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1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……
汉语拼音:kāi dù
南朝 梁 陶弘景 《冥通记》卷二:“何期真圣曲垂启降,自顾腐秽,无地自安,若前缘可採,愿赐开度。”《隋书·经籍志四》:“其次当有 弥勒 出世,必经三会,演説法藏,开度众生。”
The simulation results shows that the opening variety of compressor by-pass valve affects cooling-down time of refrigerator system directly.
结果表明,降温过程中压缩机旁通阀的开度变化直接影响系统的降温时间。Therefore, it is suggested that the outlet valve opening of pH metering box and the time of each reclaiming link be adjusted.
为此提出了解决办法——调整酸碱计量箱出口阀开度及阴、阳床再生各步骤时间。and G. controlling the openness of a gas valve by the heating furnace meter through a loop.
加热炉仪表通过回路控制煤气阀门的开度。Use, detected valves pressure reduction and read out the degrees, can be considered by the flow valves.
使用时,测得阀门压降和读出开度,即可算得通过阀门的流量。Value lead could be a unvarying jaw opening, when it works, condenser water and air obviates from port A quickly.
阀门有一定开度,开始工作时,冷凝水与空气从A口迅速排放。The throttle adjustment module increases an opening of a throttle valve during the coasting event.
节气门调节模块在所述滑行事件期间增大节气门的开度。Discharging opening can be regulated which can heighten control amount of materials in the basin of the machine .
卸料门开度可调,可控制机盆内物料的数量。The top pressure increases with the increasing flux of the fan, and the top pressure increases with the decreasing by-pass valve opening.
当鼓风机流量增大时,顶压将增大,旁通阀开度增大时,顶压将减小。The rules for the fixed engine speed with constant engine speed between torque transfer of the clutch and throttle angle were established.