




物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……



汉语拼音:huò pǐn







  1. 货物;商品。

    杨朔 《木棉花》:“ 粤 汉 路于今正忙着军运,商家的货品堆积得像山,很不容易弄到车皮装运。” 萧乾 《伦敦三日记》:“归时天快黑了,店铺抢着放十多分钟的光明。于是,窗口陈列的货品益增光采。”



  1. He'll do that by consigning the goods to his own order or to the order of a bank.


  2. Mr. Lee, our overseas director, will be in London early next month and will be glad to call on you.


  3. Through the daily operations of the query, the user can control the flow of goods, and be able to conduct statistical products.


  4. So, once you tell the company where you will be at the time of delivery, they'll send the goods to the nearest pick-up location for you.


  5. At least one of the putting surfaces functions as a port for unloading and loading the goods.


  6. We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods.


  7. I hope your mom will buy a bike for you, as it really sounds like you could use it to make delivering goods faster and easier for you.


  8. Deliveries took about a week, meaning that there was a week delay in the payment process.


  9. However, none of her big ticket items sold, she said.


  1. 应完税货品

    dutiable goods.

  2. 空运入口货品

    airborne imports.

  3. 买卖走私货品

    trade in contraband.

  4. 易于销售的货品

    a good seller

  5. 他转卖货品赢利。

    He resells the goods at a profit.

  6. 整堆货品倒下来。

    The whole stack of goods toppled over.

  7. 这个货品能免税吗?

    Can this item be duty free?

  8. 兜售货品的街头商贩

    street traders hawking their wares

  9. 我们附上货品的订单。

    We enclose our purchase order.

  10. 请保证货品完好无缺。

    Please make sure there are no defects in the merchandise.

  11. 要多久才能收货品呢

    How long will it take for the shipment to arrive

  12. 对英国货品的贸易抵制

    a trade boycott of British goods

  13. 货品的价格不包括邮费。

    Goods prices do not include postage.

  14. 需要货品文具及调味品。

    Products wanted Stationery and condiments.

  15. 可否出示表格及货品呢

    Can you show me the form and your products, please

  16. 这些货品不是免关税的。

    These goods are not immune from customs duties.

  17. 你们有没有存储这些货品?

    Do you stock on these merchandise?

  18. 我们有些款式不同的货品。

    We have some that are different in style.

  19. 这类货品尚有存货吗

    Do you have more of this item in stock.

  20. 需要货品烟草及鼻烟产品。

    Products wanted Tobacco and snuff products.

  21. 需要货品遥控的放屁机器。

    Products wanted Remote control fart machines.

  22. 追踪快递货品之运送状况。

    Track and trace customers orders and shipments.

  23. 需要货品灯罩及青铜铸件。

    Products wanted Lamp shades and bronze castings.

  24. 不,寄售货品大多数不是如此。

    No, many consignments are not.

  25. 我们有些真正价廉物美的货品。

    We have some real good buys.

  26. 哇!客户订了大量的货品。

    Wow! The client placed a large order.

  27. 批核折扣率及适用货品?

    Approving discount rates and applicable goods?

  28. 需要多久货品才会送到?

    How long will it take for the merchandise to arrive ?

  29. 检查已收货品得收货记录。

    Checks invoices for acknowledgement of receipt of goods.

  30. 检查已收货品的收货记录。

    Checks invoices for acknowledgement of receipt of goods.


  1. 问:货品拼音怎么拼?货品的读音是什么?货品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货品的读音是huòpǐn,货品翻译成英文是 kinds or types of goods

  2. 问:货品标志拼音怎么拼?货品标志的读音是什么?货品标志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货品标志的读音是huò pǐn biāo zhì,货品标志翻译成英文是 designation of goods

  3. 问:货品清单拼音怎么拼?货品清单的读音是什么?货品清单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货品清单的读音是huò pǐn qīng dān,货品清单翻译成英文是 bill of goods

  4. 问:货品分类目录拼音怎么拼?货品分类目录的读音是什么?货品分类目录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货品分类目录的读音是huò pǐn fēn lèi mù lù,货品分类目录翻译成英文是 nomenclature of goods



拼音:huò pǐn 注音:ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄆㄧㄣˇ