







汉语拼音:yé yú








  1. 嘲笑;戏弄。

    《东观汉记·王霸传》:“上令 霸 至市口募人,将以击 郎 ,市人皆大笑,举手揶揄之, 霸 惭而去。”《世说新语·任诞》“ 襄阳 罗友 有大韵” 刘孝标 注引《晋阳秋》:“乃是首旦出门,於中途逢一鬼,大见揶揄,云:‘我只见汝送人作郡,何以不见人送汝作郡?’” 清 钱谦益 《云阳草堂记》:“举世之人,见不越晦朔,智不出口耳,闻点石移山之説,未有不揶揄手笑者也,而又何怪与!” 蔡元培 《工学互助团的大希望》:“文学家、美术家的著作往往受同时人的揶揄非笑,直到死后几十年几百年才受人崇拜。”



  1. Friends from all over the world take the trouble to help our nation shoot such a mainstream movie.


  2. This is often a time of much teasing and trash-talking among league members.


  3. "If I told you, " Nabokov demurred, with teasing courtesy, "that would be an interview. "


  4. "I felt it was no problem, " said Ms. Wu, 30, a native Beijinger, grinning at Ms. Lee as she stirred a bloody mary in a cafe.


  5. "If I weren't so fat, I'd have made you a good wife, " she teasingly told Patriarch Bartholomew who, as an Orthodox bishop, is celibate.


  6. "Are you sure dear? You have got to reign all afternoon, you know, " she said, gently teasing(2) the monarch.


  7. Gowing began his usual sniffing, so, anticipating him, I said: "You're not going to complain of the smell of paint again? "


  8. "Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, terrorism, security, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, " he said mockingly. "He seems incapable of developing even a single idea. "


  9. When he spoke of murder, suicide, venereal disease, amputated limbs, and altered faces, IT was wITh a faint air of persiflage.


  1. 他揶揄她的胆怯。

    He twitted her with her timidity.

  2. 他们常揶揄他的秃头。

    They often joked him on his baldness.

  3. 人人拿他的发型揶揄他。

    Everybody rallied him on his haircut.

  4. 以没有礼貌的, 揶揄的方式。

    in a disrespectful jeering manner.

  5. 揶揄地/ 疑惑地看某人一眼

    to give somebody a quizzical/ puzzled look

  6. 他以揶揄的声调继续说。

    He continued in a quizzical tone.

  7. 她因妹妹的揶揄而发怒。

    She chafed under her sister's teasing.

  8. 用很滑稽, 揶揄的方式行事。

    act in a funny or teasing way.

  9. 她的微笑里带有一丝揶揄。

    There was a trace of derision in her smile.

  10. 他们揶揄笑骂他使之接受挑战。

    They taunted him into taking the dare.

  11. 那个拙劣的模仿只是一种揶揄。

    The parody was just a form of teasing.

  12. 军队中的揶揄文化是不可动摇的。

    The culture of banter in the military is uncompromising.

  13. 有些老人喜欢开玩笑。说笑话和揶揄别人。

    Some like to banter, joke and tease.

  14. 我得愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己得名字来揶揄我。

    My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.

  15. 我的愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己的名字来揶揄我。

    My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.

  16. 他受人揶揄讥嘲的时代已经过去了。

    The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule.

  17. 她的聚会十分铺张, 新闻界对她大加揶揄。

    She is pillory in the press for her extravagant parties.

  18. 华格和韦纳姆看到他闷闷不乐,不免揶揄他。

    Wagg and Wenham rallied him about his low spirits.

  19. 他对利德盖特那些花招大加揶揄嘲笑。

    He threw out biting remarks on Lydgate's tricks.

  20. 他动辄便揶揄挖苦一番 这个人不上档次。

    He always throws out the tacky comment and the cheap shot. He has no class.

  21. 那些男孩揶揄我说英语时所犯的错误。

    The boys chaffed me about my mistakes in speaking English.

  22. 大多数讽刺的模仿诗文只能算上是文学上的揶揄。

    Most parodies are little more than literary teases.

  23. 你这个小骗子, 他揶揄地说, 一面喝马向前。

    You little fraud, he said, clucking to the horse.

  24. 你一定是在等哪位小伙子吧,她揶揄道。

    You must be expecting a young man,'she teased.

  25. 将军忽然带着几分揶揄的神气,冲他嘻嘻一笑。

    The General grinned at him suddenly with some mockery.

  26. 贾恩说,你不应该把它们当做嘲讽揶揄的论坛。

    You shouldnt use them as a forum where you deride competition, says Mr. Jain.

  27. 伸指入嘴作个放屁之声,表示揶揄的动作也。

    Put ones finger in ones mouth and make an obscene noise.

  28. 她那大大的褐色双眼不再顾盼生姿,饱含揶揄了。

    Her large brown eyes did not dance so teasingly anymore.

  29. 他的箭头并非全都对准欧洲他的本国同胞也受过他的揶揄。

    Not all his ammunition was reserved for Europe his fellowcountrymen came in for their share of derision.

  30. 这往往是联盟成员间大肆揶揄与说垃圾话的时刻。

    The children are chasing one another among the bushes.


  1. 问:揶揄拼音怎么拼?揶揄的读音是什么?揶揄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揶揄的读音是yéyú,揶揄翻译成英文是 ridicule; deride; mock



揶揄,耍笑、嘲弄、戏弄、侮辱之意; 是对人的一种戏弄,嘲笑时用语。

揶〈动〉(形声。从手,耶声); 揄〈动〉(形声。从手,俞声)义为:牵引、提 起。近义词是戏弄,讽刺。典故 市人皆大笑,举手揶揄之。——《东观汉记·王霸传》 反义词是尊重 。