


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:tiáo kǎn








  1. 用言语戏弄;嘲笑。

    明 汤式 《一枝花·送车文卿归隐》套曲:“安乐窝随缘度昏旦,伴几箇知交撒顽,寻一会渔樵调侃。”《花月痕》第十回:“ 荷生 也笑道:‘我倒不意 秋痕 也会这般调侃人。’” 高晓声 《极其简单的故事》:“他想不到 陈产丙 竟不买他的交情,竟然阴阳怪气调侃他。”



  1. Suddently, I found we changed. We used to laugh at someone who talk about love Chian all day, now, we became one of them.


  2. A few more minutes of her patter and he would have given all his bank accounts away.


  3. The idol group tried to make light of the June cancellation situation in a TV commercial for Softbank Mobile, which started airing in July.


  4. 'You're dressed better than I have ever dressed in my life, ' complained one member, a retiree attired in jeans and tattered T shirt.


  5. As the French man of letters Francois Mauriac quipped, "I love Germany so much I'm glad there are two of them. "


  6. Many of the college is to describe the tone of ridicule, portrayed to the reader in his mind the ideal of a university.


  7. After 1995, those critique and review on revolution age, perplexity with joke, began to be amplified and form strong culture strength.


  8. The proper spelling of the Libyan leader's name has long been a source of banter and argument among Western journalists and editors.


  9. This means of self-mockery and fun, and have much to the body into men consumer goods?


  1. 只是深情调侃。

    Its just affectionate parrying.

  2. 王朔小说中的调侃初探。

    A study of tiao kan in Wang Shuos fiction.

  3. 刹那的喧哗,调侃永恒的天籁。

    The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal.

  4. 只有无聊时在诗中调侃

    Nothing but to ridicule in poems when it is boring.

  5. 牧师调侃圣诞老人 粉碎儿童殷殷期待

    Vicar Slays Santa, Shocks Children

  6. 这都是绅士酒吧里的调侃话。

    It's all flirty in the Esquire now.

  7. 关于身体的异化想象和黑色的调侃。

    About dissimilation image of body and black badinage.

  8. 他们互相调侃嘲谑,顾不上搭理其他人。

    They continued their banter, totally negelecting others.

  9. 他们互相调侃嘲谑,顾不上搭理其他人。

    They continued their banter, totally negelecting others.

  10. 这是调侃曾轶可得绵羊音吧?

    So is it satirizing Zengs low voice as sheep

  11. 这是调侃曾轶可的绵羊音吧?

    So is it satirizing Zengs low voice as sheep

  12. 罗立明经常不无不调侃地说。

    Liming often not without do not speak the ground says.

  13. 你得养成同别人调侃开玩笑的习惯。

    You want to get into the habit of teasing everyone.

  14. 他们互相调侃嘲讽, 无法理会其他人。

    They continued their banter, totally negelecting others.

  15. 热爱你的听众, 不少于你调侃他们的程度

    Loving your audience as much or more than you poke fun at them.

  16. 巴菲特常常调侃复合增长的重要性。

    Buffett often jokes about the importance of compounding.

  17. 它知道如何取乐和具备合理的调侃意识。

    It knows how to have fun and has a healthy sense of irony.

  18. 请以调侃、不在乎的态度来表示文雅有礼。

    Be polite in a teasing, nonchalant manner.

  19. 不同的情形和心境,决定了调侃方式的差异。

    The different condition and frame of mind decides the dissimilarity of ridicule fashion.

  20. 然东坡诗中有大量的戏谑调侃之作。

    But there are a lot of bantering works in the poems of Su Dongpo.

  21. 调侃可以一直进行练习,对男的和女的都可以。

    Teasing is something you can practice all day long, on both guys and girls.

  22. 你可以当我不是认真的,因为我已熟悉调侃。

    You can though that I'm not serious, because I am already familiar with dig.

  23. 劳拉的幽默调侃, 显示了她另外的风趣一面。

    This speech showed a different and very funny side of Laura Bush.

  24. 同时真正的谐星也有机会对总统调侃一番。

    It also a chance for a professional comic to roast the president.

  25. 诙谐是智慧的言谈,它是自我调侃,而非讽刺别人。

    Humor is the speech of wisdom that mocks self, not others.

  26. 我的开场白是对在我前面表演的乐队调侃了一番。

    I did a few opening gags about the band that had been on before me.

  27. 廷戈属于一类专门调侃政治及政治家的喜剧演员。

    Tingle belongs to a cast of comedians who make fun of politics and politicians.

  28. 我当时想 到时能在前言里调侃一下自己也好

    It'd make, I thought, maybe a nice epilogue to all my research.

  29. 当你真的有问题的时候,可以说这句话调侃一下。

    This is often used as a joke when you actually do have a problem.

  30. 他习惯于用这种自信和幽默的口吻与卡尔调侃。

    He was used to speak to Carl in a confident and facetious tone.


  1. 问:调侃拼音怎么拼?调侃的读音是什么?调侃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调侃的读音是tiáokǎn,调侃翻译成英文是 ridicule; jeer at; deride



