







汉语拼音:huáng dòu






  1. 带淡黄色的大豆。可制豆腐、豆油等。

    宋 杨万里 《山村》诗之二:“风烟緑水青山国,篱落紫茄黄豆家。”《儿女英雄传》第十六回:“头上热气腾腾,出了黄豆大的一脑门子汗珠子。”



  1. In September he reached the semi finals of the US Open but this time it was an abdominal injury that prevented him playing his best.


  2. I remember one farmer, the light of large profits glinting in his eyes, enthusing about the long term future of the crop.


  3. soybean saponin human AIDS virus has infected a certain extent, also showed virus-infected cells was a strong protective effect.


  4. Conclusion The event was an epidemic of scrub typhus among farmers due to bites of mite larvae during unprotected harvest of soybeans.


  5. In today's report on the global food crisis in Taiwan, we take a look at how the price of soybean oil is affecting producers and consumers.


  6. KFC later admitted the practice, but refuted allegations that the company misrepresented it as milk from ground soybeans.


  7. But it was the broad beans that raised the biggest smile. All up and out, though some seem closer together than planned.


  8. For rice and soy, declines in some places were offset by productivity boosts elsewhere in the world, so there was no overall change.


  9. On the basis of soya_bean and milk, producing technology and prescription of clabber were investigated in terms of cross_over experiment.


  1. 黄豆煮水鸭

    Stewed Duck with Soya Beans

  2. 一份炖黄豆

    a soya bean casserole.

  3. 黄豆已经发芽了。

    The soya beans have sprouted.

  4. 金针黄豆煮猪蹄

    Boiled Trotter with Lily Flower and Soybean

  5. 黄豆能榨出油。

    Oil can be ground out of soybean

  6. 请把黄豆捣成粉。

    Please pound up the soybeans.

  7. 雄黄豆的育苗方法。


  8. 黄豆牙有什么好处?

    What profit does soya bean tooth have ?

  9. 玉米地里带着种 点黄豆

    grow some soybeans in the maize field

  10. 柑桔园套种黄豆的试验研究

    Tests Studies of Undersowing Soybean in the Young Growth of King Orange

  11. 做豆浆之前,要先把黄豆碾碎。

    We have to mill the soybeans first to make soymilk.

  12. 可用于爆玉米花, 炒花生, 黄豆等。

    Can be used for making popcorn, peanut, soybean and so on.

  13. 黄豆发芽以后就会转换成维生素。

    When soybeans germinate, the nutrients they contain turn into vitamins.

  14. 事实上你所见的是黄豆田

    In fact, what you're seeing here are soybean fields.

  15. 葛根黄豆苷元的抗缺氧缺血作用

    Effects of Daidzein on Anoxia and Cerebral Ischemia in Mice

  16. 这种酱是由黄豆暴晒发酵而成的。

    This soy paste is made of sundried and fermented soybeans.

  17. 花生, 黄豆, 绿豆, 大米可以混合煮稀粥吗?

    Earthnut, soya bean, gram, can rice mix the gruel that boil

  18. 那你爱吃我昨天做的黄豆汤吗?

    Would you like the soybean soup I made yesterday?

  19. 他被一颗黄豆噎住,突然死去。

    He choked on a soya bean and died suddenly.

  20. 铜,砷及其复合污染对黄豆影响的初步研究

    Effect of Cu and As and their combination pollution on Glycine max.

  21. 先将虾仁,鱼,萝卜切成黄豆粒大小。

    Cut shrimps, squid, carrot into small pieces.

  22. 我们经常吃得豆腐就是用黄豆磨成得。

    Tofu we often eat is made from curds.

  23. 我们经常吃的豆腐就是用黄豆磨成的。

    Tofu we often eat is made from curds.

  24. 奶山羊实验性过食黄豆的血液学研究

    Study on the hematology of experimental soybean engorgement in dairy goats

  25. 这孩子用匙把黄豆舀出来放进嘴里。

    The boy spooned oat the to beans to his mouth.

  26. 香肠串,煎蛋,吐司面包,茄汁黄豆和茶。

    Sausage links, fried egg, toast, baked beans, and tea.

  27. 葛根黄豆甙元衍生物抗醉酒作用的实验研究

    The Action of Against Alcohol by Daidzein and its Series Derivations

  28. 价格低廉且蛋白质丰富的黄豆便在此时登场。

    Enter the soybean, low in cost and rich in protein.

  29. 葛根黄豆甙元衍生物抗醉酒效果的实验研发。

    The action of against alcohol of daidzein and its series derivations.

  30. 葛根黄豆甙元衍生物抗醉酒效果得实验研发。

    The action of against alcohol of daidzein and its series derivations.


  1. 问:黄豆拼音怎么拼?黄豆的读音是什么?黄豆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆的读音是huángdòu,黄豆翻译成英文是 soya bean; soybean; soy

  2. 问:黄豆芽拼音怎么拼?黄豆芽的读音是什么?黄豆芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆芽的读音是huángdòuyá,黄豆芽翻译成英文是 The sprout of a soaked soybean, a kind of common ve...

  3. 问:黄豆芽拼音怎么拼?黄豆芽的读音是什么?黄豆芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆芽的读音是huáng dòuyá,黄豆芽翻译成英文是 Bean Sprout

  4. 问:黄豆树拼音怎么拼?黄豆树的读音是什么?黄豆树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆树的读音是huángdòushù,黄豆树翻译成英文是 Albizia procera

  5. 问:黄豆粉拼音怎么拼?黄豆粉的读音是什么?黄豆粉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆粉的读音是,黄豆粉翻译成英文是 Kinako

  6. 问:黄豆渣汤拼音怎么拼?黄豆渣汤的读音是什么?黄豆渣汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆渣汤的读音是huángdòuzhā tāng,黄豆渣汤翻译成英文是 Pureed Soybean Soup

  7. 问:黄豆渣锅拼音怎么拼?黄豆渣锅的读音是什么?黄豆渣锅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆渣锅的读音是huángdòuzhā guō,黄豆渣锅翻译成英文是 Pureed Soybean Soup

  8. 问:黄豆苷原拼音怎么拼?黄豆苷原的读音是什么?黄豆苷原翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆苷原的读音是huáng dòu gān yuán,黄豆苷原翻译成英文是 daidzein

  9. 问:黄豆黄素拼音怎么拼?黄豆黄素的读音是什么?黄豆黄素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆黄素的读音是huáng dòu huáng sù,黄豆黄素翻译成英文是 glycitein

  10. 问:黄豆渣酱饼拼音怎么拼?黄豆渣酱饼的读音是什么?黄豆渣酱饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆渣酱饼的读音是huáng dòuzhā jiàng bǐng,黄豆渣酱饼翻译成英文是 Soybean Pancake

  11. 问:黄豆分离蛋白拼音怎么拼?黄豆分离蛋白的读音是什么?黄豆分离蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆分离蛋白的读音是huángdòu fēnlí dànbái,黄豆分离蛋白翻译成英文是 soy isolate protein

  12. 问:黄豆渣汤套餐拼音怎么拼?黄豆渣汤套餐的读音是什么?黄豆渣汤套餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆渣汤套餐的读音是huáng dòuzhā tāng tàocān,黄豆渣汤套餐翻译成英文是 Set Menu with Pureed Soybean Stew

  13. 问:黄豆芽方便面拼音怎么拼?黄豆芽方便面的读音是什么?黄豆芽方便面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆芽方便面的读音是huáng dòuyá fāngbiànmiàn,黄豆芽方便面翻译成英文是 Bean Sprout Ramen

  14. 问:黄豆芽汤饭 拼音怎么拼?黄豆芽汤饭 的读音是什么?黄豆芽汤饭 翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆芽汤饭 的读音是huángdòuyá tāng fàn ,黄豆芽汤饭 翻译成英文是 Bean Sprout and Rice Soup

  15. 问:黄豆芽醒酒汤饭拼音怎么拼?黄豆芽醒酒汤饭的读音是什么?黄豆芽醒酒汤饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆芽醒酒汤饭的读音是huángdòuyá xǐngjiǔ tāng fàn,黄豆芽醒酒汤饭翻译成英文是 Bean Sprout Hangover Rice Soup

  16. 问:黄豆大酱砂锅(韩国国产黄豆)拼音怎么拼?黄豆大酱砂锅(韩国国产黄豆)的读音是什么?黄豆大酱砂锅(韩国国产黄豆)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黄豆大酱砂锅(韩国国产黄豆)的读音是huáng dòu dà jiàng shāguō (hánguó guóchǎn huáng dòu),黄豆大酱砂锅(韩国国产黄豆)翻译成英文是 Soybean Paste Stew in a Hot Pot