







汉语拼音:fú qi








  1. 有福的气派。

    宋 黄庭坚 《跋翟公巽所藏石刻》:“国初翰林侍书 王著 ,用笔圆熟,亦不易得,如富贵人家子,非无福气,但病在韵耳。”

  2. 享受幸福生活的命运;幸福。

    元 关汉卿 《玉镜台》第三折:“你便得些欢娱,便谈些好话,却有那般福气。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“纵不然,也是他生来有这些福气。”《儒林外史》第五三回:“是一位贵人,今天也肯到这里来,真个是 聘娘 的福气了。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第六章:“我要是有这么个闺女那才福气呢。”



  1. If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

  2. She touched the son's head and said to his father, "You he such a good son. He is both obedient and hardworking. "

  3. The group's refusal to participate in the dotcom boom, which at the time made it appear something of a dinosaur, turned out to be a boon.

  4. What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me.

  5. Now, nearly a thousand copies later, I have so many stories of people telling me how much they were blessed by my books.

  6. Don't miss the great blessing God has in store for you and your spouse as you enjoy sweet communion with each other.

  7. Shall not the children of God be equally faithful in seeking for the treasures hid in heaven, to bring them down in blessing on the world?

  8. It was so nice to be the mother-in-law of a rich young man -- one whose financial state had borne her personal inspection.

  9. Now, which word or phrase do you think is the topical word or phrase in verse three? The word "bless" or "blessings, " right?


  1. 真是女儿们得福气!

    What a fine thing for our girls!

  2. 真是女儿们的福气!

    What a fine thing for our girls!

  3. 真是女儿们的福气!

    What a fine thing for our girls!

  4. 你小子好福气呀!

    You lucky sod!

  5. 你小子好福气呀!

    You lucky sod!

  6. 他有充足的福气。

    He had abundance of blessings.

  7. 睡得着就是福气。

    To be able to fall asleep is a blessing.

  8. 幸运和福气的偶像

    Idol of fortune or felicity.

  9. 认识你是我的福气。

    It is my blessing to know you.

  10. 她身体好, 真有福气。

    She's fortunate enough to enjoy good health.

  11. 她身体好,真有福气。

    She's fortunate enough to enjoy good health .

  12. 闲是福气,无聊却是痛苦。

    Leisure is enjoyable, while vacuity is suffering.

  13. 是啊,算我的福气了。

    Yeah,it.It can be rewarding.

  14. 是啊,算我的福气了。

    Yeah, it. It can be rewarding.

  15. 这里到处都有你的好福气。

    Your good luck is all here.

  16. 他真是个有福气的人!

    He is a fortunate man indeed!

  17. 我就没有你这福气了。

    I couldn't be happier for you.

  18. 有的时候无知真是福气啊。

    There are times when ignorance is bliss indeed.

  19. 腰腿好,身体好就是福气啊。

    It's lucky to be healthy.

  20. 腰腿好,身体好就是福气啊。

    It's lucky to be healthy.

  21. 他身体非常好, 真有福气。

    He is blessed with excellent health.

  22. 找到你是我女儿的福气。

    And my daughter, she'd be lucky to have you.

  23. 咱们且来算算她福气何在。

    Let us set down the items of her happiness.

  24. 有人生来就有福气,不是吗?

    Some people are born lucky aren't they?

  25. 他有福气, 儿女都很孝顺。

    He is fortunate inshavingssuch dutiful children.

  26. 感激, 让我们想起我们的福气。

    Appreciation calls us to count our blessings.

  27. 人们把春联墙壁上的福气。

    People put scrolls on the wall for good fortune.

  28. 能做你的姐妹是我的福气。

    I am so blessed to be your sister.

  29. 有夫妻相的人是有福气的

    Couples who have similar looks with each other are blissful.

  30. 有夫妻相的人是有福气的

    Couples who have similar looks with each other are blissful.


  1. 问:福气拼音怎么拼?福气的读音是什么?福气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:福气的读音是fúqi,福气翻译成英文是 good fortune



“福气”是个多义词,它可以指福气(阿雅音乐专辑), 福气(词语), 福气(桃丽丝·多利执导的电影), 福气(郭富城演唱歌曲)。