







汉语拼音:jiù guǎn







  1. 临产时移住侧室分娩。引申指生子。

    《汉书·外戚传下·孝成赵皇后》:“故废后宫就馆之渐,絶微嗣祸乱之根,乃欲致位陛下以安宗庙。”《宋史·韩琦传》:“ 琦 乘间进曰:‘……陛下春秋高,未有建立,何不择宗室之贤者,以为宗庙社稷计?’帝曰:‘后宫将有就馆者,姑待之。’”按《礼记·内则》:“妻将生子,及月辰,居侧室。”馆即侧室。

  2. 谓赴宫廷治事之所。

    北周 庾信 《周大将军墓志》:“始弘就馆之礼,即授登坛之策。”后用以称到主人家授徒或充幕僚。 宋 赵叔向 《肯綮录》:“今士人就馆聚徒,皆谓之就馆,亦语忌也。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二七回:“我笑道:‘这个给我们就馆的差不多,阔不到那里去。’”



  1. A connected museum paints Japan in its wars of 1937-45 as the liberator of Asia, a victim of Western belligerency.


  1. 他不以战犯为荣,并且决不同游就馆来往。

    He does not honour the criminals and has no truck with the museum.

  2. 参观水族馆就像开启了一场颇具异域风情的冒险之旅。

    Embark on an exotic adventure with a visit to the aquarium.

  3. 像刺猬又像蒲公英就是英国馆。

    British Pavilion is both like a dandelion and a hedgehog.

  4. 这是一个很小的馆,就在动物园的门口。

    This is a very small exhibit right at the entrance.

  5. 馆,就献给卡露莲公主。其中一袭露肩长裙,是整个展

    Long dress with fuchsia, green and black tulip prints on white satin taffeta,

  6. 前一天你还有一间公寓,第二天你发现它就变成了饺子馆。

    One day you have an apartment, the next day it's a house of dumplings.

  7. 如果你加入的健身馆非常远,就不会去得那么经常了。

    If you enrol at a gym that's miles away, you won't be visiting it as often as you should.

  8. 印度考古调查处和印度国家档案馆就附属于该部。

    The Archeological Survey of India and the National Archives of India are attached to the Ministry.

  9. 地点在万体馆西南对面,到了那里问一下就知道了。

    Million locations in the body across the Southwest Museum, to ask where to know.

  10. 一回到使者馆, 被尿湿了的三人就分别洗了个香香的澡。

    On returning to emissary structure, 3 people who be rainy rinsed a Zao of jossstick jossstick respectively.

  11. 这样的书在书馆里就能找到。

    Such books are to be found in the library.

  12. 这样得书在书馆里就能找到。

    Such books are to be found in the library.

  13. 它就象艺术馆那样使我赏心悦目。

    It gives me pleasure, like an art gallery.

  14. 但你一看就知道这是个中餐馆

    You know a Chinese restaurant when you see it.

  15. 这就是法国著名的格雷万蜡像馆。

    This is Grevin, the famous wax museum in France.

  16. 这简直就好比一群猪在球馆外面飞行。

    Which meant that pigs also were flying outside AmericanAirlines Arena.

  17. 就从无尾熊馆开始参观好了。无尾熊超级可爱。

    Ricky Why dont we start at the Koala House Koalas are adorable.

  18. 您是否意识到,在您家里或许就有一个档案馆。

    Whether or not you realize it, you probably have an archives in your home.

  19. 范甘迪就在体育馆内, 但并不在场边指挥。

    Jeff Van Gundy is in the house, but not doing the sideline coaching.

  20. 这就是一个水簇馆,但是我们应该深入的了解。

    And so it is sort of a theme, but it goes a little bit, you know, deeper than that.

  21. 台湾大学生物科学馆。这就是盈秀努力学习的地方。

    The School of Life Science in National Taiwan University. This is where our friend YingXiu studies.

  22. 该馆展示皆为特展,每半年至一年就有新作。

    All exhibitions in this museum are temporary exhibitions and change every half year or one year.

  23. 如果你不听见合十礼就不能放松,住在瑜伽馆边上。

    If you cant unwind until you hear namaste, stay near a yoga studio.

  24. 泰德我刚买下这地方的时候, 就把谷仓改建成了壁球馆。

    Ted I converted this barn into a squash court when I first bought the place.

  25. 他发枪了。而她就坐在北京射击馆里离他几十码远的地方。

    He shot. She sat several dozen yards away at the Beijing Shooting Range.