







汉语拼音:xiù bān






  1. 亦作“銹斑”。金属生锈或植物锈病的斑痕。



  1. When he tried it the rusty metal did not budge, and he came away with red flecks covering his fingers.


  2. Rejoice, Oh king; for the taint is removed from your blood and the stain from your crown. Justice, long delayed, is at last triumphant.


  3. The corrosion of steel plate and if it is in contact with solvent ink and not prone to appear in the pitting of and rust.


  4. They are so strong, their enemy are include rainy cold winter and rust(one of bacterial because too much rain) on their leaves.


  5. The rust stain be due to dampness at sea , so the Insurance company shall compensate you for the loss .


  6. MCB-4395 will also adhere to intact painted surfaces and tight rust and may be used to repair itself or inorganic zinc silicate primers .


  7. High iron content(hard water) may result in a brown or rust colored stain, if noticed, towel dry your sink after each use.


  8. detected with a magnifying glass embroidery corrosion, pitting the device 79.


  9. Blisterrust is a slow-moving, slow-acting disease that appears as an orange patch on a tree.


  1. 果实锈斑病

    Fruit russeting.

  2. 叶上的一点锈斑

    a little rust on the leaves

  3. 悲伤是心灵的锈斑。

    Sad is the soul of the rust.

  4. 樱桃烈性锈斑点病毒

    Cherry rusty mottle virus

  5. 有些滚筒上有锈斑。

    There are rust spots on some of the rollers.

  6. 樱桃坏死锈斑点病毒

    Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus

  7. 花岗石锈斑的清洗

    Cleaning the Rust Strain in the Surface of Granites

  8. 请擦去刀上的锈斑。

    Please scour rust spots from the knife.

  9. 请擦去刀上得锈斑。

    Please scour rust spots from the knife.

  10. 端面平直, 无毛刺。无锈斑。

    Side surface should be flat and straight. Without burr, without rust.

  11. 大理石表面锈斑的事故树分析

    Fault tree analysis of the forming of rust smear on marble

  12. 东方金钰提出可以帮助清理锈斑。

    The company offered to help remove the rusty spots.

  13. 鸭梨果实果点和锈斑的发育

    The Development of Fruit Dot and Russetting in'Yan'Pear

  14. 戒指内侧有一层厚厚的锈斑。

    The tarnish lay thick on the inside of the ring.

  15. 铁器容易有锈斑,你们要注意保管。

    Iron goes rusty easily. You should take good care of it.

  16. 铁器容易有锈斑,你们要注意保管。

    Iron goes rusty easily. You should take good care of it.

  17. 有效去除尿渍, 水垢, 油污, 锈斑等。

    Of shaft vessels Effectively remove stains, urine, grease, rusty spot and scale.

  18. 脉冲激光去除青铜文物锈斑的研究

    A Research for Removing Rust onthe Surface of the Bronze Relics by the Pulse Laser

  19. 管内无毛刺、锈斑、鳞片及其它杂物。

    Tube without burr, rusty spot, scales and other sundry.

  20. 钢板面或边缘有少许锈斑是允许的。

    It is allowed to have a little rust on the brim of steel plate.

  21. 这些锈斑可能是由于在海上受潮引起得。

    Maybe the rust stain is due to dampness at sea.

  22. 这些锈斑可能是由于在海上受潮引起的。

    Maybe the rust stain is due to dampness at sea.

  23. 黄绿色葡萄品种果皮锈斑问题及防治措施

    Skin rust of green grape and the corresponding control methods

  24. 该处船壳板严重腐蚀并密集着锈斑。

    The shell plating in way was seriously corroded and densely pitted.

  25. 枇杷果实锈斑病的发生原因及其控制

    Causes of occurrence and prevention of russet on loquat fruit

  26. 爸爸用除锈剂帮我清除自行车上的锈斑。

    Father helped me remove the rust on the bicycle with the de-ruster.

  27. 参根周皮层锈斑有机组分来源的探讨

    Inquire into the Source of Organic Components in the Rusty Spot of Cortex around of Ginseng Root.

  28. 车主用劲擦除锈斑。除锈 涂底漆联合作业机

    The car owner scoured at rusted spots cleaning and priming machine

  29. 您洗澡时,剃须膏会给您留下难看的锈斑?

    Has the shaving cream can left ugly rust spots on your shower?

  30. 缺陷识别和锈斑的分析,并对其缺陷进行分类等。

    Defect identification and analysis of rust, and its defect classification.


  1. 问:锈斑拼音怎么拼?锈斑的读音是什么?锈斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锈斑的读音是xiùbān,锈斑翻译成英文是 Stain caused by metallic rust or rust disease of...

  2. 问:锈斑猫拼音怎么拼?锈斑猫的读音是什么?锈斑猫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锈斑猫的读音是xiùbānmāo,锈斑猫翻译成英文是 Rusty-spotted cat; Felis rubiginosa

  3. 问:锈斑林鴞拼音怎么拼?锈斑林鴞的读音是什么?锈斑林鴞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锈斑林鴞的读音是,锈斑林鴞翻译成英文是 Rusty barred Owl

  4. 问:锈斑林鸮拼音怎么拼?锈斑林鸮的读音是什么?锈斑林鸮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锈斑林鸮的读音是xiùbānlínxiāo,锈斑林鸮翻译成英文是 Rusty-barred Owl; Strix hylophila

  5. 问:锈斑雪苔蛾拼音怎么拼?锈斑雪苔蛾的读音是什么?锈斑雪苔蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锈斑雪苔蛾的读音是xiùbānxuětái'é,锈斑雪苔蛾翻译成英文是 Cyana effracta

