







汉语拼音:qǐ qǐ







  1. 呼人起立声。

    《后汉书·郑玄传》:“五年春,梦 孔子 告之曰:‘起起,今年岁在辰,来年岁在巳。’既寤,以讖合之,知命当终,有顷寝疾……不得已,载病到 元城县 ,疾篤不进,其年六月卒。” 宋 苏轼 《次韵潜师放鱼》:“劝将浄业种西方,莫待梦中呼起起。” 冯应榴 合注:“此言不待临死而懺悔求福也。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录四》:“ 东光 马大还 ,尝夏夜裸卧 资胜寺 藏经阁,觉有人曳其臂曰:‘起起。’”

  2. 催促声。

    清 黄遵宪 《潮州行》:“起起呼使坐,软语相慰抚。”



  1. Nick, the performance recently seems to have been a little bit up and down; what's been happening?


  2. life can be exciting and relaxing . life can be hard , too . life is not always good . it has ups and downs . take it easy.


  3. 'Our family has the same ups and downs as any other . . . the same challenges and the same joys, ' she said.


  4. E-commerce has ridden the ups and downs of the general economy over the past decade, but it has continued to grow throughout.


  5. Thanks peach of a pear tree a white tree, starting from May the wind will be like when Sophorae Campanula hung like a thick branches.


  6. That is not the sort of performance to make a boss feel secure in his job, especially in this era of trigger-happy boards.


  7. As for the latter calls for the establishment of a strong data consistency and integrity, good for the security of the data.


  8. The rise and fall of the managed honeybee, then, owes as much to the economics of supply and demand as it does to the forces of nature.


  9. To avoid getting caught up in the market's daily turmoil, buy a lifecycle fund -- and don't check the account balance too often.


  1. 我还会起起当纯真的你

    I csn still remember the year I am with you

  2. 公司起起跌跌,挺了近十年。

    Tutu starting from the company, Ting for nearly a decade.

  3. 这种偏见假定惩罚起起到威慑的作用。

    Its assumption is that punishments serve a function of determent.

  4. 但是他们也经常起起浮浮,有时也怀疑友情的价值。

    But they have also had a whole lot of ups and downs, and sometimes wonder if their friendship is worth it.

  5. 一切事相随时变迁幻化起起灭灭, 是虚假不真实的。

    All things will change from void to existence, from emptiness to fullness, from birth to death, being deceitful and untrue.

  6. 竹筏在温柔的海浪上起起浮浮, 我就躺在里面睡着了。

    The waves would gently move the raft up and down and often I would fall asleep.

  7. 这本书对于那门复杂的课程, 可以起起到指点迷津的作用。

    This book may serve the purpose of Ariadne's thread in respect to the complicated subject.

  8. 这些物质可由起爆药起爆。

    These can be exploded with a cartridge.

  9. 我记不起这起事件得确切日期了。

    The exact date of the event has escaped me.

  10. 我记不起这起事件的确切日期了。

    The exact date of the event has escaped me.

  11. 船舶液压起货机起升系统故障分析及排除

    Analysis and removal of faults in hoisting system of the hydraulic crane of shipping

  12. 这些物质可用点火头点燃或由起爆药起爆。

    These can be ignited as by means of a squib or exploded with a cartridge.

  13. 然后静待风起 撑起画布 一幅艺术品就此完成

    I waited for the wind to come up and held up a canvas, and that produced art.

  14. 你从什么时候起关心起科琳西安丝的痛痒了?

    Since when did you care whether Corinthians stood up or fell down ?

  15. 乱翻式起球测试仪,可检测织物的起球起毛性能。

    Random Tumble Pilling Tester. To determine the pilling and fuzzing characteristics of textile fabrics.

  16. 一个小孩子是绝不可能肩负起起数一百万计的人的期望的。

    The burdensome expectations of millions could never be shouldered by a kid.

  17. 过了一会儿她抬起头起头来慢慢一笑, 眼里闪着泪光。

    After a moment she looked up with a slow smile, her eyes glistening with tears.

  18. 堆起, 垒起, 叠起

    To form into a hill, pile, or heap.

  19. 起毛促进起球。

    Hairiness proceeds the formation of pills.

  20. 起毛针布与起毛

    Fluffing Card Clothing and the Fluffing Process

  21. 输得起/ 不起的人

    to be a good/ bad loser

  22. 电动起货机电动起货绞车

    electric cargo winch

  23. 用辘轳拉起或吊起

    To pull or hoist with a tackle.

  24. 举起。跃起。翻腾。反抗。

    rear, elevate, lift, beam, rebel, buck, writhe

  25. 连接起第三世界 连接起我们所有人

    The Third World is connected, we are connected.

  26. 眯起双眼皱起面孔做怪相

    to screw ones eyesface into a grimace.

  27. 谋杀率从每一百万 15 起 直到 150 起。

    It goes from 15 homicides per million up to 148.

  28. 动画这玩意, 说起容易做起难

    Making animation is easier said than done

  29. 使皱起,噘起聚拢或皱起从而形成皱纹或褶使皱起

    To gather or contractinto wrinkles or foldspucker.

  30. 使皱起,噘起聚拢或皱起从而形成皱纹或褶

    pursed, purs. ing, purs. esTo gather or contract into wrinkles or foldspucker.