




价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……



汉语拼音:bì zhí






  1. Mr Lew said he had raised the issue in his meetings with leaders and stressed that the value of the renminbi should be "market-determined" .


  2. Currency analysts stated that such a revaluation could have stabilized the system but these nations said the dollar should be devalued.


  3. He said it is important for Beijing in a gradual fashion to let markets set the currency's value.


  4. Then he said the new one, worth 1, 000 old bolivars, would be renamed the " bolivar fuerte, " or strong bolivar .


  5. The European Union protested mightily, even though its exports have had the advantage of a cheaper euro for the past six months or more.


  6. Against the Japanese yen, the euro fell to a four-year low and is now only three-quarters of its value in July.


  7. Asia also benefits from strong offshore inflows due to the undervalued nature of the region's currencies .


  8. Indeed, Japan's abnormally low rates could be viewed as a form of intervention to hold down the yen.


  9. He says the problem is China's currency, the yuan, is undervalued and a gradual appreciation has not slowed the flow of cash.


  1. 人民币币值

    RMB value.

  2. 币值不变假设

    stable monetary unit assumption

  3. 币值后进先出法

    dollar value LIFO method

  4. 币值,是升还是贬?

    Revalue or Devalue for RMB?

  5. 这些硬币的币值不等。

    These coins are not equal value.

  6. 美元的币值可能下降。

    The value of the dollar may fall.

  7. 经济增长与币值稳定

    Economic Growth and Currency Stabilization

  8. 一镍币值五美分。

    A nickel is worth five cents.

  9. 现行价值与统一币值会计

    Constant dollar and current cost accounting

  10. 恢复给硬币,使币值更高。

    The resumption of specie payment appreciated the currency.

  11. 币值的波动要承担部分的责任。

    Currency movements are partly to blame.

  12. 方法以产生法国货币值。

    String format specifier to produce a French monetary value.

  13. 按币值进行批量和累计点币。

    Batch and cumulative count totals by denomination.

  14. 人民币兑换美元币值创下新高

    Yuan Strengthens Slightly Against Dollar

  15. 他们企图恢复英镑币值,但劳而无功。

    They tried to rally pound sterling but in vain.

  16. 瑞士民众担心法郎的币值下跌。

    The Swiss are worried about a falling franc.

  17. 第一,我认为人民币的币值没有低估。

    First, I think the RMB is not undervalued currency.

  18. 零钱,是指币值很小的钱。

    Spare change refers to bill or coin of small denomination.

  19. 你可以订时间获取你想要的币值。

    You can set a time frame for obtaining the amount you want.

  20. 人民币币值高估或低估的标准分析

    The RMB Currency Value Overestimates The Standard Analysis of Which or Underestimated

  21. 例如, 可用它进行精确的币值计算。

    You can use these for accurate monetary calculations, for example.

  22. 不过对于币值波动的风险你怎么处理?

    But what about the risk of currency fluctuation?

  23. 金融上,稳定物价,维护边币相对币值。

    On finance, control prices, maintain a relative value of Border Region Currency.

  24. 一种法国金币法国以前使用的币值为20法郎的金币

    A20 franc gold coin formerly used in France.

  25. 如果出口下降,预计货币币值也应走软。

    If exports are falling, the currency should be expected to weaken.

  26. 从中,美,日主要经济指标比较看人民币币值

    Discussion of the Value of RMB from Comparing Several Primary Economic Indicators of US, Japan and China

  27. 但如何在汇率稳定的同时保持人民币币值的稳定?

    But how can we maintain the stability of the exchange rate of our currency while keeping its value stable?

  28. 半便士一种英国硬币,币值是新版便士的一半

    A British coin worth one half of a new penny.

  29. 很多人质疑香港是否需要贬低港元币值。

    Many have questioned whether we need to devalue the Hong Kong Dollar.

  30. 由于物价持续上升,近年来英镑的币值下降了。

    Because of continual price increases, the value of the pound has fallen in recent years.


  1. 问:币值拼音怎么拼?币值的读音是什么?币值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值的读音是bìzhí,币值翻译成英文是 value of currency

  2. 问:币值波动拼音怎么拼?币值波动的读音是什么?币值波动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值波动的读音是bì zhí bō dòng,币值波动翻译成英文是 currency fluctuation

  3. 问:币值稳定拼音怎么拼?币值稳定的读音是什么?币值稳定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值稳定的读音是bì zhí wěn dìng,币值稳定翻译成英文是 currency stabilization

  4. 问:币值调整拼音怎么拼?币值调整的读音是什么?币值调整翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值调整的读音是bì zhí tiáo zhěng,币值调整翻译成英文是 currency realignment

  5. 问:币值附加费拼音怎么拼?币值附加费的读音是什么?币值附加费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值附加费的读音是bìzhífùjiāfèi,币值附加费翻译成英文是 currency surcharge

  6. 问:币值调整因素拼音怎么拼?币值调整因素的读音是什么?币值调整因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值调整因素的读音是bì zhí tiáo zhěng yīn sù,币值调整因素翻译成英文是 currency adjustment factor

  7. 问:币值差额调整法律拼音怎么拼?币值差额调整法律的读音是什么?币值差额调整法律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:币值差额调整法律的读音是bì zhí chā é tiáo zhěng fǎ lǜ,币值差额调整法律翻译成英文是 scaling laws


