏。

    Like figures in a shadow theater, silhouettes of prey show through a Philippine pitcher plant.

  11. 猪笼草的形状和地点随品种而改变。

    The shape and placing of the pitchers varies from species to species.

  12. 有些猪笼草的叶子长得就像水罐,

    Some pitcher plants have leaves the shape of a pitcher.

  13. 籽粒苋草粉对生长肥育猪饲养效果试验

    Feeding Trial on Amaranthus Cruentus Straw Powder Mixed Feed in Store Pig

  14. 张勇每天一大早就到山上刈草喂猪。

    Every day in the early morning, Zhang Yong goes to the mountain and mows grass to feed the pigs.

  15. 张勇每天一大早就到山上刈草喂猪。

    Every day in the early morning, Zhang Yong goes to the mountain and mows grass to feed the pigs.

  16. 紫花苜蓿种植及草粉添加饲喂肉猪效果观察

    The Observation of the Effect on Alfalfa Rice Cropping and Grass Meal Raising Pork Pig

  17. 茶多酚和鼠尾草对猪肉的抗氧化效果

    Effects of tea polyphenols and Salvia officinalis on pork antioxidation

  18. 我很震惊地发现一个种猪笼草变种物种。

    I was shocked to find a species of pitcher plant called Nepenthes mirabilis var.

  19. 木犀草素对猪传染性胃肠炎病毒的抑制作用

    Inhibitory Activity of Luteolin against Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus

  20. 海南岛野生猪笼草资源调查及其营养成分分析

    The Investigation and Study on the Germplasm Resources and Growth of the wild Common Nepenthes in Hainan

  21. 苜蓿草粉对生长猪生产性能及血清指标的影响

    Effect of Alfalfa Meal Diet on Production Performance and Serum Index of Growing Pigs

  22. 正如我们所知的那样,猪笼草会吃一些小昆虫。

    As we might have already known, pitcher plants eat small insects.

  23. 在那里我发现弓背蚂蚁工蚁们正在猪笼草上爬行。

    There I found Camponotus schmitzi workers crawling on pitcher plants that grow as vines at the base of the meranti.

  24. 猪笼草恐怕是整个浩瀚宇宙中最神秘的植物了。

    The pitcher plant is probably the most mysterious plant in the whole wide universe.

  25. 苜蓿草粉对杜洛克生长猪生长性能和养分消化的影响

    Influence of fed alfalfa hay meal substitued for diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility of duroc growing swine

  26. 每天,猪、牛、驴都被赶到村正北的平地上去吃草。

    Every day pigs, cattle and donkeys are herded out to graze in the flatland due north of the village.

  27. 但猪笼草其实是一种很有诱惑性又漂亮的植物。

    Pitcher plants are actually very alluring and beautiful plants.

  28. 第一只小猪找到一些稻草, 他盖了一座漂亮的草房子。

    The first pig found some straw, and he built a fine house with straw, and he built a fine house with straw.

  29. 紫花苜蓿草粉代替猪日粮中鱼粉对育肥猪增重的影响

    Influence on fatten pig weight using alfalfa grass powder to replaces fish meal in pig's fodder

  30. 与我们人类不同, 猪笼草把这当作是一件很幸运的事!

    Unlike us humans, the pitcher plants think that this is a very lucky thing!

