







汉语拼音:sān liú







  1. 指 宋 代 刘敞 ( 原甫 )、 刘攽 ( 贡甫 )、 刘奉世 ( 仲冯 )三人。

    宋 徐度 《却扫编》卷下:“﹝ 刘贡甫 ﹞ 刘原甫 与 原甫 之子 仲冯 ,皆精於《汉书》,每读随所得释之。后成一编,号《三刘汉书》,其正前人之失,皆此类也。”

  2. 指 宋 代 刘涣 、 刘恕 、 刘羲仲 祖孙父子三人。

    宋 刘元高 曾为之编《三刘家集》。



  1. 网络
  2. thee poets named Liu;current

  1. 北宋新喻三刘诗韵研究

    Studies of the Rhyming in the Poems by the Three Poets of Xinyu Named Liu during the Northern Song Dynasty

  2. 第三, 刘备的礼贤下士只不过是他笼络人心的手段。

    Thirdly, Liu Beis Rhenish corporal was his only means to win the hearts and minds.The Three Kingdoms Mr.

  3. 刘三姐传说

    the legend of Third Sister Liu.

  4. 刘三姐是壮族传说中的歌仙。

    Sanjie Liu is a fairy singer in the legend of the Zhuang minority group.

  5. 我带你去看歌舞剧《刘三姐》吧。

    Come with me to watch the song and drama"Third Sister Liu".

  6. 关于建设刘三姐文化品牌的几个问题

    Several probles about building liu sanjie culture

  7. 刘三姐文化对少数民族女性生活的影响

    Cultural Impact of Sister Liu, Third Elder, on the Women's Life of Minority Nationalities

  8. 感激刘三斤先生生动且内涵丰盛的演讲。

    Thank you, Mr. Liu for your interesting and informative speech.

  9. 请允许我介绍今天得重要发言人, 刘三斤先生。

    It is my home to introduce today's keynote speaker, Mr. Liu.

  10. 请允许我介绍今天的重要发言人,刘三斤先生。

    It is my home to introduce today's keynote speaker, Mr. Liu.

  11. 三是刘邦对项羽分封的不满。

    Third, Liu Bang are not satisfied with the feudality from Shiang Yu.

  12. 刘兵是那三个中跳得最远的。

    Liu Bing jumped farthest of the three.

  13. 三是刘靳村容村貌整治示范建设进展顺利。

    Third, Liu Jin Rong Village Model Village Maung remediation construction is progressing well.

  14. 我想刘翔之所以能取得佳绩, 有三个原因。

    I think there were three reasons.

  15. 刘翔全运会获三连胜佳绩,成媒体关注焦点。

    Liu Xiang steals limelight after hattrick feat at National Games.

  16. 被告人刘某被法院判处有期徒刑三年,缓刑五年。

    Liu accused was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years.

  17. 三脚两步上楼梯去,只听得阿刘在背后冷笑。

    and bounded up the steps two at a time, with Ah Liu laughing scornfully behind him

  18. 而让另外三人把伤重得刘备带回铁时空医治。

    And let the other three to wounds healing time of Liu Bei back iron.

  19. 而让另外三人把伤重的刘备带回铁时空医治。

    And let the other three to wounds healing time of Liu Bei back iron.

  20. 榆次西窑水源地三叠系刘家沟组裂隙水分析

    Analysis on Trias Liujiagou Group's Fracture Water in Yuci Xiyao Watershed

  21. 三在四十余被害的青年之中,刘和珍君是我的学生。

    Miss Liu Hezhen, one of the more than forty young people killed, was my pupil.

  22. 在刘凯的27名同班同学中,已有三人被研究生院录取。

    Of Lius 27 classmates, three have gotten into graduate schools.

  23. 几小时之内,警察就抓到了刘易斯提到的那三个人。

    Within hours, police corralled the three men Lewis had named.

  24. 在前三场比赛的沉寂之后,刘易斯在第四战表现异常突出。

    Following three fairly quiet games, Lewis is the standout in Game Four.

  25. 刘备第三次来到诸葛亮的家。

    This time the wise man was home, but he was napping.

  26. 埃利森同刘易斯并列第三。

    Ellison came equal third with Lewis.

  27. 浅析三国演义中刘备的领导艺术

    An analysis of LIU Bei's leadership skill in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  28. 其三分析 刘震 云泣血的大狂欢。

    The third part analyzes Liu Zhenyun's big rave and joke with tears.

  29. 第三章和最后一章是由刘教授写得。

    Chapter three and the last chapter are written by Professor Liu.

  30. 第三章和最后一章是由刘教授写的。

    Chapter three and the last chapter are written by Professor Liu.