




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:zhèn jiǎo







  1. 指所摆的阵的最前方。

    宋 李新 《观梁辅之晓阅》诗:“风吹细柳旗形转,日过寒谿阵脚斜。”《三国演义》第三九回:“ 惇 令 于禁 、 李典 押住阵脚,亲自出马阵前。”《英烈传》第二三回:“两边站定了阵脚,这场廝杀,实是惊人。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第八章:“ 志勇 这‘回马枪’冲着堵击的敌人屁股一扫,敌人乱了阵脚。”

  2. 比喻斗争双方的态势。

    宋 魏泰 《东轩笔录》卷七:“ 唐子方 始弹 张尧佐 ,与諫官皆上疏,及弹 文公 ( 彦博 ),则 吴奎 畏缩不前,当时为拽动阵脚。” 徐迟 《牡丹》六:“一个缺口打开后,就不容易守住阵脚了。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第三五章:“ 萧长春 继续说:‘明天开会,要有人再挑头提粮食问题,咱们也别顺着他们的意思顶牛了,要压住阵脚,先引着他们商量生产,由生产再联上粮食的事儿,这样就不会乱了。’”



  1. "We had a lot of work and resources tied up in it, " said Jones, digging himself in a little deeper.


  2. A watched pot easily lead to "random heart" , "thrown into a position" , it's easy to make mistakes.


  3. This preference has flummoxed protocol offices the world over, notably in Paris, where Qaddafi pitched his tent for a week in 2007.


  4. Just when that looked likely to be the last action before the break, there came a booking and three moments of panic in the Fulham defence.


  5. Witnesses say the boat foundered in heavy seas as passengers stampeded to board inflatable life rafts.


  6. Dont ever let your enemies see u fall, all they want is to see you mess up, don't give them the pleasure.


  7. This year we have pins stabilize, to have increased confidence in the next stage of development.


  8. In this mode, NSS is configured as an output pin, and can be used as a slave-select signal for a single SPI device.


  9. That is, even the president's chief economic adviser was discomfited by his campaign rhetoric on international trade.


  1. 你就是一下子乱了阵脚

    You're having a panic attack.

  2. 削价竞销, 自乱阵脚

    selling goods at a discount and throwing their own ranks off balance

  3. 他开始自乱阵脚了

    He's starting to lose it in there.

  4. 你不能慌得乱了阵脚

    You cannot panic or alter your routine.

  5. 第二句话, 稳住阵脚。

    Second, we should hold our ground.

  6. 第二句话,稳住阵脚。

    Second, we should hold our ground.

  7. 热刺渐渐稳住了阵脚。

    Spurs are steadying themselves.

  8. 这个意外事件搅乱了我的阵脚。

    This accident upset our plans and threw us into confusion.

  9. 这个意外事件搅乱了我们的阵脚。

    This accident upset our plans and threw us into confusion.

  10. 也许他们想乱你阵脚 让你栽跟头。

    Maybe they're trying to rattle you, hoping you'll slip up.

  11. 敌军从背後受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。

    The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear.

  12. 敌军从背后受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。

    The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear.

  13. 他需要刺激这位法师,使他自乱阵脚。

    He needed to goad the mage into acting rashly.

  14. 但是如果中央自己乱了阵脚,那就难说了。

    But if the central leadership had been in disarray, it would have been hard to say what would have happened.

  15. 萧条时他们稳住了阵脚, 把公司拉了回来。

    They were great holding the floor down, repaired the company back.

  16. 发言人谈到这个问题使他们乱了阵脚。

    The spokesman wrongfooted them with this question.

  17. 你的这张传票会把我们现在的阵脚完全打乱。

    Your subpoena is going to put a complete monkey wrench in what we are doing.

  18. 稳住阵脚, 你可以利用好自己慷慨大方的个性。

    Stay mellow. Your generous nature could be taken advantage of.

  19. 他讲话时语速慢而谨慎,从不乱阵脚。

    He speaks slowly and deliberately and is rarely rushed.

  20. 肯定不能告诉苏珊,她都已经慌乱阵脚了。

    Well, we can't tell Susan. She's already flipping out.

  21. 科技上不断地升级改变使许多公司阵脚大乱。

    Constant and escalating technological change has left many organizations reeling.

  22. 他不会因为一点点起哄就让自己乱了阵脚。

    He wasn't going to let a bit of heckling put him off his stride.

  23. 记住, 记号间隔越大, 就表示阵脚越宽, 缝起来也越快。

    Remember the more widely spaced the increments, the longer your stitches will be, and the quicker your book will take to sew.

  24. 相比之下,麦凯恩最初得反应是乱了阵脚,相互矛盾。

    By contrast Mr McCain's initial reactions were frenetic and contradictory.

  25. 相比之下,麦凯恩最初的反应是乱了阵脚,相互矛盾。

    By contrast Mr. McCain's initial reactions were frenetic and contradictory.

  26. 这一年我们的阵脚稳住了, 为下一步发展增强了信心。

    This year we have pins stabilize, to have increased confidence in the next stage of development.

  27. 事实上, 苏丹的领导人们因被指控而慌了阵脚。

    In truth, Sudan's rulers have been rattled by the indictment.

  28. 第一次担任主持的那个晚上,我吓得完全乱了阵脚。

    That first night I emceed I was absolutely terrified.

  29. 不知你是否认为他能守住阵脚, 整整四年不增税。

    I wondered if you think he can hold the line and not raise taxes for a full four years.

  30. 张起便自乱阵脚的各国势力感受到了紧迫的危机感。

    Zhang Qi then felt urgent emergency sensibility from disorderly the all countries influence of the feet.


  1. 问:阵脚拼音怎么拼?阵脚的读音是什么?阵脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阵脚的读音是zhènjiǎo,阵脚翻译成英文是 position